Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 654

Chapter 644 Surprise among the captives

After Xu Chu was promoted to a peerless military commander, Xin Wenli monk and apprentice also took Xisui Fa Maowan one after another, but only the power value of Shang master and apprentice became 100 points, reaching the realm of a peerless general, and Xin Wenli’s power The value only increased from 97 points to 99 points, which did not cross the hurdle between the top generals and the peerless generals.

Xisui Famao Pills have obvious effects only when taken for the first time, and there will be almost no effect after taking the second time. Even if Liu Ji buys a Xisui Famao Pill for Xinwen Li, let Xinwen dress use it. , Xinwenli cannot break through to the realm of a peerless general.

Xu Chu, Xin Wenli, and Shang Shizuo three generals who have not reached 98 points in strength. If two of them can be promoted to peerless generals after taking Xisui Famao Pills, Liu Ji is quite satisfied, not to mention. The system also rewarded two top civil servants. Shang mentor and apprentice broke through to the realm of peerless generals. The top civil servant awarded by the system was Pang Tong.

Pang Tong, with a strength of 53, an intelligence of 98, and a commander of 88, was an important adviser under Liu Bei’s account at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He worshiped Zhuge Liang as a general in the army and entered Sichuan with Liu Bei. When Liu Bei broke with Liu Zhang, Pang Tong offered to Liu Bei. There are three tactics of top, middle and bottom, and Liu Bei has one of them.

In the nineteenth year of Jian’an, Liu Bei transferred Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others to lead troops to conquer Baidi, Jiangzhou, and Jiangyang. Soon after Liu Bei surrounded Luocheng, Pang led the crowd to attack the city and was shot by flying arrows. At the age of sixteen, Liu Bei deplored Pang Tong’s death very much. He shed tears when he talked about Pang Tong. In commendation of his merits, he appointed his father Yilang, then promoted to adviser doctor, and gave Pang Tong the posthumous posthumous title of Guannei Hou. The number is Jinghou.

After purchasing four shampoo pill, Liu Ji’s soul value was only 140,000 points left, and then Liu Ji consumed 64,000 soul points and summoned a top military commander. Unfortunately, he was summoned. The top military commander is not well-known in history. Liu Ji has never heard of his name, and the newly summoned top military commander has a low force value, only 91 points.

Liu Ji frowned and didn’t stop there. He immediately caused the system to consume 64,000 soul points and summoned a top general. When he saw the three-dimensional value of this top general, Liu Ji’s face, Can’t help but smile.

The majestic ocean, the military value is 99, the intelligence value is 64, the commander value is 68, the general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, known as the fourth hero in the world, he is loyal and righteous, with two arms of tens of thousands of pounds, once punched two tigers to death. Taihang Mountain occupied the mountain as the king, and later assisted the leader of the Xiangzhou Rebellion Army Bai Yuwang Gao Tansheng. In the Yangzhou battle, in order to save the trapped rebel kings, he supported the Qianjin Gate, because he drove the road for a day and night, the water did not enter. , Was crushed to death due to lack of physical strength.

The magnificent sea’s strength is as high as 99 points. You can be promoted to a peerless military commander with only one pill for washing the marrow and cutting hair, and you can also add a top civil servant to Liu Ji. Unfortunately, Liu Ji’s soul value is only left. More than 10,000 points were dropped, but the fierce battle with the Western Seven-Nation Allied Forces is still going on. It is easy to accumulate soul points here in Dawan City.

During the fierce battle in the daytime, the Possession Army also captured nearly 10,000 Western Allied Forces, including one with peerless generals and six top-level generals. Liu Ji then gave these seven Western Allied generals. , One person fed a puppet pill, and immediately got a puppet bodyguard with the strength of peerless generals and six puppet bodyguards with the strength of top generals.

From the Western Allied generals with peerless general strength, Liu Ji also obtained eight sets of Wei State martial arts soldiers and two puppet pills, making the reserve of Wei State military pawns in the system reach sixty-eight sets. Liu Ji held puppet pills. The number has also become fourteen.

On the evening of March 3, in a tent in the Seven-Power Allied Forces camp west of Dawan City, Prince Anastar of the Europa Empire said in a deep voice: “Today’s losses have been counted. The army has lost nearly 800,000 people. This is a loss of nearly 800,000 people, excluding the wounded. It seems that the Puppet Army really deserves its reputation. If we want to take Dawan City, we must first defeat the people outside the city. Broken Army!”

At this time, in addition to the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, the Cardinal Liao Shenka of the Western Orthodox Church was also here.

