Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v4 Chapter 76 - Simone Sorcerer Squad

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Under the leadership of Faras, Lace squad walked out of the arena. There will be a game of Simone ’s team here in the afternoon. It is still early. Faras suggested to go back to rest first, and then come to see Simone ’s game in the afternoon. This proposal was agreed by everyone, so Faras and everyone took the carriage when they came and embarked on the way home.

Mia in her cloak and Calchite in the robe of the Wizard slowly walked out of the arena, looking at Faras and their wagons away. Mia whispered: “This is a very difficult opponent . “

Karl Hitt replied indifferently: “Not necessarily met.”

Mai Ya looked helplessly at this guy beside her. The magician looked like this no matter what he did, as if he didn’t care about anything. It was just this guy’s endless peek that made the captain who didn’t know what the team discovered the existence of the two of them. Fortunately, he was dragged to run fast, otherwise it would be troublesome.

“The captain must not like us fighting outside.” Mai Ya said to herself in her heart.

Mentioning the captain of the goddess squad, Catherine Randy, Mai Ya did n’t understand her thoughts. Since the last time she said she wanted to use “chaos” to defeat “order”, the entire goddess squad had never had any coordination exercises. The two thieves brothers were eating and sleeping every day. They pulled Carl Hitt out to collect information and ran around, while the captain sat there meditating every day. It was indeed “chaotic” enough. Even the members of his team did not know the game. What to do when it’s time.

In the last game, with the efforts of Meyer and Carl Hitt, they finally defeated the opponent. Although it was easy to win, the team exposed the big problem of not cooperating at all. However, Captain Catherine Randy didn’t care at all. Whatever you think about it, everything in the team was thrown to Mia. Many times Mia even felt that she was the captain of this team.

Mai Ya looked up depressively at the sky, and it seemed that everything was unsatisfactory. There was no adventurer squad to ask for themselves. A person who was depressed was hiding in the bar and drinking. After going back, he had to put on a smile to face his father and sister. Now there is a team of adventurers, not the captain but to worry about everything, it is even more depressed.

Mai Ya had to comfort herself in her heart and said, “Just be the exercise of the light gods on me. According to his righteous father, the light church has a kind of ascetic priest who can only eat very little food and drink a small meal at each meal. With a glass of water, you have to do a lot of physical work every day, and only then can you hone their will. Compared with the ascetic priest, I am very happy now. Well, the taste of Randolph-Valentine ’s barbecue is pretty good. “

Thinking of this, Mai Ya suddenly had a strange idea: “If you can run errands, eat barbecue, and talk to the captain every day, how great.”

———————————— * ———————————— * ——————————————

Simone Hadath stood solemnly in the middle of the lounge. His four teammates sat beside him, listening to his loud mobilization before the battle.

“This morning’s game, the team Lace won. So our next opponent is Faras. They had invited her. Unfortunately, she refused. This made us missing a substitute, but Not important. In this land, the magician is the most powerful existence, and we have to prove it to others with our own strength. “

Simone pointed at his teammates and said, “Baker Bruce, Buck Camp, Byron Assad, Karl Clark. The five of us are nobles and have noble blood. We must not lose to those who come. Villagers in the countryside. “

Everyone nodded together.

Simone also said: “Today’s opponents can’t pose any threats at all. Our goal is Filath’s Lace Squad. Do you understand?”

Everyone answered together, “Understood, Captain.”

Simone nodded in satisfaction, he said again: “This Farass could have been a good substitute for our team, but unexpectedly rejected us. We want to let her know that women will never compare to men, even if she is Become a magical genius. Without Victor’s backing, can she get this title? “

Baker whispered: “Captain, I heard that Team Lace won very easily this morning …”

When Simone interrupted Baker, he shouted impatiently: “If we go and the gorse, we will win more easily! Today everyone does not have to retain any magic, I have prepared five bottles’ “The source of magic power”, this thing is enough to ensure that we can restore full strength when dealing with Farad. “

Simone exhausted all his strength and shouted loudly: “All we have to do today is to attack and then attack, and destroy the enemy’s will with gorgeous magic.”

Simone also wanted to continue. Baker reminded in a small voice: “Captain, I have just reminded you to play. If we don’t go out again, I’m afraid …”

When Simone stayed, he asked everyone: “When did you remind me? Why didn’t I hear?”

A baby-faced Buck said with the short Byron: “That’s when you shout to attack.”

Simone said unpleasantly: “This teacher, Phil, refuses to wait a few more minutes every time. Every time my line is only half said, I notify the audience. It’s true.”

Baker whispered, “Boss, if we don’t go out, then …”

Simone said impatiently: “Got it, let’s go with me.”

In the valuable box of the game, Faras and everyone had sat well, everyone was relaxed, Reid and Oz sipped Bordeaux wine, and Elena ate fresh fruit.

Faras stretched his lazy waist and said with gratitude: “This is different from the one below.”

Reed said: “Of course, otherwise how could there be 100 gold coins alone?”

I have been with Flushing for a long time. Everyone is used to the feeling of spending money like running water. When I heard Reid talking about a hundred gold coins, I was not surprised at all.

Elena took a red fruit and took a big bite. She chewed and asked vaguely: “Sister, how is the strength of this Simoni team today?”

Faras said: “This Simone is actually quite annoying, every time I see him, he will talk for a long time. If it is not the case, maybe I will save time and join his team.”

Reid waved his hand and said, “That Ryan must thank Simone.”

Elena asked puzzled: “What does this have to do with Captain Ryan?”

Faras glared at Reid, his face suddenly showing a shy look.

Reid rarely had an upper hand in the fight with Faras. Today, seeing Faras reveals this expression of Huaichun girl, he can’t express the joy in his heart, he proudly said: “But it also has my credit It’s not that I proposed to go to Sunrise City, take a boat to Haifeng City, and then turn back to the Imperial City through Alfa City, and I won’t meet Ryan. “

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