Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Please tell me your dream!

The little wizards lined up, walked through the foyer, and entered the luxurious dining room through a double door at the back.

There were many students sitting around four long tables, and thousands of candles floating in the air above the tables illuminated the restaurant. Four tables were set with gleaming gold plates and goblets. Zhang Xiao raised his head and saw stars twinkling on the velvet-black ceiling, as if the auditorium had no roof.

Magic is really convenient. If car manufacturers see this kind of star roof technology, they will go crazy.

Professor McGonagall placed a pointed wizard's hat on a four-legged stool. The hat is old and patched.

Ron and Harry both stared at the hat. Is this the Sorting Hat that Zhang mentioned? So how should it be sorted?

There was silence in the restaurant, and suddenly a wide crack opened in the brim of the hat, and they began to sing:

You may think I'm not pretty, but don't judge me by my appearance.

If you guys can find a prettier hat than mine, I'll eat myself.

The Sorting Hat finally finished singing the song it made up. Zhang Xiao even wondered if the Sorting Hat had been doing nothing for a whole year and was just thinking about making up the song.

Harry and Ron both breathed a sigh of relief, but then began to worry about gains and losses. They both hoped to be sorted into Gryffindor, but listening to the Sorting Hat's song, they felt that they were more likely to be Hufflepuffs.

Who did Hufflepuff provoke?

Professor McGonagall picked up the parchment, glanced around the new students with a scrutinizing gaze, and then said:

"Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting."

Zhang Xiao looked at the chair with great interest. Here he comes, his colleague Liu Shui and the iron-clad Hannah.

"Hannah Abbott!"

Zhang Xiao let out a sigh that sounded like a wish was fulfilled, which made Harry and Ron a little surprised. They didn't know what was wrong with their little friend.

A little girl with a rosy complexion and two golden braids stumbled out of the queue and put on a hat that just covered her eyes. She sat down. There was a moment's pause - "Hufflepuff!" cried the Hat.

The people at the table to the right applauded and cheered Hannah, welcoming her to their table. The fat monk ghost also waved happily to her.

"Susan Burns!"


The speed of hat sorting can be fast or slow, but the number of new students is really small, probably only a few dozen people smaller.

When Malfoy's name was called, Malfoy strutted over and got his wish immediately. The hat almost touched his head when he screamed: "Slytherin!"

Malfoy went to join his friends Crabbe and Goyle, looking very pleased with himself.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall shouted:

"Harry Potter!"

Zhang Xiao and Ron patted him on the shoulder. Harry walked over stiffly like a robot and put the hat on his head.

There was a sudden buzzing and murmur in the dining room like the sizzle of a small flame.

The restaurant was crowded, and everyone looked up, hoping to see his appearance clearly.

"Harry Potter?"

"Is it that Harry Potter?"

"The newspaper says Harry Potter will be enrolling this year!"

After a long time, the Sorting Hat shouted:


Warm cheers suddenly erupted from a long table. Zhang Xiao noticed that Dumbledore in the center of the podium also showed a satisfied smile, and even picked up the wine glass and took a sip himself.

Harry put down his hat, with a happy smile on his face, and trotted to sit at the Gryffindor table to accept everyone's welcome. He also gave a thumbs up to his two friends to cheer them up.

After a while, Ron also got his wish and entered the Iron Head Lion Academy. Thanks to the initial letter of his surname being Z, Zhang Xiao discovered that he had actually become the last person to cheat.

Finally Professor McGonagall shouted:


Zhang Xiao noticed that several girls in Ravenclaw suddenly started whispering to each other, probably chatting with Qiu Zhang, but they were too far away and did not see what Qiu Zhang, known as the beauty of Hogwarts, looked like.

After taking a deep breath to relieve his nervousness, Zhang Xiao stepped forward and put on the sorting hat in the expectant eyes of his friends.

The hat was put on his head to block his sight, and then darkness fell

"Well," he heard a small voice in his ear say, "It's difficult, very difficult. You are even more difficult than the previous child. You can see that you are very courageous. You have a kind heart, and Gryffindor is a good fit for you."

