Chasing Tides

Chapter 10

Sui Yue saw Ning Lan’s lips trembling, and her wet eyelashes covered her eyes, making people invisible.

His appearance is almost the same as when he was preparing to run at the 4S shop, but his face is a little whiter, which may be caused by the fear of being caught before he can escape.

Just now Ning Lan took the money and left in a hurry. Sui Yue went to the window and saw the rain outside. He borrowed an umbrella from An Lin and chased out. At the door, he saw only the back of the taxi on Ning Lan. He called him behind Ning Lan didn’t hear the name. He suddenly felt something wrong and stopped a taxi to follow.

It turned out that he felt right. The taxi in front didn’t stop after passing the company gate. Instead, he turned two corners and stopped in front of the quarter where the dormitory was located.

One second before he knocked on the door, he was still looking forward to it. Maybe Ning Lan Road just remembered that the amulet was left in the dormitory? He is careless and careless, which is in line with his behavior habits. Today is the premiere of AOW. He cannot escape in such a trivial manner.

“Let’s go and enter the venue right away.” Sui Yue reached out to Laning Lan, and Ning Lan hid a bit. Her toes were still facing the door, ready to run at any time.

Sui Yun was a little anxious, splitting his hands to grab his bag. Ning Lan wanted to change his hands from the back, forgetting that he was still holding something in his hand, moved it, and it fell to the ground.

Ning Lan squatted down and scrambled to pick it up. Sui Yue grabbed his outstretched arm and stopped his movement.

Before the voice-activated light went out, Sui Yue could clearly see a pile of money lying on the floor.

Of the five people who live in the dormitory, Wang Bingyang withdraws no more than 500 yuan each time. Gao Ming’s cabinet is locked. He will only bring 200 yuan with him for emergencies. Ning Lan took two months’ salary. But it has been tight. Whose money is at a glance?

“Is Xiaoyan’s money?” Sui Yan still asked.

Ning Lan allowed him to grab his wrist, but still kept his eyes down: “Yes.” He paused and said, “I have to go.”

Although there was speculation in my heart, this answer gave Sui Yang a loud slap. He always sees the wrong person and believes the wrong person. He doesn’t know if this kind of thing is related to age and experience, or because he is too stupid.

Ning Lan hasn’t changed at all. He is selfish, snobbish, and in order to betray his teammates, not even ashamed of debt and theft. He was crazy to think that this man was kind in nature, just because he laughed innocently, his eyes were clear and clean, like that person.

Sui Yue felt that a mass of things swelled and fermented in her heart, and she was about to break through her chest and burn.

Ning Lan worked hard and did not break away. Sui Yang could hold both hands with one hand, of course he couldn’t. He pushed him with the hand holding the bag, and his voice begged: “I will pay back the money … I really have to go.”

In fact, he had countless kinds of shameful tricks to let Sui Yun let go, such as bending his knees to give him a crotch, but he didn’t want to do this.

The boy in front of him helped him and gave him warmth when he was cold, even if it was just because of responsibility or habit, it was enough to keep him in mind.

When Ning Lan saw Sui Yue’s hand holding his wrist bruised, he thought abruptly, who wouldn’t be angry if he changed this kind of thing? Sui Yang has not cultivated him very well. He felt empty, repeating neatly, “I have to go.”

After a while, he heard Sui Yun said, “How much more?”

Raising her head to the dull eyes of Shang Suiyu, Ning Lan moved her lips, a little can’t believe it.

Sui Yan let go and held his hand: “How much does it cost? I’ll give it to you, and you will go with me.”

That night, the debut of the new boy group launched by Starlight Entertainment this year at the FocusShow Music Festival was a complete success. Less than an hour after the seven teenagers finished playing, the new song topic #AOW 出走 星星 # was on Weibo and searched the top ten. Until the end of the ceremony, the ranking is still gradually rising.

On the returning car, Wang Bingyang and Gu Minkai brushed their heads on Weibo and happily read comments to everyone.

“When is the single coming out? I’m going to loop ten thousand times!”

“Singing and dancing are good, V-Wish’s brother, you can powder it.”

“Is that new boy group with an average age of 18? Young and powerful!”

“Rapper is also good, fluent and no accent … Well, praise you, Brother Chuan.”

Lu Xiaochuan rarely squeezed a car with everyone and turned his head and said, “This is exaggerated? The young man will come back to Chinese English RAP and let them hear what Niubi is.”

Everyone laughed and laughed.

“Wow wow, the tallest one is so handsome … Captain, talking about you!” Wang Bingyang reached out and patted Sui Yan’s shoulder in the front row.

Sui Yan leaned on the back of the chair looking at the window, holding her arm, heard the words and turned back, her expression a little tired: “What?”

Gu Yankaila Wang Bingyang: “My brother is tired, let him rest.”

The two continued to get together and read the comment. Everyone was nervous and nervous during the performance just now. There was nothing wrong with the normal level in the practice room. The stage performance was complete and tense, especially the relatively flaming song “Runaway Planet” with advanced sound And the light effect, the strong rhythm of the chorus part caused a sensation in the audience.

Below the CUT video circulated on Weibo is almost a large circle scene, coupled with a wave of sailors and marketing numbers bought by the company to promote the situation, even the praise of “the light of the national men’s team” appeared. The teenagers were both happy and happy. Alas, can’t wait to get affirmations and suggestions from the comments and strive for better performance next time.

“Is the black coat the one that airborne? It looks better than the picture …” Wang Bingyang read it halfway, and held the phone to Ning Lan next to him. “Lang, say you look good!”

