City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 410: Morning

Prodigies Playwright Lv. 32

Prodigies Playwright Lv. 33

Prodigies Playwright Lv. 34

{Skill Gained: …}

{Skill Gained: …}

Clerk Lv. 13

{Conditions met: Prodigies Playwright + Clerk + Dung Carrier + Launderer + Laborer + Waiter–Worldly Playwright}

Worldly Playwright Lv. 33

Worldly Playwright Lv. 34

{Skill Gained: …}

{Skill Gained: …}

{Skill Change: …}




I looked at the long line of texts, and tears began to flow through my eyes.

It had been sixteen years since I had leveled up. Till a few months ago, I had no hope and didn't think, I would ever level in my main class.

I did, and the advancement was greater than I had thought.

Especially my main class, eating all the other classes and becoming Worldly Playwright, which I think perfect class for me.

Prodigious Playwright didn't suit me anymore. It used to be, once upon a time, but not anymore.

I looked at my classes, that had been eaten by the main class.

These are just a few jobs in the past sixteen years. There were many more; these are the ones I had accepted.

I had no choice.

With Prince's skill hanging over me, it was very hard to find simple employment.

These are the ones who supported me in my most difficult time. Helped me from starving to death and I am proud of each one of them.

Including the Dung Carrier.

Now all of them disappeared. Eaten by my main class; the Worldly Playwright.

It is a powerful class, more powerful than the Prodigious Playwright.

It has given me new skills. Changed and merged, the sixteen of them. All of them are pretty good skills; they will help me become a better playwright.

I looked at them before clearing the texts. There are attribute points, but I will think about them later.

"I wish you had been here," I muttered.

A face appeared in front of me, but I shook it away immediately.

It is too painful.

Actress Lv. 19

{Skill Gained: …}

Set Designer Lv. 28

Set Designer Lv. 29

{Skill Gained: …}

Lady of Verdant Gardens Lv. 34

Lady of Verdant Gardens Lv. 35

{Skill Gained: …}

Aesthetic Architect Lv. 35

Aesthetic Architect Lv. 36

{Skill Gained: …}

{Skill Gained: …}

Prostitute Lv. 18

Prostitute Lv. 19

Graceful Whore Lv. 23

{Skill Gained: …}

Wall Artist Lv.28


Dealer of Desire Lv. 27

Dealer of Desire Lv. 28

Dealer of Desire Lv. 29

{Skill Gained: Mark of Mist}

Valorous Lord Lv. 22

Valorous Lord Lv. 23

{Skill Gained: Fast Reflexes}

When I opened my eyes. I had texts in front of me.

The advancement is better than expected. It had taken a long, but gave me a reward for it.

I am not surprised, seeing my Valorous Lord had also leveled up. I had expected it.

I had tied the future of my city to the tower.

If I hadn't done it as such, the fate of my city was dependent on it. I would have leveled-up in Valorous Lord months ago and would have higher levels in it, than right now.

It is done with a purpose in mind.

It is my first advancement since the advancement after the second battle.

I was quite frustrated seeing everyone around me leveling up. I knew the reason, but that didn't make it easy.

I have leveled up thrice in Dealer of Desire and even got the skill.

Mark of Mist.

It is a good skill, that usually hosts of Grade IV and above legacies get. It lets the user put a mark on things or a person.

Through this mark, one could get their location and, if one is high-leveled enough, their state.

This skill is usually gained by leaders of arenas.

I am going to use the skill on the art pieces. They are borrowed and expensive. It would be bad if even one of them got stolen.

We have our own measures, but marks will provide, another layer of protection.

The Valorous Lord advanced twice, reaching Lv. 23. It had also provided me with the skill.

An extremely rare skill.

It is a skill that every warrior desires.

Especially like me, who uses light weapons and depends on speed.

Fast Reflexes are a passive skill. It does what its name says. It increases the speed of reflexes. I will have to test how much; it will depend on my levels and attributes.

I will be happy. If it increases my reflexes by 10%.

It might seem small, but it is not. Even this small increase would help me tremendously.

The last are the attribute points. I have three of them.

I thought about it for a while, before I added one to intelligence, taking it sixteen, similar to physical attribute points.

The second point, I added to vitality; taking it to seventeen. The last one is for the charm.

I didn't use it.

I am going to meet a lot of people in the next few days and if I use the point on the charm; they will know.

The charm is at nineteen. One more point is going to take it to twenty. Once that happens; its power will take the big jump.

It might help me help me with negotiations, but reveal my strength to them.

I don't want that. I want to keep it a secret.

