Chaotic Nights

Chapter 149 - Changes

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 149. Changes

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 3/4

“Are all the books sold out? I was late because I was on the boat.”

A man with a blackened face approached her. Eunha grabbed the last book and gave it to the man.

“Your father told me you were going to buy me this book, so I hid it.”

“I didn’t know. I hope I didn’t disturb you…”

“Never mind. Just give me just 1 Dian. I have to organize this to get back home.”

“Take this with you as well.”

After he handed her the Dian, he spread out the net with several fish.

“It’s a very healthy food. You can even roast it on the fire.”

“It looks like catching these fish wasn’t easy for you.”

“I’m Seonjoo. Do you know how many fish I catch a day? So enjoy them.”

Eunha took the net the man handed her, then closed the display stand. She had spent an amazing time in this town. Luckily, the townspeople were friendly towards the newcomers, giving them a warm reception.

She was astonished by the missionaries’ medical expertise. They did not use needles or take a pulse. They measured her body temperature with a transparent rod. They put an item in her ear to listen to sounds inside her body.

Park said it was auscultation, but it was strange for Eunha.

Also, every time she didn’t eat because she was nauseous, they offered to examine her. But Eunha shook her head. She knew about her condition, but she did not know how to cure this disease. She just wished that time would pass quickly.

Then my symptoms would be relieved…

After Eunha gathered her things, she walked through the town.

She greeted people who knew her.

“You should go to the teacher’s house! I prepared some side dishes with vegetables.”

She was referred to as a teacher due to her books. In this town, most people could not afford to send their children to school, so the books she sold were very useful. Even the most humble parents, who wanted to educate their children, spent money to buy Eunha’s books.

There were often people who prepared side dishes like Jeon Dong’s mother.

“Thank you. There are still words Dong doesn’t know, he can come to my house.”

Dong’s mother’s face lit up. Eunha walked again, leaving the happy woman behind. Suddenly, she ducked into an alley because she began to feel nauseous.

She stood bathed in the red glow of the evening light. Having not eaten, she was retching up nothing but bitter liquid. Her breaths came in heavy gasps.

She felt so sad that she could not hold back tears. She feared being alone.

She closed her eyes. Her hands shook as she leaned against the wall. The wind cooled the cold sweat on her forehead. Her rapid breathing slowed down.

When the spring flowers bloom, her sister will notice the changes in her body.

I can’t hide it forever…

She caressed her flat abdomen.

Wait until I’m a little stronger.

She wanted the baby to help her.

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