City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 424: Target


'Gently, gently,' I repeated in my heart as I started to bring those things from underground.

They are extremely sensitive and expensive.

The slightest mistake and they will explode, and we didn't want them to explode before they came out.

I buried them last night and now bringing them out. Some would ask me, why we can't just throw them like the cannonballs.

Well, we can't.

They are extremely sensitive and need to be handled with extreme care.

It also gets quickly discovered by the skills and spells. Especially the Dengersense, which would start blaring in its presence.

I had brought them close enough. That their skills should have started reacting, but they aren't.

'It seemed like whatever Remus did to make it invisible to skills and spells is working.' I thought.

I have a few guesses; some seemed preposterous. A few are illegal and some are in the realm of reason.

I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the task at hand.

Remus said, I will have around forty-five minutes from the army entering the range. I will have to finish the task in that, or the enemy will sense it.

It had already been ten minutes. They have surrounded us, and we have around half an hour at most.

Those four things are the most expensive weapons Remus had brought. I myself had gone to the Meldhorn to pick it up.

We had paid a massive price of two hundred and forty Grade II essence bottles for them.

I had only got these things, after handing over the essences.

If I failed, all would go down the drain, but if I succeeded. The chances of our victory would increase by a huge percentage.

I have to finish it quickly. The longer it will take, the more casualties our army will suffer.

I could see the enemies had brought their cannons and powerhouse. Their numbers are really high, that people are hard-pressed against them.

I could hear cannonballs coming down from above, stopped only by the shields.

They are not only targeting those in the front, but also at the center. More cannonballs coming at the center than the front.

There are enough people protecting me, that I don't need to worry about any threat.

The only thing, I have to worry about is my task.

Orok Uram

The enemies grinned at me, seeing me walking toward them.

Especially the necromancer.

She is a tall human woman with purple hair and a grey robe around her. There is a script on her robes. It is not common, which I had learned to read, a few months ago.

I don't like mages, no warrior does.

The mages are the most dangerous opponents for us warriors, our bane.

A same level mage could kill ten of us. If skilled enough and have good enough spells.

I had never fought mages before coming here. I had heard about them from my father. He shuddered whenever he used to talk about them.

I thought he was overestimating them until I saw their power myself.

Now, I would need to fight one myself and it is not the only one. There is also the warrior; a bald, bronze-skinned human of medium height.

Sup Sup Sup!

I had not even taken three steps when Bone Spears materialized in front of the necromancer and shot toward me.

There are ten of them; each one of them is sharp. So, much, they would be able to pierce through my body without any problem.

I reacted immediately and activated the skill from my main class.

My speed increased with Wild Dash. Like all my skills, it is also suppressed in this environment, but this one is one of the less suppressed ones.

I could use 80% strength of Wild Dash, which is the highest while only 25% of Rhythm Of Wild, the lowest.

The speed is good, but spears are faster. I know I wouldn't be able to dodge them all.

So, I turned and activated another skill. Wild Swing.

Clang Clang!

The ax moved fast and tore through the three Bone Spears, one after another.

Surprising the mage and the warrior.

I have a practice of dealing with magical attacks. A lot of monsters have them.

The necromancer attacked again and this time, with bolts of energy.

Dark Bolts.

Once more, I moved to dodge the attack, but they were fast and reached me before I could dodge them fully.

I swung my ax with Wild Swing again and defended against four of the bolts when another attack came.

This one isn't from the Necromancer, but from the bald warrior.

His green saber, moved swiftly like a wind, with the promise of death.

It will give me death. If I let it come close to anywhere near my head.

I didn't retreat against his attack, instead moved my ax forward at an odd angle. Which would have broken the bones of anyone, unless there is a skill.

It is not a skill, but a flexibility, I had gained through a lot of hard work and a large number of nonik fruits.


My ax clashed against his saber, and I used Parry. The skill from my Soldier Class, but so has he, and his is powerful.

My Solider Class is at Lv. 9 while his is the main class which is close to Lv. 30. Despite, the powerful attributes, my parry isn't as strong as his Parry.

