Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 653

Chapter 643 Remuneration from Dawan

After the surrender of Cheshiguo, a large number of troops of the Western Seven-Power Allied Forces began to assemble in areas adjacent to Dawan, preparing to launch an offensive against Dawan. Among the coalition forces, the troops of these seven countries also received troops from the Western mainland. A batch of reinforcements from various countries.

The arrival of this batch of reinforcements not only made up for the losses of the Seven-Nation Alliance of the West in the territory of the Shah and Cheshi Nation, but also increased the total strength of the Seven-Nation Alliance of the West, making the total strength of the Seven-Nation Alliance in the Western Regions. Reached more than 25 million, which is not counted as the servant army recruited from the kingdoms of Siberia and Chashi.

On February 5th, 434, Dajin, more than 10 million troops of the Western Seven-Power Allied Forces blatantly crossed the borders of Parth, Cheshi and Dawan, and launched an attack on the fortress cities along the border of Dawan.

Although Dawan was fully prepared for the invasion of the Western Seven-Nation Alliance, after the outbreak of the war, Dawan’s numerous border fortresses were quickly captured by the Western Seven-Nation Alliance, and Dawan was placed along the border. In less than ten days of fighting, the army lost more than two million. More than a dozen infantry regiments were wiped out. The people of Dawan suffered even more losses, even more than twice the losses of the army.

On the evening of February 13, in the palace of Dawan, the capital of Dawan, King Yeman of Dawan said with a solemn expression to Prime Minister Safwand and Duke Fawaz: “In less than ten days. , To be precise, in only nine days, our country in Dawan has already lost more than two million troops and helped the people who defended the city. The loss has exceeded four million. Dozens of cities have fallen. What should we do in Dawan? do?”

Duke Favaz said sadly: “Your Majesty, the allied forces of the Seven Western Nations, equipped with trebuchets are too powerful. Almost all of the cities that have been occupied were smashed by trebuchets and lost their walls. Relying on the current strength of our Dawan country’s army, it’s not an opponent of the Western coalition forces at all.”

Prime Minister Sapphowan hesitated and said: “Your Majesty, unless you can tell the Sundering Army to send troops, otherwise the situation in our country will get worse and worse. However, relying on the relationship between Dawan and the Sundering Army, It is impossible for the captives to send troops to assist our country in Dawan, alas—”

At this time, King Yeman said in a deep voice: “What if our country in Dawan is willing to take out ten provinces as a reward for sending troops to the prisoners?”

As soon as King Yeman uttered these words, Prime Minister Safwan and Duke Fawaz suddenly appeared shocked.

“Your Majesty, you… Do you mean that our country of Dawan ceded ten more provinces to the prisoners?” Prime Minister Safo asked urgently.

“I have been thinking about it for a long time in the past few days. Perhaps only this way can we send troops to the army and join forces with our Dawan army to resist the coalition forces of the seven western countries!”

At this time, Duke Favaz frowned and said, “But your Majesty, is the price of ten provinces too great?”

King Yeman waved his hand and said: “As long as the Puppy Army can send troops, the cost of ten provinces, I think it is completely worth it, even a few more provinces, I can’t keep the Puppy Army by the side. Sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!”

When Liu Ji learned that Dawan was willing to provide ten provinces as a reward for the army to send troops, Liu Ji discussed with several counsellors under his command and decided to accept the conditions given by Dawan.

The surrender of Che Shi Nation and the current situation in Dawan Nation have made Liu Ji more and more vigilant against the Western Seven-Nation Alliance. Liu Ji and several counsellors under his command have actually started discussing the dispatch of troops before. Although Ji hoped that Dawan would be defeated by the Seven Western Allied Forces, he did not want to see Dawan easily defeated by the Seven Western Allied Forces.

Now Dawan is willing to offer ten provinces’ remuneration to invite the Puppet Army to send troops, and Liu Ji just agreed to take advantage of the situation.

On February 18, 434, Da Jin, the main force of the Western Region Army, the Western Xinjiang Army, and the Blue Dragon Army, as well as the Huben Army, Xuanjia Army, Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, White Horse Congyi, Mo Dao soldiers, and trapped camps that Liu Ji brought to the Western Regions Duhu Mansion The eight elite troops, Wei Wuzu and Qin Ruishi, divided their troops into three groups and entered the territory of Dawan, Cheshi, and Anxi.

According to the plan made by Liu Ji, the Western Region Army entered the Cheshi Nation, and the West Xinjiang Army entered the Parthian nation. Liu Ji led eight elite troops and the Qinglong Army to face the main western coalition forces in the territory of Dawan.

In addition, Liu Ji transferred a guard from the Western Region Army and the Western Xinjiang Army to receive the remuneration from the ten provinces of Dawan.

