City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 417: Plans


"Silver is growing his army at alarming speed. Look at this information milord, these weapons, that merchant state providing him," said General Silva as they turned to Greltheaven.

Everybody in the meeting turned serious.

Greltheaven's rise had become serious enough, that they had added them in a list of threats.

"It's all because of that damn legacy. He is selling the essences and getting those weapons from the merchants!" said Lt. General Ronda, who hates Silver the most.

Lord of Deerpond didn't say anything, but read the file in front of him, that had the latest information on Silver.

His army grew at incredible speed in the past seven months, but it's what happened in the past month, that made them worried exponentially.

The numbers in his army grew faster, but it was weapons coming from the merchant state, that had made them worried the most.

Weapons, the types of which the merchant had stated, had refused to sell to them.

"It is indeed worrying, but there is nothing we could do, should do about it. At least temporarily."

"The undead are coming and we should be prepared for them, because this time; the attack would be more powerful than the last time," said Lord of Deerpond.

Everybody nodded.

"We are prepared to deal with them, my lord. When the division arrives, we will be in an even better position to deal with them," said General Silva.

"We need them to reach the city fast. I need them here, before the undead attack us," said Lord of Deepond.

They understood the hurry. The twelve thousand soldiers will be tremendously helpful to them in dealing with the undead threat coming at them.

"We are trying, my lord, but the conditions are such that it is taking time," replied General Silva.

They are using both diplomatic and financial means to smooth their journey, but it is hard to see what is happening in the empire.

The meeting ended an hour and a half later and everybody began to leave, till only three of them had remained.

Lord of Owlspring, his son, and General Silva.

He activated the privacy wards to their full power and added, their own skills into it.

"How is the progress?" asked the Lord of Deepond. "In a week, our people will reach the load," replied General Silva.

Hearing that, a smile appeared on Lord's face.

"Silver has a legacy, but so what? In a week, we will have something, that everyone needs. Merchants will come to us for it, and so will everyone else."

"It will provide us with enough money, to fund a big army. Fend off the undead, and then move to conquer Greltheaven to get that legacy," said Darius.

General Silva nodded. It's their plan. They want Greltheaven, want it for the legacy, and to control the river route.

They only need Greltheaven for it. Getting, Riverbell wouldn't be a problem.


My eyes flew open as I sensed something, I had never sensed before.

Though it had been explained to me.

"What happened?" asked Carla. Sensing me waking up. "A new legacy has been born," I replied.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Where?" she asked. "I think, it's herald continent," I replied, before closing my eyes to sense it clearly.

Soon, I got a glimpse of the place. It is a small place, intimate. I could see a raven-haired woman in her middle-age, looking around in shock.

She had a paintbrush in her hand and a canvas with a half-finished painting.

Around her are people, young and old, with paintbrushes and canvases in front of them. Some looked confused, while others were in shock.

'Master Silver,' said Caena telepathically. 'In my office.' I replied and walked out of the bed.


I opened the door and walked into my office, with Carla following behind and Caena, coming in a few seconds later.

"Lord Silver, there is a message from Synod," said Shaun with a surprise on his face.

"Who is it?" I asked directly, knowing it was about the legacy.

"Sarkis Mael. She is the owner of a painting club, in the kingdom of Seirnol, Herald Continent," he replied.

I nodded

"Send her the congratulations from me," I said, and a moment later, the core appeared in the office.

Everybody could see it.

I looked at the magnificent thing for a moment, before concentrating.

Slowly, the tiny part begins to separate from it. It is a fraction of the core, filled with emotion essence as well as a small bit of the true essence.

I have been waiting for it for months and kept the small part always reserved for it.

I don't have to give it; a legacy younger than one year had an exception, but I am going to. Not only because I want to but also because I could.

I have been very lucky that I had ten months without a new legacy.

Which is a long time without a new legacy. Usually, there were at least two new legacies born at that time, but there were none, while three legacies died.

My legacy consumed part of that without getting infected by its vision.

It made my core strong, and now, I am giving away a small part of me. Though one without any vision; it is just pure, true essence and emotion essence.

The small part came out fully, and I pushed it toward the new legacy, which started to pull it.

"Good night, everyone," I said and walked back into my room, before laying on the bed to sleep.

I have an important meeting tomorrow with the intelligence official from the merchant state. He is coming, bringing secret intelligence that couldn't be sent through the spell.

I fell asleep and woke up four hours later, at my usual time.

I looked at the widow and saw it was dark. Carla is still sleeping, and I didn't disturb her. I went to the bathroom and freshened up, before taking the stairs to the roof.

I walked into the center of the training circle and took a deep, slow breath.

While I was doing that, I began to pull the power of the skills Gymnasts Grace and Gymnasts Control back.

I used to practice yoga with them; the harder poses, but I discovered that it gives more benefits when I do it while lessening the power of the skills.

