Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 692

Page 692

It’s happening now.

And it’s obviously not over yet.

First is the wind.

Then another thing appeared in the sky.


Another loud shout! Again

A roar! It’s still Meng Chuan.

At this time, Meng Chuan’s face was solemn.

Fire has the fire of hope, the fire of life, can save lives, can benefit all things.

Of course, the flames that appeared at this time were clearly not that kind of… friendly fire.

These flames are raging fires, unbridled.

It is the fire of destruction! The crimson flame is mad like a mad snake.

If the wind is just a breeze, it won’t cause any harm.

At most, stroking the face, it can even make people very comfortable.

Fire, however, is different.

even tiny

Anything can cause burns.

This burn, just a little, can be painful.

Ordinary people can’t stand it at all.

It must be said that the previous gust of wind only made the soldiers above the Great Wall unsteady with their weapons.

Well now.

These fires hurt the soldiers.

The wind helps the fire, under the influence of strong winds.

An inexplicable flame appeared in the air.

Drift slowly.

Floating all over the place.

Seeing such a mighty power that reaches the sky.

The officers and soldiers on the Great Wall finally panicked.

Even the little leaders of these officers and soldiers are strictly stopping them.

At this time, these officers and soldiers only had one thought.

That is to run.

Just leave.

Get out of this unpredictable place.

Go to a safe place.

At this time, on the high platform.

Not only the queen mother, the emperor.

Even the many officials around the Empress Dowager.

They were all shocked.

This is hair

what happened.

And the queen mother lost her voice in panic.

“Meng Chuan, what are you doing?”

“Stop now.”

“I promise you, as long as you are now, I will spare your life.”

Hearing this, Meng Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled in his heart.

Forgive me, what a joke.

When will I need to be spared for Meng Chuan’s life?

Ridiculous! Sad! Looking at this time, the empress dowager and the emperor who have been completely lost their way.

Meng Chuan suddenly smiled.

this world.

Who can take my life.

Who would dare to take it.

Just a human emperor.

At this time, looking at everything in front of him, Meng Chuan made a third snarl.


This is a louder shout than before.

And at this time, on the Great Wall! Dudu, Sanjie, Master Lei, Master Lang Dao.

The eyes of countless people have long been stunned.

Such power! What is it?

No one can understand! Looking at this force in the sky, even a beep

, At this time, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes! And with this stern shout! The sky seems to be shaking again! A gigantic wind!

Flames! Flying wildly, like a mad snake.

And after Meng Chuan’s thunder came.

In this world, there is no end in sight.

There was even a thunderstorm.

this thunder


Earth-shattering! It makes countless people tremble! And among the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty! At this time, those who can still hold weapons and even withstand the burns of those flames.

He was also shocked by the sound of thunder.


It was as if a time machine had been put on it! Not moving.

And right now, above the sky.

Meng Chuan’s eyes narrowed again.

Finally, he let out a final shout.

The electricity is coming! The thunder is terrifying, and the lightning strikes the ground.

With this final shout.

above the Great Wall.


Heaven and earth change.

Dark clouds cover the sky.

The fire is like a dragon and a snake, dancing wildly with the wind.

Thunder and lightning, it directly shook the mountains, rivers and the world.

At this time, whether it is the empress dowager or the emperor.

And the chefs there.

Even in Yangquan Restaurant thousands of miles away.

You can see it all over the Great Wall of China.

On top of this monument that has a history of nearly a thousand years.

A golden light appeared.

The light was so dazzling that it was hard to open your eyes.

And as long as you get close, you can see it.

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