On February 30th, Liu Ji arrived outside Dawan City with millions of soldiers. This time Liu Ji came to Dawan City. It was different from the previous two times. King Yeman of Dawan went out of the city for more than ten miles. Come to meet Liu Ji. At this time, eleven provinces of Dawan have fallen into the hands of the Western Allied Forces of the Seven Nations, and the forces of the Western Allied Forces of the Seven Nations have entered the Karawan Province and are coming straight to the city of Dawan. If it weren’t for the Possibilities to agree to send troops, King Yeman would have escaped from Dawan City.

“Dudu Liu, thank you for bringing your troops to assist our country in Dawan. I have already prepared a banquet in the palace. Dudu Liu, please be sure to honor it!”

“Haha, King Yeman is too polite. The military situation is urgent. If we have repelled the Seven-Nation Forces in the West, the governor of the capital will have a good time with King Yeman!”

Although the Puppet Army and Dawan can be regarded as allies, Liu Ji is not at ease with Dawan King Yeman. After all, Liu Ji has killed many of Yeman’s sons and occupied so many princesses. Don’t look at Yeman. Now with a look of gratitude, Liu Ji believes that in Yeman’s heart, he can’t wait to cut himself a thousand times.

Regarding Liu Ji’s unwillingness to enter the city of Dawan for the appointment, Yeman did not reluctantly, “Captain Liu, I don’t know how many troops you brought this time? Now the forces of the Seven-Power Allied Forces in the West have entered Karawan, where Dawan is located. Provinces, maybe it won’t take long before the Seven-Power Allied Forces of the West will come to Dawan City!”

“King Yeman, this time the chief governor brought a total of nearly 4 million troops. I don’t know how many troops are there in Dawan City? It seems that the Western Allied Forces of the Seven Powers are likely to be in Dawan City to join us. The decisive battle has begun!”

“Liu Dadu, Gu has gathered twelve cavalry regiments and twenty-four infantry regiments in Dawan City, as well as about two million auxiliary troops, with a total strength of more than 5.6 million!”

“King Yeman, the combined strength of our two armies is more than nine million. Dawan City simply can’t hold so many troops. It seems that we can only choose to fight a decisive battle with the Western Allied Forces outside the city!”

Yeman nodded and said: “It is true that you can only choose to engage in a decisive battle with the Western Seven-Nation Alliance outside the city, but the combat effectiveness of the Western Seven-Nation Alliance is very strong and I am worried…”

Liu Ji smiled slightly and said: “King Yeman can rest assured that in the decisive battle, our army will be the main force. The army of Dawan only needs to be nearby to assist. The rewards of ten provinces cannot be paid to Yeman. The king digs for nothing!”

On March 3, the millions of troops from the Seven-Nation Alliance of the West came to the outside of Dawan City. At this time, the camps outside Dawan City were already full of camps. All of Wan’s troops were stationed outside the city of Dawan.

Liu Ji did not be polite with the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West. Taking advantage of the instability of the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West, he directly led eight elite troops and the eight guards of the Blue Dragon Corps to launch an active offensive against millions of the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West.

After a fierce battle between the two sides, the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West had to choose to retreat for dozens of miles before setting up a camp. In the first encounter between the Seven-Nation Alliance and the Sundering Army, the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West suffered a big loss. Nearly 800,000 troops were lost, and the Sundering Army also lost more than 100,000 people.

In fact, Liu Ji was very dissatisfied with this battle damage ratio. It is necessary to know that of the hundreds of thousands of the lost troops, almost one hundred thousand were soldiers of eight elite troops.

It is a little bit consoling that in the first fight with the Allied Forces of the Seven Nations, Liu Ji suddenly absorbed more than 930,000 soul points, plus Liu Ji’s remaining soul value, making Liu Ji’s hands The number of soul points reached 940,000.

At present, Liu Ji’s subordinates summoned from the system, only Sapphire’s force value reached 98 points or more, and Sapphire also came to Dawan City with Liu Ji this time, so Liu Ji immediately consumed 200,000 points. For the soul value, I bought a pill for washing the marrow and gave it to Sapphire.

After Lan Yu took the Xisui Famao Pill, his strength value broke through 100 points, and he entered the realm of a peerless general. The system immediately rewarded Liu Ji with a top civil servant.

Chen Ping, with a strength of 52, an intelligence of 98, and a commander of 90, was one of the founding heroes of the Western Han Dynasty. After the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in the first year of Qin II, the nobles of the six countries also raised their troops. After being slandered and perished, he returned to Xiang Yu, and his entourage entered the pass to break the Qin Dynasty. Liu Bang returned to the Three Qin Dynasty, and then traveled to the Han Dynasty. He worshiped as a captain, envoy, and protected the army, and later served as a general and a lieutenant of the guard. The War between the Chu and Han Dynasty and the peaceful rebellion of princes with different surnames became an important adviser of the Han emperor Liu Bang.

When Liu Bang was guarding Xingyang, Chen Ping suggested to donate tens of thousands of jins. He separated Xiang Yu and his ministers and caused Xiang Yu’s important counselor Fan Zeng to die of illness. In six years, Gao Emperor suggested that Liu Bang, a pseudo-wandering Yunmeng, arrested Han Xin. After seven days and nights, after adopting Chen Ping’s strategy, he was able to get out of the siege by bribing Mao Dun Shanyu’s Yanshi.

