Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 118

Chapter 117 1The defeated Uheng Camp

As soon as Wei Xiaokuan’s words fell, Su Lie, Hua Xiong, and Zhao Ben all nodded in agreement except for Chen Hao, a stark general.

Liu Ji also thought that it was a good way to attack the Huren camp at night, and immediately waved to several military commanders, and led them down the hill, to the bottom of the hill, and joined Dong Xian and fifty cavalry. The crowd urged the horse to return to the woods hidden by the frontier army.

Liu Ji ordered the entire army to ban living and cooking, and everyone could only fill up their hunger with dry food and dried meat to prevent being discovered by the Hu people more than a dozen miles away. At the same time, he ordered five infantrymen to prepare for night combat.

When night fell, the two cavalry and five infantry soldiers in the frontier army had all left the woods, and by the two-wheeled moon in the sky, they went straight to the direction of the city of Yin. The baggage and the rest of the soldiers and horses remained. In this woods, Liu Ji did not leave, and Liu Ji did not need to go out for the night attack tonight.

The patriarch of the ghost wolf tribe, Tie Fashi, was sleeping soundly in his felt bag. He was suddenly awakened by the fierce shouting and killing. Tie Fashi immediately got up and put a big knife in his hand. At this time, a Tie Fashi guard panicked. He opened the curtain of the felt bag and walked in and said anxiously: “Patriarch, it’s not good! A large number of Jin troops have rushed into our camp!”

Tie Fashi was taken aback, but on the surface he was quite calm. “The warriors of the tribe immediately gathered to wipe out the Jin people who had attacked our camp. Although I don’t know how the Jin people came out of Chengyin city, they attacked. The number of Jins in our camp must be small!”

“This… Patriarch, you should take a look outside! The Jin who attacked our camp didn’t seem to be the defenders of Chengyin City. It should be the Jin’s reinforcements!”

Tie Fashi then walked out of the felt bag with a look of disbelief, and then his face suddenly changed. As soon as he came out, he saw a group of armored Jin soldiers chasing and killing soldiers from various tribes of Wuheng in the camp. The Wuheng warrior, who was supposed to be a cavalry soldier, was killed at this time and could only rely on his legs to flee in embarrassment.

Even some Wuheng soldiers riding on war horses could not do anything in front of a group of Jinmen armored soldiers. A famous Wuheng cavalryman was chopped off his horse and died under a chaotic blade, or was directly shot by a chaotic arrow. Shot to death, it seems that the Wuheng people in the entire camp are in a mess.

When Tie Fa Shi looked at it, he confirmed that so many Jin troops were definitely not available to Chengyin City. It seems that Da Jin’s reinforcements have arrived, so there is no reason to hesitate. Tie Fa Shi immediately gathered from his own tribe nearby. The cavalry, riding a war horse, fled directly to the north.

The patriarch of the Red Wing Tribe, Min Ato, saw a large number of Jin troops rushing into the camp, and he simply led the Red Wing tribe cavalry who could gather, choosing places with few Jin infantrymen and rushing out of Uganda. The camp of the 13 tribal coalition forces in Heng also fled to the direction of the northern grassland.

Not only the cavalry of these two tribes fled under the leadership of the patriarch, the leaders of other tribes also gathered the cavalry of the tribe that could be gathered, and fled outside the camp in embarrassment.

The shortcomings of the 13 Wuheng tribe’s allied forces were fully manifested at this time. The soldiers of each tribe fought independently. Most of the people only knew to escape. The scale of victory quickly tilted towards Liu Ji’s frontier army.

There were five infantrymen under Liu Ji’s army. After arriving outside Chengyin city late at night, Liu Ji ordered the four infantrymen Wu Liang, Zhang Guiba, Zhang Guihou, and Zhang Guibian, from four directions. Infiltrated the Huren’s camp in the north of Chengyin City.

The 13 so-called camps of the coalition forces of the Wuheng tribe are just a blanket. There are no fences around the camps. The Wuheng coalition forces never dreamed that there would be reinforcements in Chengyin City. It is unprepared.

However, because there are no fences around the camp, it is convenient for the Wuheng cavalry to escape. The four infantrymen Wu Liang, Zhang Guiba, Zhang Guihou, and Zhang Guibian, although they invaded the Wuheng coalition camp in four directions, did not completely. The encirclement still gave Wuheng cavalry a chance to escape.

Of course, this was also deliberately done by the infantry of the four divisions. If thousands of Uheng cavalry were really blocked in the camp, the thousands of Uheng cavalry would be desperate. In that case, even if the thousands of Uheng cavalry were finally wiped out, Liu The frontier guard team under Ji also suffered heavy losses, which Liu Ji and the generals did not want to see.

In the other three directions of Chengyin City, the Wuheng Allied Forces did not build camps, but arranged more than 200 cavalry near the three gates of Chengyin City to guard against Chengyin City’s defenders to sneak out of the city at night.

Outside the north gate of Chengyin city, the Wuheng coalition army also deployed more than two hundred cavalry soldiers. Unfortunately, the attention of these cavalrymen was on Chengyin city, and they did not find the thousands of foot soldiers approaching Wuheng Camp in the dark.

When Liu Ji’s four infantrymen marched into the Wuheng coalition camp, the infantrymen of Le Yi’s unit were directly outside the Wuheng camp, facing the Chengyin city and placed a large array of long wooden guns in preparation. Stop the Wuheng cavalry outside the 4 gates of Chengyin City to support Wuheng Camp.

