City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 425: Slaying

"No, you won't!"

Screamed the bald warrior as he came at me, while the necromancer smiled with mirth.

She isn't thinking of me as a threat, unlike the bald warrior.

He attacked me from behind. It was swift and reached me in an instant, when my speed suddenly increased, and I dodged the attack, surprising the man.

I used the full speed of Wild Dash and the top of activated Soldier's Run. The speed skill from my Solider Class, while pushing my body hard.

Which gave me a boost in speed.

I had truly considered myself cursed, and the feeling hadn't vanished even now.

One thing, that reinforced that belief further in me is that I didn't get the class when normal people do. I didn't get it at fifteen, I had got it at eighteen.

It made me push myself hard. Depends on my body alone to face those monsters, always ready to kill me.

I wasn't the only one hiding my speed. He, too, was doing the same. He increased his speed to follow me but found himself slower than me.

Every step I took me further away from him.

Since he appeared, I had never considered him a genuine challenge. It was the necromancer I had feared and were wise to do that.

He had attacked me again, with Bone Spears, and behind them was a grey wave.

The attacks reached me quickly, and I reacted without stopping.

I used the Wild Swing to defend against the Bone Spears and let the other be defended by my armor and Survivalist Protection.

I had activated its full power, which barely let the Bones Spears touch me. They didn't even dent my armor when they crashed against me.

I didn't have time to take joy in successful defense when the black wave hit me.

It was weak when it hit me as 75% of its power, had been taken by the Survivalist Protection.

The skill is all-encompassing.

It defends from physical attacks, but also elemental, shamanic, and mental attacks.

I had been warned by Colonel Azalea to never speak about my skills to anyone.

Especially two of them.

She had called them inheritance skills when I informed her about how those two skills feel different from the rest.

I didn't even know their names or color; the names appeared in the past three months. When I learned to read, before that, they were in the form of feelings.

It had turned out, some ancestor of mine had been a very powerful powerhouse.

A Lv. 50 at least and these two skills are from them. It's the reason, they are so powerful and will become more powerful in the future.

The grey wave hit me, and the fear in my heart amplified suddenly. Just like, it used to when looked into the eyes of Grey Eyed Owl.

I took a deep breath and controlled this fear and turned back to the enemy.

Only a see-bone wall appeared directly in front of me.

I activated the Lion's Strength and swung my ax with everything, I had.


A loud bang rang out and my ax tore through the bone wall, and I moved forward. Only to be attacked by the special undead right after.

There are four special undead. Two zombies and two skeletons.

Seeing them, I grinned as the Rhythm of Wild spiked. The special undead are powerful, as powerful as the warriors of Mid-Lv. 20.

I have to finish them before the warrior behind me catches up, and the necromancer puts a distance away.

She had already started to move away.

Once she had enough distance between us; I could forget ever reaching her. She will swarm me undead, that I will never be able to reach her.

So, I used the skill. It's not an offensive skill, but more useful than one.

It is the last skill; I received from my main class.

Predator's Gaze.

As I activated the skill, everything became clear and faintly slower.

I could see the specks of dust and alarm in the eyes of the mage.

Her shining staff and the Dark Bolts released from them.

I focused my eyes on the special undead and saw them coming at me.

I could see everything about them clearly. Including their speed, which is fast, but to me, it is faintly slow.

According to the Colonel Azalea. It's because this skill is processing the information fast. It is also the reason why I get a headache when I use it for a long time.

I moved my ax toward the zombie, which attacked me with a long sword.

Its attack is fast and powerful. Have a finesse, that couldn't be seen in normal zombies. It is acting on the memories of a person, it used to be before turning to undead.

It has all that, but it is also dumb. Dumber than the monster.

So, I moved forward, till its sword was inches away from my heart and moved left, before swinging my ax toward it.

My ax moved like thunder, reaching its neck in an instant. Which is being protected by the thick metallic band covering it whole.

I pushed the enchantments of the ax at full power and used Keen from Soldier's Class on the top.


The ax cut through the metal like butter, before reaching the Zombie's neck, which offered no resistance to my ax's blade.

Its head flew into the air, but I didn't have a chance to celebrate as the three undead came at me.

Rip Rip!

I didn't dodge the two attacks and instead moved toward the skeleton with a ramming shield.

I stepped aside and dodged, before swinging my ax at it.


Its head flew high, while I moved forward and toward the zombie attacking me with a spear. I had dodged it before decapitating the undead.


Its head flew high, and I moved forward toward the necromancer, not before receiving the wound on my back from the warrior who had caught up to me.