After the death of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, Hou Lv took Chen Ping as the commander of the Langzhong. Emperor Fu Jiao Hui, Emperor Hui for six years, joined the Wang Tomb as the prime minister on the left and right. Zhu Lu was king, Chen Ping was deprived of real power, Queen Lu died, Chen Ping and Taiwei Zhou Bo conspired to quell the rebellion of Zhu Lu, to welcome the emperor as Emperor Wen, Emperor Wenchu, Chen Ping gave way to Zhou Bo and moved to become Prime Minister Zuo, because Ming Yu He was admired by Emperor Wen. Soon Zhou Bo stopped his prime minister and Chen Ping became prime minister. In the second year of Xiaowen, Chen Ping died, and his posthumous title was Xianhou.

Liu Ji saw that Chen Ping was rewarded by the system. He couldn’t help feeling that today’s luck was good. After he hesitated, Liu Ji bought three more Marrow-Cleaning Pills, and then took Xu Chu and Xin who came with him to Dawan City. Wen Li, Master Shang and apprentice three came over.

Xu Chu’s force value is 96 points, and the force value of Xin Wenli monk and apprentice is 97 points. According to the current rules of the system, the system’s top military generals with force values ​​of 94 to 97 points will have There is an 80% chance that he can become a peerless general. Liu Ji feels that his luck is okay today, so he is ready to let Xu Chu, Xin Wenli, and Master Shang have a try.

Liu Ji currently has no shortage of fierce generals, but as the turf of the Broken Army is getting bigger and bigger, the top civil servants under Liu Ji have not been enough. This time he got ten provinces from Dawan, and Not surprisingly, the smashing forces could still grab a lot of territory from the Cheshi Nation and the Parthian nation occupied by the Western Allied Forces. These sites add up to at least a few top civil servants to sit in.

Xu Chu first took the Xisui Famao Pill. Liu Ji was very happy that Xu Chu’s force value broke through to 100 points at once, and he was promoted to a peerless general. The system also awarded Liu Ji a top civil servant.

Xu Shu, with a strength of 72, an intelligence of 95, and a commander of 86, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Beichen served as a counselor, and later returned to Cao Cao, and was appointed to Cao Wei. Xu Shu’s real name was Xu Fu. He was a humble boy. In his early years, he avenged himself. After being rescued, he changed his name to Xu Shu and asked for advice. Later, he took refuge in Jingzhou with Shi Guangyuan in the same county, and had close contacts with Sima Hui, Zhuge Liang, and Cui Zhouping.

In the 6th year of Jian’an, Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao and went south to rely on Liu Biao. com Liu Biao asked Liu Bei to be stationed in Xinye to defend against Cao Cao. Xu Shu thought that Liu Bei was the imperial family of the Han Dynasty, and he went to the whole world with Xinyi. After seeing Xu Shu, Liu Bei respected him very much.

Cao Cao learned that Liu Bei was garrisoned in Xinye and sent Cao Ren to attack. Xu Shu used a plan to dispatch Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun to defeat Cao Ren’s forwards, and beheaded Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang. After that, Cao Ren ordered his troops and Li Dian was killed again. After Zhao Yun was defeated, Cao Ren set up eight golden locks, but Xu Shu quickly saw through the flaws in the formation and sent Zhao Yun to lead 500 sergeants to break the formation and defeat Cao Ren. Cao Ren was unwilling to fail and decided to come to the village at night, but again It was calculated by Xu Shu that Cao Ren was defeated, and Xu Shu designed to capture Fancheng.

After Cao Cao learned that Liu Bei Xu Shu was a military commander, he took Xu Shu’s mother to Xuchang at the suggestion of Cheng Yu. Later, Cheng Yu imitated Xu Shu’s mother’s notes and wrote a letter to Xu Shu. Xu Shu saw that it was his mother’s handwritten letter and asked Liu Bei bid farewell and recommended Nanyang Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei before leaving. He went to Xuchang by himself. Xu Shu learned that he was deceived after seeing his mother in Xuchang. Xu Shu committed suicide after reprimanding Xu Shu. Xu Shu also vowed not to contribute to Cao Cao’s life. Policy.

During the Battle of Chibi, Xu Shu saw through Pang Tong’s serial plan, but he suspected that Cao’s dead mother did not explain to Cao Cao. Under Pang Tong’s guidance, Xu Shu created rumors that Ma Teng and Han Sui rebelled in Xiliang and killed Xuchang, and Cao Cao had nothing to do. , Xu Shu immediately appealed to Cao Cao, led three thousand soldiers and horses, with Zang Ba as the vanguard, Starry Night left Chibi, Emperor Wei Wen, Xu Shuguan to Youzhong Lang Jiang, Yu Shi Zhongcheng.

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