Cardinal Liao Shenka immediately said: “According to the information we have obtained by the Western Orthodox Church, Dawan has given out ten provinces as a remuneration to allow the Sundering Army to send troops. Currently, the Sundering Army is divided into troops. The third road, the destroyer army here in Dawan City, is only one of them, and there are two destroyer forces, which respectively invaded the territory of the original Cheshi Nation and the original State of Anxi. We must raise enough of the destroyer army. Pay attention to the fact that the strength of the Phantom Army is still higher than that of Dawan.”

The Duke Grigo of the Suomi Empire said: “The two-way sabotage forces that attacked the original Cheshi Nation and the original Parthian Nation, with a strength of about two million, and our Seven Western Allied Forces are in the borders of these two countries. There are more than five million armies each, not counting the servants of the two countries. The key is the main force of the prisoners here in Dawan City. If we cannot defeat the main force of the prisoners outside Dawan City, we will not be able to attack Dawan. City, forcing Da Wanguo to surrender!”

Prince Anastar of the Europa Empire said at this time: “The seven-nation armies we brought outside of Dawan City were less than 6 million. Today, we have lost nearly 800,000 people. So I am going to mobilize to Dawan City. Seven million to eight million troops, what do you think?”

“I agree with Prince Anastar’s proposal. If we want to defeat the main force of the destroyers in Dawan City, our Seven Nations Allied Forces must gather enough troops. Don’t forget that Dawan City still has millions of people from Dawan Country. The army is also the enemy of our seven-nation coalition!” Duke Grigo of the Suomi Empire said flatly.

Prince Vladislav of the Kievan Empire touched his chin and said: “Our seven-nation coalition forces have recruited millions of servants in the territory of the Cheshi Nation and the Parthian nation. I think I can pull some of the servants. In Dawan City, although these servants have low combat effectiveness, they can still be used as cannon fodder.”

Prince Anastar nodded and said: “I think it is possible to mobilize a part of the servants of the Cheshi Nation and the Parthian Nation to come to Dawan City. In addition, the Marriage Army has already joined the war. More troops from the Western Regions!”

Cardinal Liao Shenka said suddenly: “If necessary, we, the Western Orthodox Church, are willing to persuade 14 other countries in the Western Continent to join this coalition. These 14 countries can send at least 10 million troops to enter. The battlefield of the Western Regions!”

On the vast western continent, there are a total of 21 countries, among which the Europa Empire, Suomi Empire, Kievs Empire, Lordland Empire, Franks Empire, Alba Empire, and Delman Empire, can be said to be strength The seven strongest countries, but the other fourteen Western continental countries are not soft persimmons. Each country is quite strong. Any country can come up with millions of troops.

Prince Anastar immediately shook his head and said: “Your Excellency Liaoshenka can rest assured that our seven-nation coalition forces have enough strength to conquer the entire Western Regions and no longer need other countries in the Western Continent to intervene!”

“Prince Anastas is right! Our seven great powers are fully capable of defeating the Pokémon Army and Dawan!”

“Yes! The coalition forces have enough of our seven powerful nations!”

One more country to join the coalition is equivalent to one more country to share the spoils. Therefore, when the commanders of the countries heard Cardinal Liaoshenka’s proposal, they all spoke out against it.

After a fierce battle outside Dawan City between the Seven-Nation Allied Forces of the West and the Squadron Army, they hung up their free cards and guarded the coalition camp west of Dawan City, awaiting the arrival of the follow-up troops of the Seven-Nation Allied Forces in the West.

When Liu Ji saw that the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West had chosen to avoid the war, he knew that they were waiting for more troops to arrive. Afterwards, Liu Ji discussed with his advisers and found King Yeman of Dawan, “Yeman” King, we can’t watch the Western Seven-Nation Alliance gather more and more troops outside Dawan City. The governor of the Dawan City is ready to launch an active offensive against the Western Seven-Nation Alliance Army west of Dawan City. The forces of the Allied Forces of the Seven Nations hit the ground!”

Yeman pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: “Captain Liu Dawan, our Dawan army is willing to cooperate with the Squadron to launch an active offensive against the coalition forces of the seven western countries. We have twelve cavalry regiments and twenty With four infantry regiments and approximately two million auxiliary troops, Governor Liu Da can mobilize at will!”

Liu Ji smiled slightly, “With the words of King Yeman, the governor is relieved, then we will strive to attack the Western Seven-Power Allied Forces outside the city as soon as possible!”

