Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 686

Page 686


“It seems that Chef Meng is unwilling to have such dishes anyway.”

At this time, the Queen Mother’s words have become: extremely cold.

Obviously, the queen mother was already angry, and her anger was soaring.

After finishing speaking, Meng Chuan even saw that the queen mother raised her head and looked at the emperor under the high platform.

Seeing this, Meng Chuan also raised his head directly and said very directly.

“The queen mother is not unwilling, but this kind of thing really doesn’t exist!”

Looking at the expression of the queen mother, Meng Chuan’s face gradually turned cold.

And at this time

not far away.

Some of Meng Chuan’s friends, Ren Li Yan, and Master Xie, frowned.

“Why does it feel like something is going to happen?”

“Yeah, why does it feel like Meng Chuan had a quarrel with the queen mother.”

“how is this possible!”

“What a joke, don’t talk nonsense.”

At this time, these friends of Meng Chuan were also worried.

“No, what happened?”

Dudu’s two hands were tightly clasped together, his face was full of worry, while Sanjie’s face was also full of solemnity.

Some inexplicable atmosphere reverberated in the air.

But when he thought of the power Meng Chuan possessed, Sanjie put down his worries again.

Obviously, as Meng Chuan’s disciple, Sanjie has always been very at ease with his master.

In Sanjie’s heart, the image of his master has always been powerful, invincible, and omnipotent.

Regardless of

Any difficulties encountered can be solved immediately.

And as a disciple of the master.

Looking at the worried crowd, Sanjie immediately showed a confident expression.

“rest assured

All right! My master must be all right.”

At this time, the Queen of the West is standing on the high platform of the Great Wall.

After hearing that Meng Chuan had rejected his request, his expression suddenly changed.

At this time, Empress Dowager’s face was full of anger.

As the lord of the empire, his majesty is also revealed.

She looked at Meng Chuan under the stage, and then said coldly: “Really not, Ben Gong has heard people say that once these eight kitchen utensils are controlled by one person, there will be a recipe that even gods can peep. ”

“And this recipe is the recipe for longevity.”

On the high platform, the Queen Mother

Said in a very determined tone.

And the emperor who came under the Empress Dowager also changed the appearance that he seemed to be doing nothing before.

When I heard the Queen Mother, said “Recipe for Longevity”

when these four words.

Desire immediately appeared on his face.

This is the recipe for immortality and immortality.

In this world, who can resist such temptation.

At this time, both the Queen Mother and the Emperor’s expressions, there was a frenzy in their hearts.

Looking at everything in front of him, Meng Chuan also had a little doubt in his heart.


Because this longevity recipe only exists in some legends.

【487】The Eight Banners of the Qing Army!The Emperor’s Conspiracy! (2 more, please subscribe!)

I don’t know how many people have searched for this kind of thing for hundreds of years, but no one has ever been able to find it, but looking at the appearance of the queen mother at this time, it is obviously very sure that this thing really exists.

This look is obviously very suspicious.

When Meng Chuan thought of this, his heart was even more startled.

Then his expression also became: solemn.

He frowned, and then turned his attention to the eight legendary kitchen utensils he owned.

The Yongling knife that can restore all ingredients to the freshest state.

Can reduce sauce brewing time to instant

The Rotary Dragon Gourd.

The magic holy bronze utensil that can make all dry goods soak quickly.

Greedy wolf pot that can automatically process ingredients.

A Garuda sword capable of purifying meat.

And a spiritual storehouse that can make the ingredients never spoil.

There is also the last one, the Yulong pot that can maximize the power of all kitchen utensils.

Looking at these legendary kitchen utensils, Meng Chuan couldn’t help sighing softly.

These kitchen utensils are used to make delicious food.

The food made through these kitchen utensils can bring joy and joy to people.

But at this time, there are people who want to use them to satisfy their ambitions and desires.

This kind of thing is obviously an insult to Meng Chuan, who has always aspired to be the most powerful chef in the world.

At this time, Meng Chuan was standing on the high platform above the Great Wall.

Looking up, I saw the empress dowager on the high platform and the emperor below the empress dowager.

Finally he sighed softly.

“Queen Mother, there really is no such recipe in this world.”

Obviously, this is Meng Chuan’s last advice.

“Immortal life is just a human being


After talking about the fact that the recipe does not exist, Meng Chuan reminded again.

“I also hope that the queen mother will not be bewitched by demons! Birth, old age, sickness and death are common sense in the reincarnation of heaven and earth.”

“How can it be controlled by a mere recipe?”

On the high platform, Meng Chuan’s plain words echoed slowly.

Although Meng Chuan’s expression was very calm, his words still aroused the anger of many people.

Because Meng Chuan’s words were too bland, as if he was advising and teaching.

At this time, the faces of the empress dowager and the emperor of the Qing Dynasty were full of anger and anger.

Never had they ever heard someone talk to them like that.

Beside the Queen Mother, Zhu Yuan, the director of the imperial kitchen, frowned even more.

He was very dissatisfied with Meng Chuan’s attitude at this time.

Although Meng Chuan had assembled eight kitchen utensils at this time, possessed the power of a chef, and became a veritable strongest person in the Chinese cuisine industry.

But after seeing Meng Chuan defying the sky, Zhu Yuan still showed a look of horror on his face.

He couldn’t believe that Meng Chuan would say such a thing.

Looking at Meng Chuan in the audience, Zhu Yuan angrily said, “Meng Chuan, what are you talking about.”

“The queen mother is the master of the world, she just wants you to make a recipe for longevity, not for your life!”

Of course, when Zhu Yuan said this, his heart was also full of longing.

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