Ning Lan was walking away, and Wang Bingyang pushed him several times before his erratic gaze focused, turning his head slowly.

Wang Bingyang continued to say, “It’s a weird hairstyle. Let’s go for a snack.”

Ning Lan touched his hair subconsciously. Then she walked in a hurry and got two waves of rain. The fluffy hairstyle that had been done collapsed most of the time. When she returned to the scene, she just blew it with a hair dryer and entered the seat. There was no time to take care of the costumes. He was sweating all over, noticing that the fringe on his forehead was sticking to his brain obediently before the song was finished. At that time, his thoughts were very chaotic, and his ears fell back without paying attention to the tube. It’s not easy to end without errors.

“Isn’t the captain looking for you with an umbrella? Why are you two just like Luo Tangji and your makeup is dripping?” Fang Yu asked.

Ning Lan barely smiled: “The umbrella is too small to cover the rain.”

When they arrived at the company, several people parted ways, Lu Xiaochuan and Fang Yu returned to their respective homes. The parents of Gu Yankai, Wang Bingyang and Gao Ming came here to take their children out to celebrate. Sui Jun rejected Gu Xikai’s mother, his aunt ’s invitation to dinner, and said that she wanted to go back to rest and walk back to the dormitory with Ning Lan.

The rain outside was still underground, Ning Lan opened the umbrella, and for a moment, still caught up with Sui Yue, and walked side by side with him, slowly tilting the umbrella towards him.

Sui Yun didn’t respond very much, and he couldn’t see the emotion on his face. He took a big step, and Ning Lan was holding an umbrella. He almost had to run to keep up with him. He was out of breath by the stairs and his body was wet again Described as extremely embarrassed.

Back in the dormitory, Ning Lan first wiped her face with a towel, and as soon as she came out of the bathroom, Sui Yang took his mobile phone and asked him for his card number.

“At the upper limit, the rest will hit you tomorrow.” Sui Yue said.

Ning Lan nodded, picked up the book by the bed and tore a piece of paper again, “I write you an IOU.”

“No,” Sui Yun’s voice had no temperature, “the notarized IOU has no legal effect.”

Ning Lan put down her pen a little at a loss, bit her lip, and said, “I will pay you back as soon as possible.”

After speaking, I remembered that he had said the same thing to several creditors, and even had the new creditor in front of him hear it once. The word “as soon as possible” was about nonsense here.

Sui Yan still had no expression, apparently didn’t take his promise to heart. He carried the phone back to his pocket and said, “I hope you will keep the agreement and stay at AOW until the contract expires.”

Half a word of “money” was not mentioned, but Ning Lan’s heart rolled like a rock off a cliff, sinking desperately.

Later Ning Lan took a moment to figure out that Qianzhi was not important to Sui Yun. He helped himself to keep the combination. Like Gu Yankai, he is the young master who spends money without pain. Naturally, he does not understand that for those who are at the end of the money, it means that they do not have to sell their bodies, which means freedom and tomorrow.

To sell conscience and break promises for a little money is what Sui Yue cannot understand.

On the second day of their debut show, AOW’s new music video and audio source were launched simultaneously. Before the morning passed, it was brushed to the top of the music chart. Starlight Entertainment official slightly beat the iron and released two new news: 1. AOW will be a sweet guest tomorrow night Orange Live Room; 2. The physical version of AOW’s first single is about to go on sale, and a one-and-a-half-month national signing event will begin from the end of the month.

On the night of the live broadcast, Ning Lan received a call from his mother. Xie Tianhao was violent, but he kept his promises and let him go after receiving the money.

“You wolf-eyed, even if you change the phone, tell Jinfeng and don’t tell me, did you give birth to me? You gave me money, didn’t you?” Mother asked him sharply on the phone.

Jinfeng is the name of the uncle.

Ning Lan squeezed her brows and said, “No, I’m going to work, I’ll hang up first.”

“Well, wait a minute!” Mom shouted, “Where did you get 200,000? Do you have any money left? Mom is a bit tight recently …”

Ning Lan hung up the phone without saying a word, and set the phone to silent.

The location for the live broadcast is an empty studio. The host of the sweet orange live studio loves to make guests do some weird games. This time, I designed a small game of tacit understanding among graduate students for AOW. Two groups. Sui Yun is the most popular, and he is swiping at the barrage. He is the one who chooses to give priority to his choices.

Ning Lan was afraid of the order and raised her hand silently.

Everyone raised their hands, and Sui Yan chose Fang Yu.

Ning Lan unexpectedly dropped a single, formed a team with the host, and finally unexpectedly lost the game.

The punishment was very interesting. Let him choose a person to bite off a pocky chocolate bar together. The host first stated that he could not choose himself for the live broadcast effect. Ning Lan stood in front of the camera embarrassingly holding a chocolate bar, swept around the six people standing in front of him, and gritted his teeth again to select Captain Sui Yan.

Gao Ming and Gu Yankai were hostile to him. Lu Xiaochuan and Fang Yu’s tempers were not right. Wang Bingyang hated chocolate. Just now he was gesturing to him not to choose him. Only Sui Yang could choose.

Since Sui Yang can share the same mango with him, now he should share the same chocolate bar, shouldn’t it be a problem?

The background music was relaxed and cheerful, and Ning Lan held pocky in his mouth and walked towards Sui Yue.

Sui Yan smiled, and looked at him as if he wasn’t. He lifted his hand and chopped off the chocolate bar he was biting, then threw the half of his hand into his mouth, and said to the camera after eating, Is that right? “

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