Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 9 Hold that hand

The three of them rushed out along with the crowd, and finally came to a dark and small platform, followed by a rough and loud voice shouting:

"First years! First years come over here! Harry, come over here, how are you?"

Harry's face showed a look of surprise, and he introduced the two friends in a low voice:

"Hagrid! He's Hagrid, the gamekeeper and keykeeper of Hogwarts. He's a very good guy!"

After saying that, he pulled the two of them and squeezed forward.

Then, not counting the bright lights, Zhang Xiao also saw this big man with giant blood. He was about 3 meters tall. Zhang Xiao only reached his thighs. He was wearing an oversized leather jacket made of unknown animal skins and a shaggy beard. The chandelier in his hand is almost half a person's height.

Hagrid winked at Harry and shouted loudly:

"Come on, follow me. Are there any freshmen? Watch your step, okay! Freshmen, follow me!"

Zhang Xiao followed the crowd and walked along a path stumbling on the slippery road. First-year students need to go to the pier to take a boat to Hogwarts. Second-year students don't need to. They can just ride a carriage and go there comfortably. That’s fine, I don’t know who made this strange rule.

After turning a corner, a black lake suddenly appeared in front of me. People around me were amazed. I saw a towering castle standing on the high hillside on the other side of the lake. The castle was lined with spiers and windows. Twinkling under the stars.

This is Hogwarts!

Zhang Xiao stared at the castle intently, his heart filled with indescribable excitement. Harry pulled him and said quickly:

"Zhang, we are going to take a boat."

Zhang Xiao withdrew his gaze, and the three of them got on the boat, followed by an unknown little wizard. Hagrid once again confirmed that everyone was on the boat and shouted: "Set the boat!"

I saw the boat shake slightly, and without anyone sliding, it silently sailed forward across the mirror-like lake.

Everyone was silent, staring at the huge castle high into the sky.

I have to say that the scene in "Hogwarts Legacy" is quite restored. Zhang Xiao looked quietly at the approaching cliff, passed through the ivy curtain covering the front of the cliff, and came to the secret open entrance.

Comparing it in his mind with the game screen he was familiar with, he couldn't say it was exactly the same, it could only be said that it was almost the same. This made him wonder, is this world the world in the book, or is it an independent world?

But there was no time for him to think deeply now. The boat was almost reaching its destination.

In the game, there is a place similar to an underground dock. You can reach the entrance of the auditorium directly through the elevator.

The little wizard followed Hagrid up a flight of stone steps and gathered in front of a huge oak door. He stretched out his hand and knocked, and the door immediately opened. A tall black-haired witch wearing an emerald green robe stood in front of the door. It was Professor McGonagall.

Harry whispered softly:

"She looks so stern."

Ron nodded in agreement, his face getting paler and even trembling a little nervously.

"First year, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave it to me to pick you up when you get here."

She opened the door wide. The entrance hall is large enough to accommodate all first-year wizards.

The stone walls were surrounded by blazing torches, and the ceiling was so high you could barely see the top. On the front is a huge Hogwarts school emblem, and on both sides are luxurious marble stairs leading directly to the upper floor.

They followed Professor McGonagall along the stone floor and came to a small empty room at the other end of the hall. Everyone rushed in, rubbing shoulders and gazing nervously at everything around them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the restaurant to sit down, you must first confirm which house you are entering. The classification is one A very important ceremony.”

Professor McGonagall briefly introduced the names and glorious histories of the four colleges, as well as the scoring rules, and then left directly to prepare for the sorting ceremony.

Harry swallowed his foam and asked dryly:

"How could they accurately assign us to which college?"

Ron turned around and showed a smile that was uglier than crying:

"Fred said it would hurt us a lot. I guess he was joking, but it was still a test."

