City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 408: Party II



I heard the sound of surprises as the power of the legacy increased as Silver and Carla took a step into the light stairs.

I had doubts about my own and the insistent messages from a lot of powerful people and entities like Archmages City, had proved my doubts were right.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to answer any of their queries. Nor I would have, even if I could.

The contact is strict enough, that I couldn't even discuss it with my sister or my husband, who looking at me with questions in his eyes.


Thankfully, Silver took another step, and the power increased again.

Making Silas, focus on him.

It is not just the power that is increasing, but the emotions mist is also getting denser, which would create denser mist clouds at the ceiling.

"What is happening?" asked Emmyth. Meria's date.

Both of us smiled and turned to Silver, who took another step, and the power of the legacy increased further.

"Is legacy advancing?"

Someone asked, and the intelligent one smiled.

The legacy had already advanced. Silver is only revealing advancement now.

In these past six months, I had seen enough to be sure, that legacy had reached Grade II.

Currently, Silver is showing only the power of Grade I.

"Its powerful, but still a Grade I," replied young voice. I turned and saw it is a young girl seventeen-eighteen years old girl.

If I am right, that girl is the granddaughter of Inam's legacy host.

She had come to the tower several times, when it was being constructed.

He took another step and then another with every step. The power of the legacy would increase.

The people are watching. Even the lord of Owlspring had a great interest in his eyes.

"It's clear, that you know. You should have told your dear husband about it," said Silas, and I shook my head in regret.

I really wish to talk to my husband about it. I rarely hid things from him, but this time I couldn't. Not even a hint or a suggestion.

It is hard. Weighing when speaking about the legacy, like walking on eggshells.

"Contract," I replied.

It is not a hint or suggestion, but the word, I am allowed to say, without facing the repercussion.

Soon, Silver reached the end of the stairs and looked at all like he did on the first step before taking the step into the ground.


I heard the clicking sound of their feet reaching the ground, when a massive change occurred, that made all the people gasp in shock.

The power of legacy took a massive jump. It is not just the quantity of the power that increased, but also its quality.

Not to mention the mist, it got denser. Its texture was smoothened, and it's seemed to have gotten heavier with the power.

Still, all these changes are nothing in front of how it is making me feel.

It is indescribable.

"Grade II, legacy," said people in shock as its power filled the hall.

It enchanted the people, and mesmerized them. Turning this already piece of heaven, more heavenly.

I couldn't help, but be proud seeing that. As I am one of the people, who had helped in making it.

"This is what I call an entrance," praised Silas and sighed.

I don't think, I would forget this entrance.

People are still shocked, while intelligent ones are in deep thought.

I could already guess they were thinking about when the legacy had ascended to Grade II.

There was no sign, not even a whisper of ascendence.

It had happened less than a year after its birth. A feat, an extremely few legacies are able to achieve. If they are thinking that, they are quite wrong.

It had reached Grade II in six months or less.

I had started to see the clues. In the second month, I came here. On the surface, it felt like Grade I, a legacy, but the way Silver, Carla others talk about it, it didn't feel like Grade I.

I didn't understand those hints and glances back then or I would have come to a conclusion a lot sooner.

It is all becoming very clear.

With clear understanding, a thought came to my mind. 'What if it had advanced to the Grade II, within three months of its birth?'

I pushed the thought as soon as it came to my mind.

"You have created quite something, love. It is looking even more beautiful, in the power of Grade II legacy," said Silas as he looked around.

He is absolutely right; the Grade II, legacy has taken its beauty and the legacy to next level.

"Forget the beauty, think about the emotion essence, he will get from all sixteen floors, not to mention the plants." Said Emmyth, making me sigh internally.

"Meria, please, help, get some essence and resources from the plants. You know, how much it would help me," he requested.

The man is a childhood friend.

He can't think past his profession. It is the reason why he is here; he had begged Meria to take him to the party, knowing she had an invitation.

"Em, I had promised you an introduction, and that is the only thing I will do. Nothing more," said Meria, glaring at him.

He wanted to say something, but closed his mouth seeing her expressions and turned to me with pitiful eyes, but got the same look as her.

"Fine," he said.

Ting Ting!

The sound of class clinking rang out, and we turned to Silver.

The handsome young man who sparked the legacy and whose heart is filled with wild ambitions and has the will to bring them to reality.

Sometimes, I feel a little scared of the young man.

"Thank you, everyone, for joining me, on this auspicious occasion."

"It is also my birthday. I am twenty today and I hope, I will stop hearing the word, so young from now on," he said, drawing out a laughter across the hall.