I will use that point after things calm down. It will give me enough time to learn to control the power; the time that I don't have for the next few days.


Dealer of Desire Lv. 29 [Master of Legacy]

Valorous Lord Lv. 23

Trainer Lv. 08










·     Trustful Presence

·     Goods Instinct

·     Solid Contract

·     Torch for Seeker

·     Consecutive Strikes

·     Blitz Steps

·     Insightful Reading

·     Price Is Right

·     Mauling Strike

·     Silver Tongued

·     Gymnasts Grace

·     Sight Through Veil

·     Every Ear Listens To My Words

·     Blade Of The Gale

·     Mood of the Subjects

·     Privacy Sphere

·     Command Projection

·     Get Ready

·     Quick Parry

·     Sharpness

·     Active Presence

·     Vision Projection

·     Instant Recollection

·     Artistic Dealings

·     Copy Skill - Focus

·     Telepathic Call

·     Energizing Essence

·     Gymnasts Control

·     Lord's Presence

·     March Of The Braves

·     Laws of My Land

·     Mark of Mist

·     Fast Reflexes


Demesne of Desire II


·     Master of Legacy

·     Laws of Legacy

·     Share Authority (5)

·     Vault of Ru

·     Demesne Expansion

Attribute Points


I closed the window and looked around. It was as bright as I expected.

I looked at the clock and sighed.

I had only slept for two hours; it was nearly morning when we had slept. It was a good, thing; I had the rest charm from Caena.

It had given me rest as if I had slept for ten hours. It is not all just the charm, but also the power of legacy, which enhances the effect of it further.

A similar charm is imprinted on it.

I took a deep breath, smelling the fragrance of Carla and the slight musk of sex, that is lingering in the room.

A smile couldn't help but appear on my face.

I could still hear, the moans Carla had made last night and if we both didn't have important meetings in the morning, we would have continued making love.

I sighed, before getting up from the bed and walking into the bathroom.

I have a meeting at forty-five minutes with the Lord of Owlspring. It's a very important, meeting.

The fate of the city depends on it.

So, I quickly freshened up and showered, before changing into the suit.

I didn't even eat the breakfast. Though I checked the core before walking out.

It had put a smile on my face.


The carriage was already waiting for me when I got out. I sat down and it moved toward the city hall.

I watched through the window and was surprised immediately.

There are people in the park. More than I had thought.

Some taking a stroll, while others are walking their pets and monsters. There are dedicated zones for that and with extra security.

We wouldn't want monsters getting out of control and harming people.

There are restrictions; the monster needed a certain level of training and a certificate from the registered trainer to show it was trained enough.

Soon, the carriage reached the canals, and I saw boats moving on it.

I had even spotted a few familiar people on them.

Fifteen minutes later, the carriage stopped at the city hall, and I got out.

Immediately, I felt a change. The people felt more respectful.

They are bowing more deeply than usual.

I don't know if it is because of the skills whose power increased because of the level-up or the opening yesterday.

I could also feel the increase in reverence and respect for me through the skill.


Soon, I reached my office. Ina was already there. She just nodded and put a file in front of me.

When alone, she didn't put a display of respect. We both respect each other enough that she didn't need to show it when we were alone.

"All our inns and hotels are fully booked. Even the apartments are booked. We had to place a lot of people in the tents," she added.

I had spent quite money on the advertisement, and it worked like a charm.

It had brought many people to the city yesterday.

"I have received information that more people are coming today. Both from the Owlspring and other merchant cities, but also from Inam and other close cities," she informed.

It didn't take long for the information to spread about the tower, and it was attracting the people.

We have prepared for it, but it seemed like, we had underestimated the interest. Yesterday, there were 55% more people, than we had expected.

More will be coming in the next few days.

"Make the preparations and keep an eye on the hotels and stores. Make sure, they don't overcharge," I said to her.

I know very well how the cities could spoil a big opportunity like this.

Earth is filled with such examples.

Many cities get chances, like a big popstar concert or some viral festival attracting tons of people, but they can't use that opportunity well.

Some cities do it well and reap its immediate and following dividends.

I don't want my city to fall into the former category.

"This is your itinerary for today," she said and placed a page in front of me after I read the file.

Just saw the sheer number of meetings. I felt the great effects of sex and charm disappearing rapidly.

The first meeting is, of course, with the Lord of Owspring.

There is another with the representative from the state of Meldhorn and two more with the state of Oksall and Belnin.

I also have to meet with a representative of Inam and Namdar.

It is only for today and tomorrow it will be representative of the princes, baronies, other cities, organizations, and people.

Everybody wants the same thing.

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