Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 685

Page 685

Looking at Zhu Yuan’s smile, Meng Chuan’s face also showed a responsive smile.

But Meng Chuan’s heart was cold.

After getting the eight kitchen utensils, he still knew something.

And these things, presumably at this time the Queen Mother of the West and the emperor knew.

At this time, Meng Chuan’s heart also had a trace of solemnity.

Although some things have been known, although there have been some faint speculations, and although Meng Chuan has been faintly aware of some dangers, Meng Chuan still came here.

The Lord of the Empire, where the Empress Dowager and the Emperor are located.

Looking at Meng Chuan under the high platform.

A smile appeared on the faces of the Queen Mother of the West and the Emperor.

Then the Queen Mother asked, “I wonder if Chef Meng has fully mastered the power of kitchen utensils.”

Hearing the words of the Queen Mother West, Meng Chuan’s heart suddenly burst.

But before Meng Chuan could speak, the Queen Mother on the high platform spoke again.

“I don’t know if Chef Meng can cook a dish for the palace and the emperor alone.”

A dish! Hearing this, Meng Chuan’s heart suddenly became solemn.

However, his face was still full of smiles and said: “Of course there is no problem. As long as the queen mother and the emperor need it, I Meng Chuan will naturally serve delicious meals for the queen mother and the emperor.”

And hearing Meng Chuan’s words, the Queen Mother West suddenly laughed.

Then she said lightly: “That’s good, but this dish that Ben Gong and the emperor asked for is not ordinary.”

“What an unusual law.”

Hearing this, Meng Chuan’s heart suddenly froze, and doubts appeared on his face.

“Because, this is a legendary dish that can make people immortal.”

The Queen Mother said lightly


Feilu reminds you: read three things

【486】The recipe for longevity is finally here!Remnants of the mind! (1 more, please subscribe!)

The dish of immortality! Meng Chuan was startled when he heard the Queen Mother.

Is there such a recipe, maybe there is.

After getting the eight kitchen utensils, Meng Chuan actually discovered that there are indeed some secrets in these eight kitchen utensils.

He could feel that when these eight kitchen utensils were brought together, some unusual changes seemed to have taken place.

There seemed to be a very strange recipe faintly appearing in his mind.

However, when it comes to immortality, how can such a thing exist! What’s more, even if it exists, doing something that goes against the laws of heaven and earth


What a price to pay.

And more importantly, even if there is such a dish that can live forever.

Could it be that he can really serve this kind of dishes for the Empress Dowager and the Emperor?

Obviously, no matter

Whether it is the Empress Dowager West or the Qing Emperor thinks too much.

No matter how you think about it, this is impossible.

At this time, Meng Chuan finally understood what the hidden worries in his heart were.

Before, he thought he was entering the cloud dragon Kaiyou, so he was a little wary of Kaiyou.

But when Kaiyu was defeated by him, that kind of worry didn’t disappear.

This undoubtedly makes Meng Chuan a little strange.

And now, Meng Chuan finally understood.

The hidden worry just now did not come from Kaiyu, but from the two people in front of him.

Empress and Emperor.

These two were whimsical, and they actually hoped that he would cook a dish that would make people immortal.

It’s so ridiculous.

I want to live forever, how is this possible.

Are they still trying to rule the land of China for a long time?

As a chef, as a Chinese, a sneer suddenly appeared in Meng Chuan’s heart.

The emperor’s longevity obviously violated the principles of heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Meng Chuan closed his eyes and recalled.

After arranging his thoughts, he said casually.

“The queen mother, recipes are just to satisfy the appetite, how can there be longevity.”

“Longevity recipe, this kind of thing, please forgive Mengchuan not to do.”

“Of course, if the queen mother just needs some delicious food, then Meng Chuan, as a chef, is naturally bound to

. ”

On the high platform of the Great Wall! Hearing Meng Chuan’s words, the empress dowager and the emperor frowned.

The empress dowager who had a kind face suddenly turned cold.

Obviously this is not the answer the Queen Mother needs.

As the lord of the empire, the queen mother does not know how many delicacies she has tasted.

However, now she doesn’t need this kind of food that just satisfies the appetite of the tongue.

Now she has already had higher requirements.

Especially, things like immortality.

If you don’t know, forget it.

Now that you know it, how can you let it go.

And the one who was holding the maid with both hands Qing.

Love has also become solemn.

On the high platform, there seemed to be gusts of cold wind blowing.

“Really not! But I heard that there are people in this world who are immortal, and I have really seen such people.”

The Queen Mother said with a distorted face.


Meng Chuan was startled, and his eyes narrowed.

Obviously, Meng Chuan was very surprised by the Queen Mother’s words.

I have really seen such a person!

how can that be.

Obviously, the Queen Mother’s words exceeded Meng Chuan’s expectations.

From the Queen Mother’s words, Meng Chuan also heard another meaning, that is, the Queen Mother learned the recipe for longevity from other places.

In other words, the Queen Mother has

Maybe he was bewitched! Looking at the awe-inspiring Empress Dowager and the emperor, Meng Chuan’s heart was also cold.

He has a vague feeling that a bad thing

has already happened.

However, although he felt a hint of danger, Meng Chuan’s heart was still very calm at this time.

“The queen mother is joking. How can there be such a person in this world? Someone must have deceived the queen mother.”

“Eternal Recipe!”

Haha! When he said that, Meng Chuan burst into laughter.

“How could this kind of thing exist? Don’t say I’m Meng Chuan. The queen mother might as well ask the chefs here if anyone has heard of this thing.”

Meng Chuan said with a smile.

Looking at Meng Chuan’s expression at this time, the Queen Mother West’s expression suddenly changed.

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