Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 119

Chapter 118 Prairie War Slave

In the early morning of February 5th, 426, Dajin, Liu Ji and several military commanders gathered in a felt bag in the original Wuheng Daying camp in the north of Chengyin City. Liu Ji did not sleep long last night, but he The spirit was very good, and he smiled to Su Lie, Le Yi, Hua Xiong, Wei Xiaokuan, and Zhao Ben with a red face: “I didn’t expect that we had just arrived in Chengyin County and we got a good start. The number of the 13 tribes of the Uheng nationality. The Thousand Allied Forces were defeated by us and captured countless spoils. It is definitely a big victory!”

The results of the attack on Wuheng Camp last night have been counted. More than 900 beheaded and more than 1,300 Wuheng cavalry were captured.

These captured Wuheng cavalrymen were finally surrounded by Liu Ji’s four infantrymen in the camp. Seeing that they could not escape, they took the initiative to put down their weapons, knelt on the ground, and chose to surrender to the Jin army.

Fights and even wars often erupt between various ethnic groups in the grassland, between various tribes, for the pastures, for food, for women, and for various reasons, and each time there is a fight or war, a large number of prisoners of war will appear.

The various tribes on the grassland basically absorbed the captive cavalry of the same tribe directly into their tribes to enhance the strength of their tribes.

As for the captured cavalrymen of different races, they will not be killed under normal circumstances, but they will be turned into war slaves of their own tribe to help their tribe fight.

The status of these war slaves in each tribe is definitely not on the same level as slaves. There is no need to worry about being tortured by their masters. Of course, they are compared to the tribe’s own cavalry, but they are far behind. The seizures of war slaves on the battlefield need to be handed in all. To his master, how much reward the master can give to the war slave depends entirely on the master’s mood.

Most of the more than 1,300 Wuheng cavalrymen who were captured in the first battle last night were war slaves from 13 tribes. The fighting power of these war slaves was not weak, but the fighting will was not strong.

The biggest seizure of the frontier army in World War I last night was that it gathered more than 8,000 war horses. It is important to know that the elite cavalry of various tribes on the grassland usually carry more than two war horses in battle, and there is only one war horse in battle. The cavalry were generally war slaves of various tribes. The 9,000 cavalrymen of 13 Wuheng small tribes brought more than 15,000 war horses to the outside of Chengyin City.

In addition, Liu Ji’s frontier army also seized more than 400 iron armors, more than 2,500 leather armors, more than 4,000 bows, and more than 5,000 various weapons. Not many food, grass, gold and silver were seized.

However, these seizures are enough to make Liu Ji excited, especially with more than 8,000 horses. The Dajin cavalry is not as extravagant as the prairie Huren cavalry. Generally, a cavalry is equipped with a horse, and more than 8,000 horses are enough to form. There are eight thousand cavalry. If you count the more than 1,800 horses in Liu Ji’s hand before, Liu Ji can even form a cavalry army of 10,000 people. Of course, the premise is that Liu Ji can recruit 10,000 people who can be cavalry.

The results of the battle last night were so great, but Liu Ji’s losses were not many. The main reason was that the coalition forces of the 13 Wuheng tribes did not expect that Chengyin City would have reinforcements. They were caught off guard, plus 13 Wuheng tribes. After being pregnant with ghosts, after being raided as the big camp outside the city of Yin, all the tribes fled in order to preserve their strength, and there was no effective resistance organized at all.

Last night, only infantry under Liu Ji participated in the battle. In the end, the five infantrymen killed more than 300 people, and only 169 people were killed. This number of casualties is completely acceptable compared to the results achieved. No wonder Liu Ji’s smile never disappeared early in the morning.

As soon as Liu Ji’s words fell, Su Lie smiled and said, “Master, through questioning the captured Wuheng cavalry, the 13 Wuheng tribes that besieged Chengyin County, the pastures are all near Chengyin County, 13 Wuheng tribes The losses in the two days of attacking Chengyin County were not small. We stabbed again last night. The strength of the 13 Wuheng tribes was reduced a lot. This will help us gain a foothold in Chengyin County. !”

