City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 418: Not Good News


The door of the conference room opened and three people walked in, with a raven-haired half-elf at lead.

It is rare to see black-haired half-elves. It is not a natural hair color; it is likely he had inherited that from his human half.

"Lord Silver," he greeted with a faint bow.

"Mr. Marysel, I hope the journey has been well?" I asked the man. "It had been my lord," he replied, before sitting down.

Everyone is present, Stone, Cardin, Izalia. It's an important meeting; I had asked my top military brass to be present for this meeting.

"What is the intelligence the silent forest got for us?" I asked.

The silent forest is what the intelligence agency of the merchant states called. It is not an official name, but everyone referred to it as such, including their own people.

 "Not good news, I am afraid," the half-elf replied.

Immediately, two people behind him took out the files and began to distribute them throughout the table.

"We have a solid intelligence, that ships carrying hordes of Vris'alud will reach the Renwell's shores within a week," he said, turning everyone's expressions serious.

We were already informed that they were coming within a month two weeks ago, but now that estimate has shrunk to a week.

"How many undead they will have?" asked Stone.

"One point five to two million undead," he replied. Turning the atmosphere serious.

There is barely any surprise in the numbers.

Stone had said since the undead didn't send any undead in over half a year. We should expect high numbers of around two million; we would be powerless against such numbers if they came.

There are already one and a half million undead in the region. More of such numbers will give the undead an absolute edge.

They would be able to sweep through the three cities and, if they combine, the hordes later. Might even present a threat to Marquess Gats.

"What about the powerhouses, special undead, and other weapons?" asked Stone.

"We know, they are at least sending at least forty powerhouses above Lv. 30. At least a hundred below Lv. 30."

 "As for the special undead and weapons. We do not have any intelligence about it, but we guess there will be some, at least more than last time," he replied.

There is a difference between the common undead and uncommon ones.

If there are a large number of them, in the horde; it will be more dangerous. The same with weapons; yes, the undead use weapons, like cannons, catapults, and others.

They do not use them as much as others, but they use them.

"With such force, they could conquer every city in the region," said Valentina.

"It is why, we have increased our naval surveillance and even shared the intelligence with the imperials," he stated.

Surprising a few. I am not.

Most of the animosity merchant state and the empire disappeared after the death of the emperor.

Now, the merchants only want profit, instead of revenge, while the imperials want goods instead of avenging the humiliation.

If the undead controlled the renwell region, especially the three cities on the river. They would control the lucrative trade route and merchants' states wouldn't want that.

Especially the Meldhorn and Oksall. As they will be dependent on the sea route through the Belnin.

It will increase the expense and restrict their choices. These are the things the merchants hate the most.

"We will not let them touch the zenid's shore as easily, as they had before," he said. I had heard the same words from the other people of the merchant state.

Their language is vague and their response is measured when asked to explain it.

So, we don't really know. If they would attack the undead ships or just warn them.

The merchants have no intention of having a war with Vris'alud, but they don't want to lose the trade route and influence, it provides them.

Letting the undead have a base in their backyard isn't a good optics for the merchants.

In the next few minutes, more things were discussed, before the meeting was over.

"The city of Greltheaven thanks, silent forest for the intelligence," I said to the man.

"We are neighbors, Lord Silver, and merchant state, always has the best in minds for its neighbors," replied the man, before walking out of the room.


"Start calling back our people from the merchant state," I ordered. Half of them have already arrived in the past week. I want the other half to return as well.

They were at a merchant state training.

Those new equipment aren't easy to use. The merchant state forces have been training them in their use. It is part of the agreement; I had signed in exchange for the essences.

"They will be here by tomorrow," replied Stone.

"Are we ready to deal with the undead?" I asked, and a mirthless smile appeared on the faces of all.

"Ready? No, but we can give them a fight, they will never forget," he replied.

"It would have been great. If we had six more months, we would have been more confident in dealing with the undead," said Colonel Cardin.

"The seven months were already more than we had thought. I think our preparations are good. We are in a better position, than we had thought we would be seven months ago," said Colonel Azalea.

Yes, our state is much better than, we had estimated.

Our army is bigger, better trained, and equipped. We have war resources and have built adequate hospitals, with enough healers and doctors.

There are many things we have done. That made us more ready to face the undead.

"Start preparing, but be silent. We don't want to spook the citizens," I ordered.

A minute later, I was out of the conference room.