Isn't that right? After all, the child is being held up to protect the child from the gun. If he is not reckless, no normal person will face the difficulty with the gun.

"Oh, you are very talented and have great ideas. Ravenclaw is also a good choice."

It's necessary. In addition to being the best in the community primary school, after all, he also won the first prize in the provincial Mathematical Olympiad. Well, even though he was in the primary school group.

"Oh my God, why do you have an indelible desire for farming deep in your heart? You also have an amazing understanding and belief in food. It's unbelievable! You were simply born for Hufflepuff!"

nonsense! All Chinese people are like this, and food is their bottom line! As for British food, it is worthy of being used as relief food in most parts of China.

The Sorting Hat was silent for a while and continued to ask:

"Okay then, is there anything you want to accomplish? Do you have a dream?"

What do you want to accomplish? dream?

Zhang Xiao's thoughts immediately started to diverge. Of course he had dreams and even an ambition buried in his heart, which he didn't even tell his parents.

That is to study hard in school, learn magic knowledge seriously, unite classmates, respect teachers, and expand your network.

Using the power of magic, with the help of the Forgetting Curse and the Soul-Imperius Curse, and the reasonable use of the Traceless Stretching Curse, whatever the motherland needs, he will be lucky!

Whether it is high-end technology, embargoed machine tools, or photolithography machines, we can deeply solve the problems of difficult and strange diseases, as well as the problems that are difficult and looked down upon by ordinary people, even during epidemics.

Moreover, he also focused on the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, whether it was saline-alkali land or land desertification, at least solving the problem of food and clothing, and guided them to plant high value-added magic plants,

Zhang Xiao was so immersed in his imagination that he almost missed the subtle voice in his ear:

"It can be seen that you have a great ideal and you are eager to realize it. If so, then there is no doubt that there will help you to achieve glory!"

Then, the Sorting Hat roared and shouted:


This time the sorting was extraordinarily long, even longer than the time in Harry Potter. In addition, everyone was looking forward to the big meal after the sorting, so all eyes were focused on Zhang Xiao.

So much so that there was a small silence after the Sorting Hat called out Slytherin.

Harry and Ron were stunned together at the Gryffindor table, looking at each other. Their good friends were actually sorted into Slytherin?

"No, it's impossible!" Ron was more excited than anyone else. In his eyes, Zhang Xiao didn't laugh at him for being poor. Instead, he praised him for having an enviable family and gave him a precious chocolate frog card, not to mention Malfoy. When he was laughing at him, he acted righteously.

Zhang Xiao is a Gryffindor! How could it be Slytherin?

Harry had similar thoughts, but after all, he had just experienced the Sorting Hat's entanglement and persuasion, so he guessed:

"Ron, just now the Sorting Hat also advised me to go to Slytherin. I guess Zhang forgot to refute. He has been sorted for such a long time, so he must be in compliance with the requirements of other houses!"

"And Slytherins aren't all bad, are they?"

Ron thought desperately: "Yes! Yes, Merlin is from Slytherin. I also heard that there is a distant relative from the Black family who seems to have married a Muggle and broke with the family! He is also Slytherin. Lin’s.”

The two little guys firmly believed in their guesses. They looked at their new friend with worry and sympathy, fearing that he would be ostracized and bullied in the wrong house, Slytherin.

As for Zhang Xiao, everyone is stupid. Don’t they ask themselves what their ideals are? Why did you go to Slytherin? It's not that he has any prejudice against the Snake Yard, but the problem is that most of the Snake Yard is full of tsundere monsters, so it's not tiring to get along with them, and he doesn't like green either. To be honest, he likes yellow.

But the deal is already done, even if you don't want to, you have to do this.

He walked listlessly to the long table of Slytherin and sat next to Malfoy. Brother Yan's expression was as if he had lost a relative. He stared at Zhang Xiao for a while with twinkling eyes, and then decided to go to the common room to discuss this. A hard lesson for being a nuisance.

Albus Dumbledore stood up. He looked at the students with a big smile and stretched out his arms to them

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start a new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words.

That is: Idiot! Crying! Residue! Screw it! "Thank you everyone!"

The little wizards in the huge restaurant cheered, and the banquet began!

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