The little wizards next to them were obviously thinking about Ron as well. A girl with fluffy hair was mumbling something, and most of them looked as desperate as Harry. They obviously knew nothing.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but laugh. Hogwarts was an old tradition, threatening new students. He whispered to the two of them:

"Relax, it's just a formality. There is no distinction between colleges. The Sorting Hat is more about sorting the colleges according to your inner thoughts. It is not necessarily accurate. It doesn't matter which house you are assigned to."

"Sorting Hat?" The two of them keenly grasped the key points of Zhang Xiao's words.

"Yes, an ancient, magical magic tool, you will be able to see it soon."

Zhang Xiao didn't explain much. At this time, a group of milky white ghosts suddenly emerged from the wall, talking and flying forward, causing the little wizards to marvel.

One of the chubby ghosts cheered them loudly and wished them to be assigned to Hufflepuff.

Harry and Ron were still thinking desperately about how a hat would assign them to houses, when three boys suddenly squeezed through the crowd and came over. (Note 1)

The boy at the head was pale and had fine platinum blond hair. He raised his face slightly, looking a little arrogant. He looked at Harry and said slowly in a tone imitating an adult:

"Everyone is talking about Harry Potter enrolling. So, that's you. Right?"

"Yes." Harry said, looking at the other two boys. They were both short and chubby, and looked particularly ugly. They stood on either side of the pretty boy, one on each side, just like a pair of his bodyguards.

"Oh, this is Crabbe, and this is Goyle." The pale boy noticed that Harry was looking at them, introduced them casually, and then said solemnly, as if he was talking about something important:

"My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Ron lowered his head and covered his mouth to keep from laughing.

Draco Malfoy looked at him. "You think my name is ridiculous, don't you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me that the Weasleys all have red hair, are full of freckles, and have more children than they can afford."

He turned to Harry and said, "You'll soon find that some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to make friends with the odd one out. I can help you with that."

Then he stretched out his hand, Harry looked at him and said coldly: "I think I can tell the difference myself."

A faint blush appeared on Malfoy's pale face, and he was about to retract his hand. At this moment, a hand with long, white and strong fingers stretched out.

Holding the hand that made many people wonder "What would happen if Harry shook hands with Malfoy?"

But Zhang Xiao understood that no matter what, Harry and Malfoy would not shake hands. Malfoy and Dally were too similar, both arrogant and flamboyant, like spoiled children.

And just now he insulted Ron, Harry's recognized friend.

But just like all adults looking after children, Zhang Xiao was only amused by the children's little thoughts. He shook Malfoy's hand under his surprised gaze, which was like giving him a step down in disguise.

With a faint smile on his face, Zhang Xiao used force on his hands:

"What you just said was too much. Now I give you a chance to apologize!"

Malfoy felt the heavier and heavier force on his hand, and the pain made his face slightly distorted. He gasped and immediately carried forward the fine tradition of the Malfoy family - those who know the current affairs are heroes.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that."

Zhang Xiao then let him go with satisfaction and said softly:

"That's not how you make friends. Isn't it lonely without friends?"

Malfoy looked at him in shock and fear, his eyes flashed, and he wanted to say something serious, but Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted him, and he could only walk back angrily.

Harry secretly gave him a thumbs up, Zhang Xiao patted Ron on the shoulder and said with his grateful eyes:

"Don't take it to heart, he's just a spoiled kid. He's not bad in nature, he's just crooked."

Ron nodded, feeling much better than before.

Malfoy is actually quite sad. Everything about him was instilled by his parents. He just believed in his parents unconditionally. A good education may not make him successful.

But what does this have to do with him? According to Zhang Xiao's estimation, he could either get into Gryffindor, or he could get into Ravenclaw with his extraordinary mind. Hufflepuff was also possible, but it was impossible to get into Slytherin.

Are you kidding, he is a passionate young man who is brave enough to do what is right and joins Slytherin?

Professor McGonagall came in holding the parchment and said loudly:

"Now stand in single file and follow me."


Note 1: In the novel, this plot takes place on the train, in the movie, before the hospital is sorted, the plot of the movie is used here.

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