"So, delay the proposal?" asked Ina. "Yes," I replied with a sigh. There is no other option.

Just this morning, I had been excited about it. She had worked on the proposal hard, and we are going to make it public, sending it all over the empire.

We could still do it, but the message would be muted by the undead attack.

It would spread widely if we do it after it. The effect would be even greater if it is a grand victory, but chances of that are quite low, given the number of undead coming.

I hope we will survive the battle.

It would best outcome for us. All we need is the time; the more time we have, the greater preparations we will be able to make.

We have done a wonderful job in the past seven months and the next seven months would be even more amazing, as we now have the essence.

As I reached my office. I saw a few familiar people sitting in my waiting room.


I walked into my office, and a few seconds later, the familiar orc entered inside.

"Lord Silver," the orc greeted.

"I didn't think, you would personally come to collect it, Lord Orag," I said to the man.

The orc is a representative of Oksall's ruling council.

"Two hundred bottles of essence aren't a small number. I wanted to collect the first batch myself and also wish you well for the battle, you are going to face soon," he said.

"Thank you, it means a lot. Lord Orag," I replied.

The merchant states have helped a lot in the past month. They supplied me with the weapons and also trained my men, while we were still negotiating.

They had given me the stuff before I had even paid them with the essences.

"Good, because we are hoping, you would stop discriminating against us. You have only given us two hundred bottles of essence, while you gave the state of Meldhorn, two hundred and fifty,"

"We didn't even count what you have given to the city of Owlspring and a few organizations in the state of Meldhorn," he said, looking at me accusingly.

I waited for his skills to come, but they didn't. Last time, the bastard had nearly crushed me.

This time, I want him to use his skills. I took my charm to twenty, which made it leap in power. I had tested it against people, but I wanted to test against him.

Unfortunately, the skill didn't come.

"It is not discrimination, Lord Orag, but distribution based on the reciprocation and supply," I replied, without a change in expression on my face.

"To us, it feels like discrimination. Since we too can offer you, what the state of Meldhorn is offering you," he said, and I smiled.

"It is not discrimination, my lord, but if you feel like it is. You will have a chance to make your point when we renegotiate in five months." I replied.

"I will," he said, not pressing it further.

He left a minute later, and I met a few more people. All of them had come to the city to collect the essences.

We are asking all the people we gave essence to send their own people to collect it. Emotion essence is precious, we cannot guarantee a safe delivery with our people, nor do we have a people.

Soon, it was evening, and I walked out of my office.

I went to the barracks to check on the army. Their numbers had swelled since the second battle.

There are a lot of orcs in the army, but humans are still more than twice in number. Most of them are from the empire, but we have also recruited many refugees from Mayhurst Island.

They are experienced and have a fire of vengeance burning in their hearts.

Seeing them, I felt the fear in my heart lessen.

We have a chance. These people will fight and win against the undead.

"The batch from Owlspring, will be in the city by ten," informed Colonel Cardin as he stopped beside me.

"What about those in other cities?" I asked.

We had sent people to different cities, to train. Merchant states usually do not offer such training to the forces that are not their allies, but there is always an exception.

"All will be in the city, by tomorrow evening," he replied.

It made me relieved.

These people are very important. The enemy is strong this time and we will have to give our all to deal with them.

"Did you get any response from your contacts?" I asked, and he sighed.

"A few are coming, but not in the numbers we want," he replied. Hearing that, I sighed too.

When I say, I am trying everything to increase the city's preparedness against the undead, I am not joking.

Cardin's had connections in the army. His whole life went there; his family also served in the army, his father, and grandfather.

For a few months, he had been contacting his connection.

Poaching people.

He had had success there, seeing he was able to get nearly four thousand soldiers.

It has been especially good in the past month. He was able to bring two Lv. 30+ officers, seven pre-Lv. 30 and over a hundred soldiers of Lv. 20 and above.

It's his effort and legacy's fame, that made them come here.

It is why, we wanted the time. I was hoping, we would be able to poach a brigade. In peacetime, it is hard, but now it is very much possible, seeing a number of battles going around the empire.

There are always soldiers willing to move for better pay. We are even trying for the prisoners of war.

We had just gained some influence. If had more time, we would have managed that.

Now we will have to do with what we have.

It is not bad. We were able to make one fine force, which I have complete confidence to show, the undead their place.

Valorous Lord Lv. 24

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