Wei Xiaokuan followed: “More than that, the strength of these 13 Wuheng tribes has been severely damaged, leaving us with opportunities to take the initiative. We have just arrived and want to gain a foothold in Chengyin City. Food is the key. The cattle and sheep in the Wuheng tribe can be used by our army.”

Liu Ji nodded in agreement and said, “Xiaokuan’s words are reasonable. It is not only the Hu people who can rob us in Dajin. We Dajin can also go to the grassland to grab things. When we settle down in Chengyin County, we will go to the grassland. Robber, I believe the harvest will be good!”

Le Yi said at this time: “Master, Chengyin County has not been destroyed by the Humen on the grassland. This is also good news for us. However, seeing the situation of Chengyin County’s defenders resisting the Wuheng siege yesterday, the subordinates are worried that we want to It will not be so easy to incorporate into the defenders of Yin County.”

“We now have an decree issued by the court to the lord. The above clearly stated that the lord should take over the military affairs of Chengyin County. If the defenders of Chengyin County dare to resist the decree, we can completely adopt it forcibly.” Zhao Ben immediately suggested.

“Whoever the defenders of Chengyin County dare to refuse to obey the lord, just cut it!” Hua Xiong said indifferently. At this time, the five generals Su Lie, Le Yi, Hua Xiong, Wei Xiaokuan and Zhao Ben in the felt bag, according to In terms of intelligence, Su Lie, Le Yi, Wei Xiaokuan, and Zhao Ben can all be regarded as wise generals, but Hua Xiong’s intelligence is low and can only be regarded as a brave general.

However, Hua Xiong’s military value is there, so Liu Ji usually discusses everything and allows Hua Xiong to attend.

Wei Xiaokuan also nodded and said, “Master, Zhao Ben is right. We have the court’s will. The righteousness lies with us. If the defenders of Chengyin County are ignorant, it is not impossible to use thunder means.”

Liu Ji touched his chin and said, “I don’t know what is going on in Chengyin County. After we enter Chengyin County, let’s do some calculations! We defeated thousands of Wuheng cavalry in the first battle last night. I believe Chengyin County. The defender of the country should know the truth that a person who knows the current affairs is a good man!”

After a pause, Liu Ji said again: “Now there is one more thing, I want to discuss with you, that is, how to deal with the more than 1,300 captured Wuheng cavalry? Among the more than 1,300 Wuheng cavalry, there are Many of them are war slaves of the 13 Wuheng tribes. Do you think it is possible for us to take these war slaves for our own use? Everyone knows the weakness of our cavalry. If we can take these Hus who have lived on horseback since childhood People, become our own cavalry, then we can make up for our shortcomings!”

Just after Liu Ji finished talking about the Huren war slaves who wanted to subdue the captives, Zhao Ben said: “Master, the subordinate thinks we can give it a try, but those captive war slaves are also nonsense. Loyalty is a problem. , We must be prepared, if there is a sudden defection on the battlefield, then we will suffer Hu people on the grassland generally do not have a strong sense of belonging to their own people, or even say no. , The sense of belonging to their own tribe is very strong. These captured war slaves have already lost their own tribe. As long as we use both grace and power, it is not impossible to conquer these war slaves who do not have a sense of national belonging, but Loyalty is indeed a problem. These war slaves cannot be the same as the Jin cavalry in our team.” Su Lie also agreed with Liu Ji’s idea.

Speaking of the issue of loyalty, Liu Ji touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully. He had a rough plan in his heart that might be able to solve the problem of loyalty to the slaves.

Le Yi followed: “The grassland has always been the weak and the strong. The more than 1,300 Wuheng cavalry we captured, in addition to the war slaves, even the elite cavalry of the Wuheng tribe itself, if we want to recruit them, they must be too. I will agree, but the subordinates suggest that we can use the ordinary Wuheng cavalry for our own use regardless of the predecessors, and expand the strength of our cavalry, but for the officers and nobles in the Wuheng cavalry, we absolutely cannot stay!”

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