He parried the attack and came at me. Opening himself to me, which he didn't think he had, but he did.

The opening is big enough, that I could kill him with it.


I was about to move at him when I saw Bone Spears coming toward me.

I retreated immediately with the Wild Dash while moving my ax forward to defend against the attack.


I defended against the bolt, but the bald warrior's saber, cut through my arm.

The cut is deep, reaching the bone. On top of that, there is pain skill attached to it, which brought tears to my eyes.

"You have dodged it," said the bald man and came toward me with another attack. At the same time, the necromancer attacked me with another spell.

I retreated to dodge the attack; there was no option. If I clashed with the warrior, those bolts would have me. I rather not let that happen.

The bald warrior isn't the one to let me retreat easily. He followed me with his speed skill, which is fast.


I had to defend against its saber to not get decapitated. Giving the opportunity for two bolts to reach me.

Survivors Protection.

I activated my defensive skill, which covered me with the invisible protection.

The next moment, energy bolts pierced through me. Giving me a sensation like, I had been swallowed by the dark cold water.

I could see the necromancer grinning, before launching another round of bolts, while I moved my ax to defend against the attack of the warrior.

The protection wasn't able to stop the bolts fully.

I could feel the damage they were doing and another of my skills moving to heal it.

Survivor's Healing.

This is the sole skill, that kept me alive from the injuries that would have killed me, hundreds of times.

Still, this is not a solution to my problem, which is the necromancer. I have to deal with her before she kills me, but she is a mage.

There are also the four special undead she had kept around herself.

As long as she kept attacking me. I wouldn't be able to deal with the warrior and they will eventually kill me.

I cannot let that happen.

The necromancer had launched another attack, at the same time, the warrior had swung his saber at me.

His attack is much faster than before, with more power. I wanted to avoid it, but couldn't. Seeing more than half of the Bone Spears will hit me.

That will give the opportunity to the bald warrior to finish me off.


My ax stopped the attack, but the very next moment, those Bone Spears came at me.


I moved my body, but the spears still hit me. My armor was able to stop the two, but one pierced through my lower back.

Though not as deeply as the necromancer had expected, as the frown had appeared on her face.


The warrior attacked me again, when the Rhythm of Wild spiked again, in familiar fashion.

I leaped into the air to avoid it despite knowing, it might make me a target in the air.

I dodged the attack of the warrior, but I didn't leap for it. There is something more dangerous and painful. I have experienced it many times and don't want to do it anymore.

The moment after, I dodged; the sharp bones spurted out of the ground.

If I had stayed there, I would have been porcupines.

I remember well, what the spikes could do. Earless bone rats had the ability to create Bone Spikes from the earth.

I had suffered so deeply from them; that rhythm of them had imprinted in my mind.

The necromancer had failed in her attack, but now she had got me in the air. The place that restricts my mobility.

She didn't waste any time and attacked me with the Bone Spears.

They took all but a second to reach me, and I was ready.

Clang Clang!

I moved my ax to defend against them, but I know very well, that I couldn't defend against all, and I didn't.

I only defended against those, that could strike undefended parts of my body. I didn't defend against those that would be stopped by my armor.

The armor alone isn't enough to stop the attack, but there is also the defensive skill.

The bone spears crashed against my armor. Dented it and hurt me, but wasn't able to pierce through it.

The necromancer frowned but wasn't done. She had the Bone Spikes, ready on the place, I am about to land.

So is the bald warrior with his saber.

It is a perfect trap that would be hard-pressed to get out of, but I am not without an option.

I had taken the jump in the air, with all the options in the mind.

Ariel Adjustment.

I activated another of my skills from my main class and was able to adjust the landing spot.

From in front of the enemy to behind him.


The warrior reacted quickly and turned back to an attack, which I dodged with Wild Dash.

Though not successful, I received another cut. I would have been able to defend against it. If I had used the ax, but I didn't want to.

He isn't my target; the necromancer is.

As long as she is alive, I won't be able to fight him. They will kill me, like right, the attack coming at me.

If I had moved to defend attacked them. Those Bone Spears would have skewed through me.

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