Chaotic Nights

Chapter 148 - Silent

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 148. Silent

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 2/4

Sir Song extended what he held to Jihak. Then spoke with a trembling voice,

“These clothes belong to Eunha. I checked at the fabric store where they made it. I guess she dressed as a man to follow her sister.”

Jihak buried his face in the clothes. Her body scent remained intact on her clothes. His shoulders shook as he clutched her gardenia-colored chima jeogori.

Eunha’s memories moistened his dry heart once again. The child who clung to her father in desperation. Her tears were like shiny leaves. He felt envious of her father because of the deep love she had for him.

He had seen people on their knees sobbing. But they had never moved him. But why did it happen that day? Why did he want that little child not to feel despair? Why did her eyes seem brighter than any jewel?

He didn’t understand why he remembered her.


Jihak’s words startled Sir Song.

He lifted his face from her clothes.

“I want to know where you found these clothes.”


The book shop owner went up the mountain to look for the place. The Great Prince’s aura was so fierce, it looked like he would stab him at any moment.

Sir Song, who was sweating as he looked up at the cloudy sky, shouted for joy when he found the hut Daegun had told him about.

“There it is!”

Yuljae frowned as he looked at the place Sir Song pointed out. He had already searched this place with his men. But here Eunha had been.

As he neared the hut, stepping over the green undergrowth surrounding it, he peered inside. The water filtered through a hole in the wall and collected in a jar. Inside, there were several foul-smelling animal skins and a large number of neatly arranged hanging weapons.

“We have already searched this area. However, we couldn’t find any sign of Eunha.”

Jihak, who was about to turn his head toward Yuljae, halted abruptly.

There was an item half buried in the ground. It was a bright yellow headband. It was crafted from scraps of cloth.

He couldn’t pick it up. Every day he tied her hair with his clumsy hands. Every time he did it, she looked at herself in the mirror with a smile.

Was it a lie?

Was it really a fake smile?

Kim had kicked her out, but she was the one who decided her fate.

She had left him with his own feet.

He bent down to pick up the headband with a haggard face. There was no emotion in his eyes as he picked up the earthen crushed item.

Jihak turned away. Then he started down the mountain.

He looked serene. But Yuljae perceived the madness in his shadows.


He arrived at the gate as raindrops fell from the cloudy sky. As he entered the house, he slowly drew his sword from its sheath.

The attendants were frightened because Jihak had returned without Eunha. A few people started to retreat, anticipating what was about to occur.


Kim, who approached Jihak, knelt before him.

His eyes were fixed on the headband Jihak held.

“What does the Great Prince want?

When Jihak’s eyes narrowed, he tightened his grip on the sword.

“I can’t seem to be happy.”

“Your Excellency, for the sake of your people. You must become the Crown Prince!”

“Do you think I will be happy?”

“Isn’t the King’s happiness found in the peace of his people?”

His sword cut the air.

His sangtu was cut off. Kim screamed as he grabbed where his hair was cut. Then the sword cut Kim’s ear. Blood gushed out like a fountain.


Kim dropped to the floor, clutching his ear. His cruelty shocked the others.

He threw down his sword before he entered his quarters.

Blood mingled with the steadily intensifying rain. Screams filled the front yard, yet Jihak’s world remained silent.

And for the first time in a long time, he opened the door to his room.

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