City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 407: Party I

'Open the Gates,'

Caena's voice rang out and I felt the doors of the velvet red opening.

The patrons started coming immediately.

Soon, they will fill the five floors, where the girls will be waiting for them with their beautiful smiles.

I had spent a lot on them.

Their training, their beauty and they didn't disappoint me.

From today, they will use the knowledge, those skills, they have learned.

I do not doubt that they will provide every patron the experience, they will never forget in their life.

Just thinking about it made a smile appear on my face.

I shook my head and turned to the core, where the harvest was lessening as the play ended.

The store and theater are doing just as great.

Many were opposed to the theater; at least didn't want to be on legacy.

Which is understandable.

Of all the sixteen floors of the legacy, the theater will be the only place that will be open for the shortest time. There will only be two shows, which means it is six to seven hours.

Every other floor will remain open for at least eighteen hours.

Including Eva and Miss Cain's store.

I created a theater, not only to give an unforgettable experience but also to bring a cultural shift to the city.

Art is the greatest force of the culture.

I might not have any interest in the theater, but I know, how effective it is in bringing the cultural shift.

As for the emotions essence, I don't think, we are not losing any.

During the play, the harvest of emotions had tripled, while it was only for three hours. It is a lot; most importantly, it is not as bad as everything thought.

The harvest of emotions was much better than any of us had imagined.

Which made me relieved. The emotions essence is important and if possible, I don't want to lose any of it.

I moved my eyes away from the core and focused back on the most important floors.

I may have added the other things, but the brothel will always remain the core part of it. It is what lighted the legacy.

I could sense the guest coming. Feeling them moving toward the girls, who are shining like the beacons.

It is quite regrettable, that I couldn't completely focus on it today. I have a party to host.

At nine and a half, the guests will start to arrive and at ten, I will have to make an entrance.

It will be quite an entrance, that they will not forget in their life.

"There is a message from the synods, representative," informed Zela.

I opened my eyes, and everything disappeared. I am back in the real world.

"The same question?" I asked, and she nodded. "Reply to them with the same answer," I ordered.

The smart ones have already realized, and now they have questions. They have been bugging since the afternoon as they realized the anomalies.

They will get the answer to that question at exactly ten.

"Any intelligence on anomalies?" I asked. "No, everything is silent from the undead," she replied, and it made me take a sigh with relief.

There will be nothing worse than the news of the undead attacking.

It will spoil the entire party.


A few minutes later, I walked out of the office and stepped into the elevator.

This elevator is a secret. It is for madams, a few important staff and me.

I want to take a glimpse of the establishment before the party begins. Once it started, I wouldn't be able to leave till midnight.


The elevator stopped at the sixteenth floor, and I got out. I could staff moving around, some stopped and bowed, but I waved them away.

I didn't immediately check the halls. Instead, I went to the kitchen, which was very busy.

The servers lay down the orders and the chefs cook them. Drev is also here, tasting dishes and giving out the orders.

With the legacy expanding, his job had also changed. He is now an executive chef; the man responsible for the food and every aspect related to it.

In addition to the development of dishes and menu creation which was part of his earlier responsibilities. Now, he has management, planning, budgeting, and guest relations, in his kitty.

There are two main kitchens on the five floors of velvet red and three floors of velvet blue, along with three satellite kitchens.

All the staff had been either from the establishment or trained in the legacy.

I had trained my people in the legacy, but also hired a lot of people, that worked in the legacy.

It is why, they are so expertly using the mist in creating every dish. It is so mesmerizing that, I could watch for hours and not get bored at all.

"Lord Silver," he greeted.

"Seemed like, everything is going well," I said. "Everything is good, my lord," he replied.

"I want you to focus more on blue, today. We have a lot of people to impress at the party," I said, and the man nodded.

"I am aware, my lord. I had only come here for a few minutes to check things out," he replied.

I nodded and walked out of the kitchen, after taking a last look at Wanda, who had earned the place among these chefs.

I took the elevator and came out of the fourteenth floor. The first floor of the velvet red.

I walked directly to the large window, which is one and a half meters long and one meter wide. It gives me a wide view of the legacy.

They wouldn't see me looking at them. Instead, they would see a beautiful painting.

It is a very precious painting. From the collection from the house of Ashav.

Though, he told me, not to place a plaque on it; no art piece in velvet red had a plaque on it.

Nobody wants others to know, that they have given the brothel the paintings.

However, they are very particular about having a plaque of their name beside the art piece in every other part of the tower.

The hall is completely filled and despite being the one with most tables. It doesn't feel crowded at all.

Every table is occupied, and so is every chair on the bar.

I could see that the people were clearly having fun. The girls are making them have fun.

They have been trained to engage with even the most boring person.

They have been taught by the people with classes like 'Conversationalist' and older girls have also shared their tips and tricks.

The actors also gave them a good score.

Only those who passed through various tests are working and this time, the passing score was quite high. Over 90%, which is highest till now.

I looked for a minute, before walking into the fifteenth floor.

It is more exclusive and with the open tables as well as the private rooms.

It is also more expensive.

The sixteenth floor is a tavern or made in tavern style. The bartenders working there used to work in Bloody Fork. A legacy tavern in the kingdom of Ataren.

It died four years ago, and these people were working in other bars and hotels.