On March 6, the fourth day after the Western Seven-Nation Alliance arrived outside Dawan City, the Puppet Army and the Dawan State Army jointly launched an active attack against the Western Seven-Nation Alliance Army entrenched west of Dawan City. This At that time, the Seven-Power Allied Forces in the West had no choice but to fight.

As soon as the battle began, the Pokémon Army and the Dawan Army joined the most elite troops and invaded the camp of the Western Seven-Nation Allied Forces. The Western Seven-Nation Allied Forces immediately mobilized a large number of elite troops with the intention of bringing the Pokémon and the Great The Wannian army rushed out, and the two sides fought a cruel tug of war around this unusually large camp.

When the battle was fierce, even the Silver Eagle Knights of the Western Orthodox Church went into the cruel battlefield. After joining the battlefield, the powerful Silver Eagle Knights brought a lot of trouble to the Broken Army and the Dawan Army. But when the Silver Eagle Knights encountered Liu Ji’s guards, the Silver Eagle Knights were quickly defeated.

We must know that although Liu Ji’s guard has only more than 500 people, it includes three hundred Yanyun 18 riders with top general strength, more than 100 puppet bodyguards with peerless general strength, and more than 150. The puppet bodyguards with top general strength, as well as seven super fighters Zhang Shaohua, Zhang Baofeng, Chen Jichang, Liu Meng, Pei Yuanqing, Chen Hao, and Chen Zhong, and a guard team of more than 500 people, the strength can be described as horror.

There are only 17 people in the Silver Eagle Knights who have the strength of peerless generals, and only 36 people have the power of top generals. The other nearly 1,800 people are all first-rate generals, second-rate generals or third-rate generals. How can it be Liu? Opponents of the Ji guards, when the Silver Eagle Knights got rid of Liu Ji’s guards, the number of the Silver Eagle Knights had been reduced by almost two-thirds, including Dai Xina, the head of the Silver Eagle Knights, and Evad, the two deputy heads. Si and Angelina were all captured by Liu Ji’s guards.

This battle between the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West, the Possibilities, and the Great Wannian Army finally ended with the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West abandoning the camp. The remaining forces of the Seven-Nation Alliance in the West have been retreating westward for more than 100 miles. A new camp was built.

In this fierce battle of one day and one night, the loss of the Seven-Power Allied Forces in the West exceeded 1.5 million, the Captive Army lost about 200,000, and the Dawan Army lost about 700,000. The soul in Liu Ji’s hands The value broke through to 2.42 million.

Knowing that the Puppet Army and the Dawan Army had achieved victory, the excited King Yeman of Dawan, personally brought a table of sumptuous food and beverages to the Puppet Army outside the city of Dawan on the evening of March 7th. At the camp, I was ready to thank Liu Ji, but Yeman had a closed door, and Yeman did not see Liu Ji.

According to the Pozu Army, Liu Ji commanded the battle for a day and night, and the whole person was very tired, and he was already asleep at this time.

In fact, Liu Ji did not sleep at all, but ran to the place where the prisoners of war were held in the camp. During the fierce battle day and night, the Captive Army captured many generals of the Western Allied Forces, many of whom possessed the strength of peerless generals or top generals. In addition, Liu Ji’s guards also captured many knights of the Western Orthodox Silver Eagle Knights, including many beautiful knights.

After Liu Ji checked these prisoners again smiles suddenly appeared on his face, and the captive leader of the Silver Eagle Knights, Dai Xina, had a strength value of 104 and a charm value of 100. This is The second woman Liu Ji met with a charisma of 100 points.

The two deputy commanders of the Silver Eagle Knights, Evades and Angelina, both have a force value of 103 points. Evades has a charm value of 98 points, and Angelina has a charm value of 97 points.

Three Knights of the Light and eight Knights of Glory were also captured in the Knights of the Silver Eagle. Among them, one of the Knights of Light and two Knights of Glory were also female, and their charms were all above ninety points.

In addition, thirty female knights of the Silver Eagle Knights were also captured. The strength of these thirty female knights did not reach the top generals, but among the thirty female knights, ten of them had a charm value of more than nine. At ten o’clock, the charm value of the remaining twenty people is also above eighty o’clock.

Obviously, these captured female knights of the Silver Eagle Knights will not escape Liu Ji’s poisonous hand. As for the dozens of other male knights in the Silver Eagle Knights who have not reached the top level of general strength, Liu Ji did not take a second look.

In addition to the Knights of the Silver Eagle, the Broken Army also captured four commanders with peerless generals and ten commanders of the Western Allied Forces with the power of top generals.

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