City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 409: Night


"…that is Marshhunter isn't it, Grandma?" said Maci excitedly, barely able to keep her voice contained.

"Is it a Mistake to bring her?" I asked Linda.

She shook her head.

"It is her first seeing at such an opulent party. She is having a hard time controlling herself," said Linda.

Not that we are used to it.

We had only once attended a party, and that is also in this legacy, before it was destroyed.

I didn't think, Silver would invite me this time.

It was a great shock, when my younger granddaughter informed me, that there was a beautiful woman at her door.

This time, there were three invitations. Two by our names, one unnamed, but for only family members.

There was quite a battle for it in our home.

The little girl's parent didn't hesitate to pull their daughter down, even bribe her for the invitation.

I was in my thoughts when I felt a pinch.

I looked at my wife, who looked ahead sharply; I turned ahead and saw Silver coming toward us, with the same beautiful woman, that was at our front door, a few weeks ago.

"Lord Silver," I greeted, while Maci became dumbstruck, with enamored eyes.

"Maci!" said Lina in a sharp whisper.

The little girl immediately understood and tried to bow, but Silver waved it away with a smile.

"Thank you for coming Mr. Kadav, Mrs. Kadav," he thanked in a smooth voice.

"Thank you for inviting us, Lord Silver. It is an absolute honor," I replied, and I mean it.

Inviting us one time is more than enough, but he invited us a second time and it is not a small Grade I legacy, but a magnificent Grade II legacy.

A lot of important people have come at this time, including our own lord and the lord of Amberhold, along with many important people from the merchant state.

"You must be Maci. You look quite like your younger sister," said Miss Carla.

When she had come, Maci wasn't home. It was her, younger sister who had opened the door.

"Y..yes, I am Maci," she replied, stuttering with crimson cheeks.

"Please, enjoy the party," said Silver and walked away, while Maci watched, still enamored.

I didn't say anything and picked up a plate of delicious-looking rolls from the tray, that waited brought, before taking a bite out of it.

It is delicious like everything. I have tested it so far.

It is the best food; I have ever eaten. While Linda is a wonderful cook, nothing could be compared to the food from the legacy.

I had just finished when I saw a blond-haired man coming toward me, before stopping in front of us.

"My skill is telling me, that you are our member, but I do not think, we have met before," said the man and I nodded.

"We have not, Vice-Guild Master Boyd," I replied, and a frown appeared on his face.

The man is too high, that business owner like me could never meet him.

The only reason, I am here, is because, of the few words, I spoke on that fateful day to a young man, who looked like, he was about to lose everything, but still standing straight.

He reminded me of my dear mother. Of what she had faced when I was young.

So, despite the hurry to escape, I went to him and spoke a few encouraging words before walking out.

"So, how do you know, Lord Silver?" he asked, and isn't the only person who had asked this question.

"We had once met fatefully, and Lord Silver, hadn't forgotten about it," I replied.

He looked to explain further, but I didn't and kept a smile on my face.

"Here, this is the invitation for a party in the merchant guild. Please do come," he said and handed the envelope, with the emblem of the merchant guild behind it.

He nodded and walked away, while I gave an invitation to Linda, who put in her purse with the other two.

It is the third invitation we have received. The two were invitations to personal parties, this one from the merchant guild, and that party, that week later, was very important.

People like me could never get into those parties.

The last invitation helped me get some connections, which resulted in a few business opportunities. I hope, this one too will do the same.

I was mingling, when I nearly froze when I saw the lord of Owlspring, coming toward me.

"My lord," I bowed as the man stopped in front of me.

"I heard about you. Your words are what helped Silver, light up a spark for the legacy," he said, looking at me with eyes, that made my knees go weak.

It is the first time, I heard those, but him saying that is different. It could make Silver angry.

"That is a gross exaggeration, my lord. My little words had no effect on the creation of the legacy. It was all Lord Silver," I replied with the same words as I do with others.

Thought this time. I had pressed those words hard.

They are also true. I do not think, I have done anything to help Silver spark the legacy.


"This is my card. Please, give this to Lord Silver and tell him, we are willing to pay any price for the essences and resources," said a middle-aged blond man.

"Of course, Mr. Tars," said Madam Onaz with a charming smile.

The man nodded at her and me, before walking away, while his card disappeared into her purse.

"Everybody wants the essence and resources," I said. We had received over twenty cards in the past two hours.

"It isn't surprising. The establishment has one of the rarest resources in the world."

"Getting their hands on it would be tremendously useful to them," replied Madam Onaz, before walking toward the tables.

I followed behind her with the other two.

Watch her engage with patrons. Answer their demands and queries with a smile never leaving her face.

It is not an easy job, considering the sheer number of patrons here. It is the first floor of the velvet red and there are over a hundred and fifty tables across the different sections.

Madam Onaz is responsible for the floor, but it is temporary until the three of us learn.

Three of us had been promoted to the assistant madams, but she was tier above us.

She is Tier I, while we are Tier II.

One of us will be promoted to her place, who will be in charge of this floor.

I want the position, but the completion is heavy. I not only have two girls beside me as the competitors, but there are seven more Tier II madams, working in floors and college.

There are only three positions for the first three floors of velvet red.

The top two floors will be handled by the tier-one madams.

I looked around at the people. They are everywhere. Even after two hours of opening, every chair is occupied.

No chair remained unoccupied for more than a minute.

I was thinking that when the table in front of me emptied. Rinen and the young patron walked toward the door.