However, the moment, I made an offer. They accepted it immediately, without even discussing their salaries.

Some even said, they would have come. Even if I didn't pay them a single penny. Nothing could compare to the legacy. No matter how great it is.

They do not need to worry about money; the sheer tips, they will get would be huge.

Not that I am not paying them. I am matching or even paying more than their past job.

I walked to the seventeenth floor; the truly exclusive one. Like the upper two floors of velvet red. Here, the reservation alone isn't enough.

You have to be someone to be here.

Even then, it is up to madam to accept whether let you here or not.

There are only fifty-two girls in here at any time. No more than that.

I had spent as much on this floor as on the three floors below. Every piece of furniture, napkin, and porcelain is expensive and crafted specifically for the legacy.

So are the dresses and accessories, the girls are wearing.

They are not things, that even the relatively wealthy could afford.

Even I would have thought about it a hundred times before buying them. Seeing how damn expensive every piece, the girls are wearing is.

Thankfully, I didn't.

I signed a contract with Eva Cain. Everything the girls are wearing is a loan from them.

It is good because I had amassed a massive loan. Whenever I think about the amount; I start to sweat.

It is too much.

I looked at it, before walking into the top floor. Where there are only twenty-four girls and a single soloist singing a beautiful song.

The most exclusive floor. Every person, sitting there is someone.

From assistant of Lord of Owlspring to the scion of the house of Gyliphor. My cousin, that bastard wanted to come here, but he is on the fifth floor.

I wanted to keep looking, but less than five minutes remained, till the party began, I had to prepare.

So, I took one last look, before going back to my office.

Finally, the clock hit nine and a half and I gathered the power of the legacy around me.

"Open," I said, and velvet blue opened.

Today, the blue will host the party. Tomorrow, it will open for business.

A minute had passed, and the line of carriages appeared. They would stop in front of the tower before moving away to the park.

It is happening smoothly without traffic.

Most of them are guests. They walked into the tower before taking the elevator to the Velvet Blue.

There they are welcomed by Caena, Margaux, and Carla.

Last time, I had used my family. This time, I am keeping the distance, while Heron and Josie are too young to welcome the guests here.

I watched the carriages for a few minutes, before changing into the suit.

It is tailored for this occasion and is quite good. It felt so soft and light, that I wanted to sleep in it.

I didn't and instead returned to my office, where Eudo was waiting for me with his things. I sat down and began to do his magic.

"You are really a magician, thank you," I said, looking myself in the mirror.

It is not over the top; he had just enhanced what I have. Still, the effects are big; I have never looked as handsome as I am right now.

"You are welcome, Lord Silver," he replied and left.


Minutes passed and when there were only five minutes to ten, Carla came in and I froze.

She is blinding. So, much, I stopped breathing seeing her beauty.

"You look"

I wanted to say 'beautiful', but that word felt insufficient to describe her.

She seemed to like my reaction as a smile appeared on her face, making her look even more enchanting.

She is wearing a shimmering back gown, made of all magical threads, and has work of thousands of tiny red rubies.

It had a V-shape neck, that showed a glimpse of her bountiful breasts, but not scandalously.

The dress was designed by Miss Cain and brought to reality by Eva's people at the Namdar.

Her heels were four inches high and if I had not been wearing shoes, she would have been as tall as me.

I kept looking at her before walking toward her. I stopped, in front of her and took her lips into mine.

The dress is beautiful, but I want to tear it apart and have her on my desk. Unfortunately, I will have to wait for a few hours for it; till then I will have to be content with her lips.

"I have something for you," I said, and she arched her brow.

A moment later, a beautiful jewelry box appeared in my hand, with the emblem of Eva Cain.


I opened the box and immediately a gasp rang out of her mouth.

"It's beautiful," she breathed out, before shaking and touching the beautiful necklace. I had asked Eva to design it for Carla and she didn't disappoint.

The necklace in front of big and elaborate.

There are nine green diamonds in it, with the biggest one being as big as my thumb.

"Let me put it on you," I said and took out the necklace, before putting the necklace on her and activating the mirror spell, so she could see herself.

Tears appeared in her eyes as she looked at herself in the mirror. My own eyes were a little misty, seeing how beautiful and graceful she looked.

She looked at the mirror for a while, before turning to me.

"I took to have something for you," she said, and a small box appeared in her hand, with a familiar emblem.


She opened the box and inside was a brooch. It is rose-shaped, made with delicate white gems which are clearly magical.

She took it out and attached it to my chest.

"Happy birthday," she wished.

"Thank you," I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. It really looks good; she understood my taste well.

"It is time," she said as I was looking at us in the mirror.

I looked at the clock, only to see there was only a minute to ten. We have to make an entrance at the ten.

Immediately, we walked out of my office, and a few seconds later, appeared by the door.

"Ready?" I asked her as I took her hand into mine. "Yes," she replied.

This time, there was no hesitation, like the last few times, when she asked to make entrance alone.

She knows I want her with me.


I opened the door and stepped into the other onto the shimmering rainbow stairs of light.

They are not physical stairs, but a spell.

I could see the heads turning on all three floors. Feel their eyes, including that of the Lord of Owlspring.

I didn't move and looked back at them, with a smile on my face.

'Let's give them something, that they will never forget,' I said to Carla telepathically and took a step down.

Immediately expressions of everyone changed.

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