Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 693

Page 693

This golden light looks like.

Exactly a train.

And it’s a holy dragon.

At this time, Meng Chuan’s gourmet devil.

It has completely evolved! It has become a real golden holy dragon.

The holy dragon of great power and great virtue.

What happened above the Great Wall completely shocked the world.

Countless people were stunned.

And with this thunder.

Finally, suddenly, Meng Chuan opened his eyes.

Wind, fire, thunder, electricity.

At this time, Mengchuan’s gourmet demons are in it.

These four forces are circulating and gathering.

At this moment, on the high platform, the Empress Dowager’s heart suddenly panicked.

she said quickly.

“Meng Chuan, I can let you go.”

“As for the recipe for longevity, we can talk about it later.”

Hearing this, Meng Chuan was stunned.

A question mark appeared on his forehead! Obviously, Meng Chuan didn’t expect it, even at this time.

The queen mother did not give up, the long-cherished wish of immortality! My heart was cold! Meng Chuan turned his eyes to the power he was brewing in his hands.

This is exactly the power of heaven and earth gathered in this world just now.

Meng Chuan stretched out his left hand and turned his palm up.

He slowly opened his hands again.

At this time, a ball of light had already appeared in Mengchuan’s Hand Mountain.

After looking at the ball of light a few times, Meng Chuan turned his palm down again.

The ball of light slowly fell to the ground.


This world is quiet.

The breath of wind, fire, thunder and electricity seemed to cease.

Countless people’s hearts sank.

Accompanied by the sound of wind, fire, and thunder.

This was originally the Great Wall just used to test the cooking skills.

Immediately, various forces appeared.

Wind, fire, lightning.

Various crazy forces are raging.

In the end, above the sky, a divine thunder descended unexpectedly.

Wind and Fire.

Thunder and Electricity.

The Golden Dayan Shenglong let out a roar.

Accompanied by the roar of this divine thunder.

Above the Great Wall.

Suddenly there was smoke.

And after this smoke and dust, there were countless horrifying screams.

For a long time.

The smoke dissipated.

Dudu and the others finally opened their eyes.

At this time, the light of guardianship that had just protected them had long since dissipated.

And the emperor’s army, which was once majestic, has disappeared at this time.

saw this situation.

Chefs still alive

Teachers, their faces suddenly filled with horror.

And when he turned his eyes to the figure in the sky, he was even more afraid of the gods.

Feilu reminds you: read three things

【492】Shocking battle!This is god! (1 more, please subscribe!)


Above the Great Wall.

A golden golden dragon is turning around in the sky.

And under the influence of this golden dragon, above the Great Wall.

There was also a flash of lightning.

Just like the Dragon King, but not calling for wind and rain.

Rather, it calls for fire and thunder.

A bunch of fireworks, a bunch of thunder.

This golden holy dragon, Meng Chuan’s food nightmare.

The Golden Dayan Sacred Dragon, at this time, is showing his strength to his heart’s content.

The wind helps the fire, and the thunder strengthens the electric potential.

At this time, on Meng Chuan’s body, this golden Dayan Shenglong.

Just like, a dragon of destruction that brought endless disasters to this world.

Maybe he shouldn’t be called the Golden Dayan Sacred Dragon, he should be called the Golden Dayan Demon Dragon.

Under this golden Dayan Sacred Dragon, everyone under the Great Wall is trembling.

No one can stop its edge.

Under the divine might that seemed to open up the world.

The major leaders and leaders of the Qing army.

All are dumbfounded


What kind of enemy are they facing! I can’t believe it! Doubt about life, cowardice, fear! Some Qing court officers and soldiers have these complex emotions.

This is simply God! And the scene where the sky collapsed is God’s punishment.

Some Qing court sergeants had such an idea in their hearts.

And under this kind of thinking.

Some soldiers still dutifully slashed at some cooks.

Of course, this kind of behavior has no effect under the influence of the light of the eight kitchen utensils.

At this time, above the Great Wall

The many officers and soldiers of the army were obviously unable to resist.

Meng Chuan demonstrated the divine power.

under such divine punishment.

The morale of these three banner troops has long since fallen to its lowest point.

Countless people are already timid in their hearts.

Under this influence, these sergeants have already given birth to some retreats.

And just in time, these sergeants gave birth to the intention to retire.

A voice suddenly echoed above the Great Wall.

One of the Qing emperor’s personal guards let out a loud shout.

“The emperor has an order,

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