Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v4 Chapter 77 - Watch

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

The five magicians of the Simone squad slowly walked into the round arena. On the other side of the arena is their opponent today, the Fairlin Mercenary.

The two sides haven’t started the game yet. Faras, who is watching the precious box, has shook his head. Carefully, she has clearly seen the gap between the two sides of the game.

The Felling mercenary team over there, it seems that the money bag is not rich. Although the axe in the hands of the two soldiers in the team is sharply polished, the small gaps in the blade have exposed them Embarrassment; look at the two pieces of armor worn by the warrior, I am afraid that it is the cheapest one. Faras doubts whether this thing can work, or wear it just for the dignity of the warrior? You can’t just wear ordinary clothes.

There was also the thief, whose cloak was patched in obscure places, and the color was not as old as it looked. Faras looked sad for him.

The Fairlin mercenary team does not have magicians and priests, and Faras estimates that with their financial resources, they can’t afford it at all.

Look at the opposite side of Simone. Each of the five magicians has elaborate magic items all over his body, such as the ring on Simone ’s hand. Faras knows that this is the work of his teacher Victor. At that time, his teacher put this thing in the Blackstone auction house to sell it, and sold 10,000 gold coins, which can only be used by valuable people like Simone.

Take a look at the baby-faced Buck and the short Byron. The magic wand in their hands is equipped with a magic core of level 5. How can this thing cost thousands of gold coins? A pointed black hat on Karl Clark’s head was not a decoration, that thing could provide him with protection against electrical magic three times, and it could also release a lightning bolt. It is said to be the work of a student of master Blair, the price Compared with the ring Victor made, it was only high or low.

Faras couldn’t bear to look any further, she turned her head and saw that Reid and herself were also thinking. The two glanced at each other and smiled bitterly.

This scene was seen by Alan Duo, and he asked strangely: “Looking at your face, it seems that you already know the result of this game?”

Faras shrugged his shoulders and said to Ellendo: “Unless the gods of light are attached to the members of the Felling mercenary team, there is no way to make a comeback.”

Although Ellendo knew that the strength of the Simone Sorcerer Squad had the upper hand, he did not understand such a firm conclusion as Faras, he asked: “Is there such a huge difference in strength between the two sides?”

Reid explained: “In terms of personal strength, we are not very clear about the situation of the Fairlin mercenary team and do not praise it. But the equipment of both parties alone has already opened a very large gap. This gap is enough Change the results of two teams of similar strength. “

Farath was afraid that everyone did not understand, and explained in detail: “Look at the Fairlin mercenary side, I estimate that the equipment of all team members will not exceed 20 gold coins, which is still calculated according to the new purchase price.”

Allen nodded more, he said: “It can be seen that Fairlin’s purse does not seem very ideal.”

Faras nodded and said, “Yeah. Look at Simone. The magic items on them are a huge sum. But this is not all. Except for the items you see, They still have more things hidden. Baker alone, there are no less than 20 magic scrolls in his arms, each of which is a third-level magic. I studied with them at the Royal Academy of Magic, you know that others are How do you describe Simone fighting? “

Elena asked, “How do you describe it?”

A smile appeared on Faras ‘face. She said: “When I was studying at the Royal Academy of Magic, a student once challenged Baker, but the man lost. Afterwards, the person who was defeated by Baker told his friend:’ I It was not defeated by Baker, it was overturned by gold coins. ‘”

“What do you mean?” Elena obviously still didn’t hear the meaning in Faras’s words.

Reid explained: “It’s very simple. In that duel, Baker shared 17 three-level reels, and each one needed at least more than one hundred gold coins, which is more than two thousand gold coins.”

Faras suddenly laughed, as if thinking of something happy, she smiled and said to everyone: “Someone later made a joke about this matter.”

“Ah, my sister said quickly.” Elena clapped first.

Faras sat there, telling the joke seriously.

“One day, a magician called Baker to a duel.

The two stood face-to-face on the duel field. At the beginning, the magician said to Baker: ‘How about a negotiation? ’.

Baker asked: ‘What is it? ’.

The magician said, ‘I know you have many magic scrolls, and you have to throw a few thousand gold coins each time. It ’s not as good as this. You give me half the gold coins. I do n’t fight back. How? ‘”

Faras vividly vividly expressed the expressions of the two people in the story, especially when the magician said “I don’t fight back”.

Ellendo could not help shaking his head and sighed, “They rely so much on foreign objects, which is very bad for their growth.”

Without waiting for Farath to say something, I heard the horn at the start of the game. Faras immediately said to everyone: “Let’s watch the game first.”

So the members of the whole team of Lace stopped joke and watched the game seriously.

With the opening of the central colored barrier, the Simeone Magician Squad and Fairlin Mercenary Squad officially started.

The five magicians of the Simone Sorcerer Squad immediately tore the magic scroll off their hands, and five huge fireballs roared towards the opponent. The five fireballs did not directly attack the opponent, but exploded slightly in front of the opponent, and a huge magic flame sputtered out, blocking all the lines of the Felling mercenary squad.

The magic scroll releases fast and hardly consumes its own magic power, but its power is much smaller. The Simone magician began to cooperate very tacitly. Baker and Buck kept pulling out the magic scroll and ripping it, using the magic scroll to quickly cast spells, blocking the line of the opponent’s body; Karl and Byron slowly thought of fireball The spell launched an attack on the opponent.

One after another, fireballs roared through the air and flew towards the area where the Felling Mercenary Squad was located. The fireball exploded and a large amount of magical flames exploded, causing the members of the Felling mercenary squad to shrink behind their two warriors and use the warrior’s cheap shield to protect themselves.

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