The staff came immediately and cleaned the table. Making it ready for the next patron.

I walked toward the bar and stopped by the blue-eyed man, in his early forties.

"Mr. Rayes, the table is open for you," I said to the man. "Finally," he said and got up.

"I like them red-heads and younger," said the man, as I took him toward the empty table.

"Of course, Mr. Reyes," I said and activated the telepathic skill.

'Una, come to table twenty-nine,' I said to the girl sitting in the waiting room.

The girl is a redhead, but not a natural one like Chief Carla. She had painted her hair red, but it was an excellent job. Most people wouldn't be able to guess, even if they looked clearly.

She is also twenty years old. Most importantly she is good at handling men like him.

I sat him down in his seat and a few seconds later, Una came, lighting up the man's eyes.

The maxim of the establishment is simple. Is to provide what patrons desire; give them an experience, they will never forget.

We serve everyone, including men like him.

Unless, of course, they crossed the line. Then they will be banned.

"Have a good time, Mr. Reyes," I said and walked away from toward Madam Onaz.

I could feel the gazes of many. Most of them are filled with desire, but there are some, who had a surprise in them and a tiny number, a faint disgust.

I looked at a mirror made of water and the reason was clear as day. I am an orc's blood, and it is quite visible.

I could make this effect less visible with the 'More Human Skill', which I used to use all the time.

Did it for years, but it had been months since I used it.

I am proud of what I am. Proud of blood, both human and orc, and I will never hide it, nor do I need it, especially here.

I smiled at the mirror and stopped beside Madam Onaz.

"Did you add Mr. Reyes, to the creep list?" asked Madam Onaz.

I was surprised at her question but shook my head.

There are lists, the creep list, best patron list, best-gifted list, good in bed list, and many other lists.

These lists are important, especially for the patrons. These lists decide how quickly, you could get a reservation. The floor you could go to and the type of girls you get.

If the person is high on good lists; the madam could add them to her list, which will give them access to the exclusive fourth floor.

Where only those on Madam's list could go.

"Why? He feels like a creep and his word choice is also the same?" she asked.

"He feels like it and sounds like it, but he hasn't done anything creepy yet and unless he does, I will not add him to the list," I replied.

"Good answer," she praised before turning to the three of us.

"The lists have power girls and I hope, you will add the names in it only after careful consideration,"

"The feeling is important, but so is the proof," she said, before moving, while we followed from behind.

"It's going well and this time, we didn't even need a show," said Carla as moved through the guests.

"I told you, we do not need any show to impress people," I replied as I looked around the floor.

Last time, there was a mage show. This didn't, we didn't have any, nor did we need it.

Our preparations are more than enough.

It had been three hours since our entrance, and the party was still going. Only a few guests like, Lord of Owlspring had left.

He needed to, because of his mistress. She is pregnant.

I don't know. If she knows it; it is very early. Even spells weren't able to discover it. Not to mention, the heavy protection, she had covered her.

The only reason we did, is because of Naud.

She is an expert in pregnant messages and used konis massage on her.

A type of massage, where the steam of magical herbal oils is wrapped in legacy mist and sent into the body through waves. One needs decades of practice and appropriate skills to master the massage.

She is one of the people we had, especially poached. I had to personally talk with the leader of Elysian for her and she is only here for a year.

It is those waves that discovered, the faint-like. She is pretty sure, that Miss Tylcharis is pregnant.

Aside from Linis, only three people knew about it. Carla, Caena, and me. Even Maeve didn't know.

Every therapist had been ordered. If they discovered something sensitive. They should report directly to that madam.

We didn't do anything, but tomorrow, we will tell Miss Tylcharis. Not Lord of Owlspring; it will be up to Miss Tylcharis to share the news.

I pushed those thoughts and focused on the man and woman appearing in front of me.

The man is in his early fifties, while the woman is in her mid-twenties. The woman isn't his daughter or wife.

"Lord Silver," greeted the man. "Vicount Maris, I hope you are enjoying the party?" I asked the man.

I had met him earlier. He is a man sent by the Duke of Henar.

"It is great, my lord," he replied, and I smiled.

"I was hoping we could meet tomorrow?" he asked. "Tomorrow, I am a little busy, but I will have my office contact as soon as possible,"

"Don't worry, my lord I won't let you leave Greltheaven, without a proper meeting," I replied.

The next two days. I am extremely busy.

"That is all I want," he said. I talked to the man for a minute, before walking away.

"Nearly everyone wants the same thing," said Carla with a sigh. "It is the most desired thing in the world. So, of course, they will want it. The question is, who we will sell?" I replied.

Everyone wants the essence and the resources. From Lord of Owlspring of Lady of Storms.

They are not above using political and economic pressure to get it.

Which is good. I do not plan to hoard them; not entirely, at least. I am going to sell it as there are a lot of things I want; things only these people could provide.

An hour passed, and the people finally began to leave. Though a trickle.

There are many people who want to stay till dawn, and I plan to let them. I have even prepared a few things that will keep them entertained.

"I am handing the party to you both. Take care of our guests well," I said to Caena and Margaux.

It is mostly Margaux. Caena will retire soon.

I have to wake up tomorrow for an early meeting with the Lord of Owlspring.

"We will take care of everything, Master Silver," said Margaux and walked away with Carla.

My heart began to beat wildly when I saw the blaze of desire in her eyes. I really want to sleep, but I don't think it will be possible.

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