It helps me gain more control over my body and skills. Helps me go deeper, and find more uses.

In the past few months, I have made tremendous progress.

I could now reduce the power of both of the skills to around 25%. Which is tremendous progress in just a short few months.

My target is to reduce it to 20%, but it will be hard.

I am finding my speed of progress has reduced greatly. It had become harder to take a single step, but that is to be expected.

An hour later, I finished and saw my sparring partner was already waiting. He is looking at the view of the city from the top, enamored.

It is his first time in here. Most of the time, we spar in the manor.

"It's a beautiful view, isn't it, Captain Garzong?" I asked the man.

"It's breathtaking, my lord," he replied, turning. "It is," I said, turning to the city, bathing in the dawn's light.

I enjoyed the view for a minute before walking back into the circle. A training rapier appeared in my hand, while he picked up a great sword from the rack.

A few seconds later, we begin the spar.

I didn't hold back and used every skill and technique I had against the man, who didn't hesitate to fight dirty.

His skills are excellent, especially the bandit skills.

His class had changed, but many of those skills remained and he could use them skillfully.

He is also a great fighter with a fighting style, different from humans. The orcs have the physical advantage over humans and their fighting style developed according to it.

The environment, they used to live in also had an effect on it. Making it more primal.

It is why, more than half instructors, who teach the new orc recruits are orcs. They understood the physique well and the limitations.

They also have humans and even elves instructors for the area, that that do not have expertise in it, which are many.


I dodged his kick, before parrying his attack. He moved for another, before stopping suddenly, as the bell rang out. Ending the practice.

"Thank you, for your time, Captain Garzong," I said to the man. 

"The honor is all mine, my lord," He replied before walking away.

I rested for a few minutes, before walking back into my room. There I showered, before having breakfast.


When I walked into my office, I saw that Caena was already there, along with Carla. I nodded at her and sat down, before opening the file in front of me.

It is the daily financial report. It is a rough estimate; I get the accurate one every week.

This report didn't just have the finances of the velvet red, but also the blue and other floors of the legacy, except for the store.

A minute later, I closed the file with a smile on my face.

It's expensive to run the tower. From the salaries of the staff to food and drink. Everything costs a lot of money.

"I will be submitting the first installment today," informed Carla.

I nodded.

A month had passed since the legacy had opened, and it was time for us to start repaying the massive loan we took from the bank.

It is massive, but the establishment is also earning a lot. More than we had estimated, and that is excluding the essences and the plants.

We are using only 5% of the monthly earnings to pay the loan.

It will take me ten years to pay to pay off the massive loan. I could have used more, but why should I?

Dept isn't bad. Especially one of such low interest.

Besides, I need money. Except for keeping some 20% for myself. I am loaning everything to the city.

The city is still desperate for every penny. To run a city is a massive expenditure.

Our tax collection has made a big leap in the past few months and so has the traffic of goods on the river, but also the expenses.

It is not cheap to build roads, parks, police stations, and hospitals and maintain them with sufficient staff and resources.

If it was all, everything would have been golden, but no. There is a defense.

The true guzzler,

There is a reason, the war bankrupts the countries. The salaries, pensions, equipment, and other things cost massive money.

I had spent as much as I could, but it was not enough. It never is, but I will keep trying. It's the only thing I could do to keep my city safe from the clutches of the undead.

"It's time," I said as the nine ticked in.

A moment later, everything turned dark, and a magnificent core appeared in front of me.

It's not alone, there is a colorful planet orbiting the core.

It is said that the core becomes what the host desires. Mine is the sun, charms turning into planets, which Caena had stemmed from my desires.

I admired it for a few seconds, before turning to business.

A box of tiny bottles appeared in my hand before the bottles flew toward the planet.

A moment later, the planet begins to shine, and colorful flares begin to come out of the core like the sun and funnel into the planet.

As it happened, the planet became more colorful.

It continued for nearly half a minute before it stopped and the color it had gained began to drain from it, before stopping twelve seconds later.

The planet had turned back the same as it had been when I summoned it.

I waved my fingers, and the bottles returned. They are not empty, anymore. All of them are filled with the emotion essence.

They went back to the big box and, the second after that, we returned to the real world.

"No matter, how many times, I looked. The process enamors me," said Carla.

"It is an enamoring process," I said and looked at its architect. It wouldn't have been possible without her.

"How many had come?" asked Caena. "All of them," Carla replied.

Yes, all of them had come for the essence, that I had promised them. I have the essence for all of them.

I turned to the box in front of me. We have been harvesting, this amount of essence every day, for the past month. A hundred bottles.

We have thirty-three hundred bottles of essence and we had only promised fourteen hundred of them to others.

In a month, I had become sure, that my legacy could produce such an amount continuously.

More than it.

We are only harvesting a hundred bottles a day.

That means, I could start on my plans, for which I am giving the essence to the Namdar, Imperials, and the other stakeholders.

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