I ran toward the target and a warrior chased me, with the last special skeleton, but I didn't care about them. My eyes are fixed on the necromancer.

The mirth had vanished from her eyes, replaced with the alarm. There is now only fear in her eyes as she tries to run away toward the undead.

The big group had already appeared between her and me. I will have to cut through them to reach her.

Pachck Khat Pachak!

My ax moved as I cut through the undead without losing a moment. Getting closer and closer to the necromancer with every step.

I have to get her before she goes too deep into the undead or someone comes to support her.

I had pushed myself with everything I had to after her. Cutting through the undead and every attack she launched to stop me.

Boom Boom Boom

The undead began to explode, with their flesh, and bones would come hurling toward me.

Covering my whole body with the gore.

It smelled extremely bad, but I bore it and chased after the necromancer.


I broke through another Bone Wall and now, there is a less than five meters distance between us.

Sup Sup Sup!

When the rhythm spiked in danger. I saw three Bone Spikes materializing and coming toward me.

They are not Bone Spears, but Bone Spikes. They are shorter and thinner, but feel more powerful and have grey energy covering them.

They were extremely fast and appeared in front of me like, they had teleported.


My ax clashed against one, while the other two went at my body.


They crashed through my defensive skills. One clashed against my armor, cracking it, while the other pierced through my stomach.

It didn't go inside completely in but is deeper than I like. I desperately hope that it didn't injure my internals.

That would be terrible.

I wanted to remove it and drink the potion, but I didn't.

I moved toward the necromancer. I never stopped, I moved even with spikes coming, despite knowing giving the opposite force to spikes would harm me.

Finally, I appeared in front of the necromancer. She was waiting for me, with her most powerful spell.

"Die, orc!" she shouted, and the crystal on her staff shone brightly.

She hadn't finished her shout when I felt the ghostly hands around me. They felt cold and made all the hair on my body rise up.

It's so different from the woman who had frozen me.

I felt the dark frost covering me, slowing my movement, while the necromancer retreated.

'I can't let her get away!'

I know, if she got away, this time, I won't be able to chase her again. Instead, she will attack me, from the distance and kill me.

I cannot deal with a mage while fighting the warrior, who had once again reached me.


I roared and leaped forward, harnessing every ounce of strength I had from my body and my skills.

Avoiding the saber of the warrior, which was less than an inch away from my neck.

The leap took me to the necromancer, and I swung my ax at her.

This time, I didn't make the mistake of stopping attacking. She is no warrior, but a mage who should be killed without wasting even a fraction of a seconds.

The rhythm roared in my heart, like it had never before outside of the forest, while the necromancer watched in horror.

She might be scared, but she showed her experience in reacting quickly. She cast one defensive method after another around her and the bone wall between.


My ax crushed through the bone wall and went for the other defensive spells behind.

The enchantments on the ax burned with their full power as they moved forward. Cutting through one defensive spell after another before reaching her body.

I looked at her terrified eyes, which were more scared than any monster, I had seen as the blade of my ax touched her.

She understood she was going to die and was terrified of it. Which strikes me strange.

These are people who practice the death magic. They should be more understanding of it, instead of being terrified.

Maybe Kalsar's is right; the better understanding of death makes them more terrified of it.


The next moment, the head flew up, and I heaved a sigh of relief.


I heard the curse from behind and turned to see the bald man attacking me.

I stepped forward toward him.

He instantly understood what I was trying to do and retreated, but it was already late.

He shouldn't have come so close, but in a bid to save the necromancer, he had ended the road for himself.


I dodged the saber, not fully. It cut through my arm, but not too deeply.

It is a price well paid, for the clear swing.

He moved to retreat while bringing his saber forward, but he was slow, while my ax was much faster.


My ax reached for his head and cut through it like butter.

I saw his head flying through the air but didn't wait till it fell down. The undead begin to gather around me. I had to go back to my circle before the undead swarmed me.

I didn't.

The first I did was to remove the spikes sticking into me and apply the potion to them before drinking it.

I hope, no internal organs are damaged. If it is, it will affect me heavily, which I don't want, before the battle is over.

I threw away the potion bottle and sped toward the circle, toward my company.


I moved, cutting through the undead, and nearly reached the circle, when the rhythm spiked with danger, like never in this battle.

It made all the hair on my body stand up.

I didn't have to turn to my left to see, that I had been targeted by a powerhouse; someone of Lv. 30+.

I had been targeted by them in the last battle and barely came out alive through it.

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