Chasing Tides

Chapter 9

The sky was gloomy from Sunday morning.

FocusShow music rehearsal in the morning, red carpet in the afternoon, global live broadcast in the evening, time is very tight. All AOW members gathered at the company at 6 in the morning and queued for the rehearsal at the place. Several singers in front of them hurriedly stepped on the seats and waited for their turn. It was almost time for lunch.

Among the seven people, there was not much stage experience, and everyone was nervous. The teacher repeatedly emphasized the expressions, looking for the camera and remembered nothing. Gao Ming, who has a strong business ability, also made mistakes one after another. He changed the formation after a jumping action. He ran in the wrong position and crashed into Ning Lan.

Ning Lan was a little hypoglycemic, and he stepped back two steps, sitting softly on the ground with his legs softened. Gao Ming wanted to apologize and saw that he couldn’t stand up and felt he was pretending. coming?

The sound of the music stopped abruptly. Wang Bingyang, who was closest to them, came to help Ning Lan, and Sui Yan came from the front row to ask what was wrong. Ning Lan shook his head pale. Finally, Sui Yue went to say hello to the staff below, saying that they needed a rest Let the people behind come up first.

Fang Yu took a few pieces of chocolate from her pocket and stuffed them with Ning Lan: “Eat some sweet pads first, I also have low blood sugar, I always have snacks on my body, and I’ll look for me later.”

Lu Xiaochuan said, “The ordered rice will be delivered immediately. Let’s continue after eating.”

Ning Lan thought that when the two of them didn’t quarrel, they were pretty good.

After having lunch, AOW came to power again and quickly went through the two songs, and then was led by Zhang Fan to change clothes and make up. Zhang Fan is very busy today. She has several groups of artists performing, including the sister group V-Wish. She said that the sister group will walk on the red carpet in front of them and take photos with them at that time, which can increase a little exposure.

The weather didn’t turn fine in the afternoon. The gray-black clouds were very close to the ground and covered on the head of the person, which seemed to be pressed down at any time.

Ning Lan was as nervous as taking the red carpet to take the college entrance examination. He looked up at the sky. It was the same weather that year. He had a fever. The type letters on the test paper floated in front of him. The pen fainted on the table.

He persuaded himself in his heart that there is no need to be nervous, that’s okay. This is just work. It doesn’t matter to me how others evaluate it. I just want to make money.

Just like the college entrance examination of that year, no matter how tense and hard you work hard? He was doomed to fail to go to college safely. It was a blessing to be able to study in high school. He said that studying at school was the only way for the people at the bottom to turn around, but he couldn’t even get this opportunity.

After walking away from the red carpet, Sui Yun led AOW to say hello to the predecessors while waiting for admission in the lounge leading to the stage. Ning Lan saw that he was carrying a photo collection of entertainment activists during the training interval. At that time, he was surprised. Aren’t these people all familiar faces on the TV network? Need a back?

Later I learned that Master Sui was studying classical music and didn’t care about or care about the entertainment industry. As for why he had studied the violin well and suddenly entered the entertainment industry, Ning Lan thought about it and thought that he could only use the rebellious period to explain to his family.

What a capricious life, he couldn’t help but sigh.

Because they faced the camera during the entire entrance, Zhang Fan banned them from bringing their mobile phones. AOW’s performance arrangements were relatively late. After the teenagers and their predecessors finished communicating, they hid in the corners and fiddled with their mobile phones to share the first red carpet walk with friends and family. Mood. Wang Bingyang flushed with excitement and said to the phone: “Xue Ying, Xue Ying spoke to me after the movie! You must not think how beautiful she is!”

Ning Lan also held the phone and pressed the power-on button for a while to light up the screen and press off. He didn’t know who to share it with, and no one would be happy for him.

Just as An Lin came over to collect her phone carrying her large canvas bag, Ning Lan’s phone suddenly rang.

It was an unfamiliar unfamiliar number. He thought it was an advertisement and hung up, but he called again within seconds.

An Lin walked up to him: “Come on, wait for 6 hours before you can touch the phone.”

Ning Lan then turned around and picked it up.

“Stinky / Zi, do you know how to answer the phone? You don’t even tell me if you change the number. Who the **** did you give me the courage?”

Ning Lan’s heart fell suddenly, he could only think of a way for Xie Tianhao to learn his new number.

He stepped back, left the crowd, and covered his receiver with his hand: “What do you want to do?”

Xie Tianhao laughed, smiling wildly and wretchedly: “Of course I want to do / you, stinky / son, Lao Tzu spent so much money, touched it twice, you say Lao Tzu is not a loss?”

Ning Lan lowered her voice: “Don’t touch my uncle, the money will be returned to you soon.”

“Yo, listen,” Xie Tianhao’s voice drifted away, the background sound was a bit noisy, and there seemed to be several people around him. “Listen to what your good son is saying? He doesn’t care about you, but his uncle. . “

Then a screaming female voice came out from the phone: “Lan Lan, Lan Lan, save your mother, Lan Lan, they want to kill their mother!”

The men around laughed and laughed, Ning Lan heard the woman cry in pain, and Xie Tianhao’s voice was close to the microphone again: “Have you heard? Your good mother called you, please come to her, do you care or not?” “

Ning Lan breathed in her throat and said, “You let her go.”