There was a fierce scream for killing in Wuheng Camp. More than two hundred Wuheng cavalrymen outside the north gate of Chengyin City immediately urged their horses to support Wuheng Camp, but one head hit Le Yi’s long wooden gun formation. , More than two hundred Wuheng cavalrymen lost dozens of cavalry in an instant. The remaining 100 Wuheng cavalrymen suddenly appeared in horror and immediately dialed their horses and fled to the distance. As for the Wuheng camp, they There is no way to manage it.

Soon more than two hundred Wuheng cavalrymen outside the west gate of Chengyin City rushed towards Wuheng Camp. They were still blocked by Le Yi’s long wooden spear formation. After losing dozens of cavalrymen, Instead of rushing into the long wooden gun array, they bypassed the long wooden gun array and fled to the direction of the grassland.

The Wuheng cavalry outside the other two city gates, seeing the strength of the long wooden spear formation, simply urged the horse to flee north, and the 13 Wuheng tribe’s coalition forces were completely defeated.

Suddenly there was a deafening shout of killing outside the city, which immediately alarmed the defenders of Chengyin City. Zhou Kai personally stood on the northern wall and looked at Wuheng Camp outside the city.

However, because of the long distance, and in the middle of the night, Zhou Kai could only hear the screams of killing. It was not very clear about the situation in Wuheng Camp.

The Junhou with a wounded arm beside Zhou Kai said excitedly: “My lord, reinforcements! It seems that reinforcements are coming! Do we need to send troops out of the city to cooperate with the reinforcements to attack the Wuheng army?”

Zhou Kai hesitated and said: “Now the situation outside the city is unknown, let’s just wait and see what happens! Besides, we can’t send many people inside the city!”

Zhou Kai worries about the shouting and killing outside. If the Wu Heng people write and direct themselves, then dispatching soldiers and horses out of the city will probably fall into the trap of the Wu Heng people.

Zhou Kai did not think that there would be reinforcements to rescue Yincheng at this time. After all, the situation of several border military fortresses in Da’an County was not optimistic, and there was no possibility of sending reinforcements. The team, Zhou Kai himself has automatically ignored.

The shouting and killing outside the city disappeared in less than half an hour, and then a military commander dressed in delicate iron armor rode a horse to the north gate of Chengyin City and shouted at the city wall: “I am the subordinate of General Liu Ji, Lieutenant Zhao Ben! Now the Huren outside Chengyin city has been defeated by our frontier army, my master let the soldiers inside the city not have to panic. In order to avoid misunderstanding, our branch from Changping, Yongzhou The frontier guards from Junqi County will not enter Chengyin County until the sky is bright!”

As soon as Zhao Ben’s voice came to an end, there was cheers from the north wall of Chengyin City.

“Reinforcement! It’s really our reinforcement!”

“The Wuheng people have been defeated! We have saved Chengyin City!”

“Woo, Wu Heng people have retired, we are victorious!”

Standing on the city wall, Zhou Kai heard that it was the frontier team from Yongzhou who had defeated the thousands of Wuheng troops outside the city. He couldn’t help but disbelieve. You must know that according to the official document given to Chengyin County, he came to Chengyin County from Yongzhou to defend the border. There are two teams, each with only 500 soldiers and horses, even if the two frontier teams are added together, it is impossible to defeat the thousands of Wuheng troops outside Chengyin City.

However, this Yongzhou border guard team did not ask to enter Chengyin City during the night. When it was dawn, Zhou Kai could see if it was really a big Jin army, and whether they had official documents from the court!

Zhao Ce had a feeling that outside the city should be the real Yongzhou frontier team, so Zhao Ce, who had been nervous for the past two days, finally let out a sigh of relief.

The patriarch of the Ghost Wolf tribe, Tie Jushi, took his tribe’s cavalry and fled for more than a dozen miles, before reining the reins of the war horse. This place already belongs to the grassland.

Tie Fa Shi immediately counted them, and the tribal cavalry who followed him out immediately felt like crying without tears.

You must know that in order to conquer Cangyuan City, the important frontier fortress of the Jin people, Tielushi brought out the ghost wolf tribe’s cavalry for almost 1,600 horses. As a result, the ghost wolf tribe attacked the north wall of Chengyin city twice during the day. , Almost lost half of the cavalry.

Now, after the night attack by the Jin army, the cavalry who escaped with him is only less than three hundred. This is too great a loss for the ghost wolf tribe with a total of more than two thousand cavalry. Some.

“Patriarch, what shall we do next? There should be some clansmen who have also escaped, are they waiting nearby?” A commander of the Ghost Wolf tribe said to Tie Fashi.

Tie Fashi hesitated for a moment and said with a sullen face: “Don’t wait here. We must return to the tribe right away. Now our ghost wolf tribe has lost such a huge loss here in Chengyin City. We must guard against the hungry wolves on the grassland and those who escaped. Tribal cavalry, they can return to the tribe themselves!”

“Patriarch, all Wuheng tribes of the coalition forces should have lost a lot this time, and shouldn’t have the energy to deal with our ghost wolf tribe, right?”

“I don’t worry about these tribes, but don’t forget, the enemies of our ghost wolf tribe pastures are not only these Wuheng tribes!”

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