"Seven months ago; this precious thing, has been sacrificed to deal with those who wished to harm us,"

"We had to build it anew, with a stronger foundation, but its purpose is the same. Which is to provide an experience that will remain etched in your heart forever," I said, looking at all the people.

Some are still shocked by the changes, that they are barely listening to my speech.

I could see their rings, bracelets, and staff lighting up as they sent messages.

I had decided to reveal the advancement of the legacy, which I planned to do, since the moment I decided to build the tower.

Though, the way, I was planning to reveal it is completely different.

I was planning to show it as a real advancement but changed my mind. I decided to go out and create a show of it; tell people, it had advanced months ago.

It will create an effect and spread the news far and wide. Create more interest in legacy and the city.

"It is a challenge, but my legacy and I will do our everything, to provide that to you," I said and raised my glass, and others raised it with me, before taking a sip.

Many closed their eyes for a second. It is an expensive liquor, 27th of the top hundred, which had been aired with the mist of legacy.

The music resumed, and I walked toward the most important guest of the evening.

"Lord Verulus, thank you for gracing my humble city, with your honored presence," I said to a middle-aged man.

Lord of Owlspring looks average. He has a medium height and build, with an average face. His hair is brown, and his eyes are pale green.

Caelus Verulus is anything but average.

He was quite a warrior, in his younger days. Lv. 30+, before he had taken the duties of Owlspring. His information said the man was close to Lv. 40.

"The honor is all mine, Lord Silver. Your city, especially legacy, is worth making a trip," he replied.

I smiled and turned to the beautiful half-elf.

"Miss Tylcharis, I hope, you enjoyed our spa," I said to the woman, and a smile lit up across her face.

"It was a wonderful experience, and I am hoping that Lord Caelus would join me tomorrow, in it."

"He needs to stop caring about his people all the time and take care of himself too, time to time," she said, looking at him with frustration and love.

Her is a nine-treatment plan. She had five treatments today; she will have four tomorrow.

"The spa is really good, my lord; I hope, you will try at least one treatment before leaving," I said to the man.

He didn't reply to that, but smiled.

I talked to him, before moving to the second important guest. The Lord of Amberhold, Silas Blackwell.

He and his wife are talking to my sister and madam.

Like the Lord of Owlspring, his appearance was also sudden. It was Ignatius, who was supposed to come.

I nodded at my sister and madam, who had sparks of anger appearing in her eyes seeing me. I have been told by multiple sources that she had been angry since she had left the baronies.

The woman was so good at controlling her expressions. I had never seen an ounce of enmity in her growing up, but ever since she came here, it had become more visible.

So, much so that she is having a problem controlling it.

Well, I don't really care. I hope she didn't cross a line, or I will have to do something, I really don't want to do.

"Lord Blackwell, thank you for coming," I said to the man. "I have to see it since my wife had praised it so much." He replied.

"Is it good, as she said?" I asked. "She had grossly undersold it," replied the man.

Hearing that, I couldn't help but smile.

"Your words mean a lot, my lord," I said to the man. "I hope, you would spend at least a day in the city, my lord. Explore what it has to offer," I added.

"I very much planned to," replied the man.

I introduced Carla to him and moved to the third more important guest.

There are two people, who share that place.

"Lord Rutto," I greeted the pudgy man.

"His majesty, Emperor Inkav wishes you a long and prosperous life. Lord Silver," said the man.

"Please, thank his majesty for his kind words, Lord Rutto," I replied, carefully avoiding the title.

He is crown prince and should be an emperor as he declared himself, but more than half of the empire is refused to accept him.

I need to be delicate about this since I know a lot of people are looking.

The man had come to the city before when the legacy was born but was sent away by the count. He came again and had the same intentions.

Unfortunately, this time, too, he will not get what he wants.

"I will, my lord," he said before he turned his expression serious.

"The emperor had sent me as guardian of your legacy, my lord. It would be wise, to make it as formal as soon as possible," he stated, casting a glance at left at the old man.

Well, he didn't waste any time.

He had been trying for a meeting since he stepped into the city in the morning.

He wants to become a guardian of the legacy. Well, it is not going to happen.

"All in good times, Lord Rutto," I said to the man and walked away. He wanted to say something, but closed his mouth, seeing me walking away.

He could have followed me. If we weren't in the crowd and many people, sneakily looking at us.

Soon, I stopped in front of the second, most important people. An old man, a head full of thick green hair.

"Lord Thorsten," I replied.

Thorsten is what Rutto is to the crown prince. He is sent by Princess Orlene or Empress Orlene, depending on who you ask.

He wants to be a guardian of the legacy, too.

These two aren't the only ones who came. Every prince and princess had sent their people, with the sole intention of becoming a guardian.

None of them will be.

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