“Well, speaking lightly, Lao Tzu spent so much money, how do you say that? Oh, I lost my wife and succumbed, I can’t swallow this breath.” There was another messy noise on the phone, mixed with The woman’s long painful cry.

“I’ll pay back when I say it, you let her go first, okay?” Ning Lan himself didn’t think it was convincing, but he didn’t know what else to say.

Xie Tianhao threw the stick on his hand, and the little brother next to him gave him a cigarette: “Let ’s give you two ways, either now you can make up the 200,000, a hair is not small, or it will immediately appear in front of Lao Tzu . “

Ning Lan had no other choice but to serve the soft path: “Can you do it in three days, brother, give me three days.”

Xie Tianhao has nothing to say to him, and he slowly exhaled: “Is it good to be so good? Brother has been looking for you for a few days now, and now he is very manic, so be it, before it gets dark tomorrow, people or money You must see the same. Brother gives you one last chance, you take care of it. “

Ning Lan hung up the phone, took two deep breaths, returned to the team calmly, and said to An Lin, “Sister, I want to go back to the company.”

An Lin: “What are you doing back to the company? I’ll be here soon.”

“I, I asked for an amulet and dropped it in the practice room. I wouldn’t dare to stand without it.”

An Lin almost laughed out loud: “Why are you still superstitious at a young age? I’ll get it for you, and you’re sitting here.”

Ning Lan busily said, “Let’s go by yourself. You don’t know where, I hide very secretly.”

An Lin looked at the time and hesitated for a moment and said, “Let’s know that you are nervous to go on stage for the first time.” She pointed to Ning Lan, “Go out through the back door, there are many taxis waiting for passengers, and got them Hurry back. “

Ning Lan agreed, and turned and left. Sui Yan caught up and pulled him, and took out two hundred pieces from his pocket: “No money? Is it just going to take a taxi with both hands empty?”

Ning Lan did not dare to look up at him, took the money in a hurry, said “thank you”, and walked through the crowd to the back door.

Arrived in the dormitory ten minutes later, Ning Lan looked up at the clock on the wall. At six o’clock in the evening, the last bus to go home was seven o’clock, twenty-one hours. It should be dark at home.

He wiped the water on his face indiscriminately. After a day of rain, the rain finally came down. After getting out of the taxi, he walked from the gate of the community to the entrance of the staircase, and he was soaked. A spring rain came out of the storm, and the windows were ping-pong-like. Soldiers and horses mess.

When I ran out of the recording scene, I was driven by impulse, but it was enough for him to think clearly about ten minutes in the car.

That woman was so bad, and his only mother, a mother who hugged him to sleep as a child and sang songs to him.

The number may have been told to my mother by Xun, or it may have been requested by Xie Tianhao from Xun, in either case, it was terrible.

He couldn’t take out so much money, so he had to go.

Ning Lan shook her hand and opened Gu Yankai’s cabinet. He had seen the child take money from it. When he found a wallet in the cabinet, he took out all the cash in it, about 1,000 yuan, enough to buy a ticket.

The entire dormitory belongs to Gu Yankai, who spends the most money. All snacks are imported, and the clothes have not been resampled for a month. More than 1,000 yuan should not affect life.

None of the entire AOW was as downcast as he was. He left, and they would cheer and maybe be happy. One less person will destroy the formation and allow the dancers to temporarily top. Today, Starlight Entertainment brought two car dancers, each of which is better than him. When the ceremony ends, the company official blog should issue a press release saying that “member Ning Lan has withdrawn from the group premiere for no reason and is now removed from AOW.” With their efficiency, maybe they can arrange for another member soon. Or simply change to a six-person combination is also good.

As long as there is no such scourge on him, everything is fine.

Maybe it was the reason for the rain to be low. Ning Lan felt that her chest was stuffy and a little breathless. He tore a piece of paper from the back of his note-filled notebook, and found no pen for a long time. He went to Suiyang’s desk to find one, his hand was shaking too much, and a word was drawn three times without forming. When crooked, the paper was punctured.

He moved the paper away. On the table was Gu Yankai who couldn’t sleep one night. He turned on the lamp and spent half a night engraving the three letters “A.O.W”.

Those teenagers came from all over the world, holding various purposes, and the only thing they had in common was to take this group as a brand new beginning in life, looking forward to getting rid of the past and heading towards an unknown and hopeful future.

The word “sorry” is so weak. What is he, he is not saved, drags innocent people into the water, and still wants to be forgiven?

Ning Lan threw away the pen numbly, didn’t continue to write, and didn’t dare to look at it anymore. He took two clothes from the cabinet casually, and when he touched the warm baby and plaster sticks stacked on the bedside, he took a moment, then Pick it up and tuck it into your bag with your clothes.

He didn’t look back when he left, because God never gave him a chance to repent.

Opening the door, the voice-activated light above his head flashed, and there was a man standing in the door with the same rain as him.

Sui Yan took the umbrella but didn’t hit it, looking down from Ning Lan’s pale paper-like face, and seeing the bag on his hand.

A drop of rain dripped from his forehead, and his voice was as cold as the rain: “Where are you going?”

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