City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 471: Colosseum Class


Knock Knock!

The knock rang out of the door, a smile on the face of the lord of Owlspring disappeared and he looked at the door irritatingly.

He is on the top floor of Karon; his favorite restaurant. Its only two of them celebrating the special day.

Mae's birthday.

There will be a grand party at the end of the week, but today, it's only two of them.

"I had told them not to disturb me unless there was a Level 50 come to attack the city," I said irritatingly, to which Mae smiled.

Her smile is beautiful. She is beautiful, but it's her mind, that made me fall in love with her.

"Open it; they wouldn't have knocked. If it wasn't important," she said gently.


I sighed and used a sliver of my aura to open the door and open a way through the aura dome. So, Nathil could walk inside.

"My lord," he greeted.

"It's better to be something important, old man," I said, looking at him angrily, but the man smiled without a hint of fear.

"It is, my lord," he replied, irritating me further.

"Out with it," I ordered impatiently, and the old bastard smiled. He only takes his sweet time when the news is important.

"Velvet Garden had advanced to Grade III legacy," he replied finally.

I froze hearing that. So had Mae.

She doesn't show emotions when she doesn't want to. She had great control over it; I have seen it only a few times, her losing control over it.

"That's not possible. It's not even a year old!" I exclaimed, not daring to believe it.

"It is truth, my lord. A few of our people are in the legacy; had sensed the advancement."

"Lord of Grelthevean, himself had confirmed it," replied the old man and bowed before walking away, while I remained in my place, still shocked.

"Now, thank me," said Mae after a few seconds of silence.

"Thank you. Your advice, wise as ever," I said with a sigh and took her hand and kissed it.

Yesterday, I was angry, when I came to know. Silver had chosen his whore as governor.

It felt like a slap on my face.

We have provided him with tremendous help. From intelligence to aid. So, when he chose the governor, he didn't inform us beforehand and even chose his whore.

I wanted to contact the bastard and curse him, but Mae advised me to do the opposite.

Congratulate the whore.

I didn't want to do it, but I had listened to her. It was a wise decision because now I will be able to get more benefits by leveraging that.


"It had reached Grade III and its domain had spread through the whole tower," said the woman, fifteen sitting in a stone chair.

"Yes, mother," replied the woman, who looked like a younger version of the older woman.

"At that size, it could be said to have the peak of theater class or even colosseum class," said another woman, bearing the similarities between the two women.

The classes of the legacies aren't recognized by great sky but were made for the people to understand.

There are three classes of legacies, Tavern, Theatre, and Colosseum.

The class of the legacies is dependent upon their size. With Tavern Class being the smallest. Around 90% of the legacies are of that size.

The next is Theatre Class.

They are bigger at least three to four times bigger than average Tavern Class legacies and around 9% of the legacies are of that size.

The rest of Colosseum Class. Most of the legacies of this class are Colosseums, hence the name.

They are the fewest in numbers and massive. Capable of hosting, tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands to over a million people.

The size of the legacies is as important as the spectrum of emotions they could harvest. The bigger the size, the more people it will host and the greater the emotions it will harvest.

Everyone wants Colosseum Class legacies, and they are equal to multiple Tavern Class legacies.

"We will need to act quickly, especially about the threatening we did earlier," said the youngest woman, and looked at the lone man in the room, sharing similar features as them.

He glared at her, before turning to the older woman in the chair.

"Mother, we should attack Greltheaven and take control of the legacy," said the man.

Immediately laughs escaped from the mouths of two young women, making the man glare at them harder, while the older woman just sighed with a shake of her head.

"Terenina, you are responsible for handling the Greltheaven now," said the older woman.

The man immediately opened his mouth to object but saw the older woman had disappeared. Leaving only a tiny arc of lightning that traveled around the chair.



"Congratulate Silver for the advancement of his legacy. Also, send the congratulation to his whore for her ascension to Governor," said the man.

His reaction was the opposite yesterday. He had threatened, but now he is congratulating.

Change is the nature of the politics. Those who can't change are left buried in the ground with not even the history remembering them.


Ashton Harbor

"Good, now conquering it will be more fulfilling," said the man with staff with a big smile on his face.

He is not worried at all. He is happy; tremendously so.

Despite the many losses, he never had doubts about his mind. They would conquer the region now that the command was in his hands. It will happen even sooner.

A reward for that will also be great. A near Colosseum Class legacy.


I watched the patrons looking at the dense mist in wonder.

It was not just the mist that had become more radiant and denser, but the feeling of the legacy had increased by a lot.

There is a change in the quality of it.

I could see everyone was taking the new change. Including the plants. I could feel, the faint changes appearing on the smell of the plants.

The notes are more prominent, affecting one or more deeply than before.

It is happening in just minutes of advancement. It will be more noticeable in a few days when plants get a chance to absorb these higher levels of emotion mist.

"They have arrived," informed Zela.

I nodded, but didn't turn. I kept looking crowd had filled the garden.

It had been less than an hour since the legacy had advanced, but the news had spread like wildfire. The whole world comes to know about it and also the city.

There is a large crowd of people gathered around the tower and more are coming every second.

The police had cordoned the area around the legacy. No one could come inside, but that didn't stop people as more and more of them crossing the bridge and coming to the garden.

I didn't disappoint them and covered the whole tower with a thin blanket of multicolored mist.

I watched them for a few more seconds before descending from the roof.

I had been here since the legacy advanced.

Gave girls and Zela orders after orders and even talked to the imperials and Grand Mage of Archamage's Tower and representative of Synod.

These are the people. I can not postpone talking and I wanted to talk to them.

Especially the imperials.


Soon, I climbed down to the floor and reached the brown door. Jim became visible and opened the door, before disappearing while I stepped inside.

The small conference room is packed. There is barely any space to walk properly.

There is a Valentina Cardin, Hardt, Arryn, Robin, Hendricks, and others.

There are only ten seats at the conference table. The ones in higher positions are sitting, while the rest standing behind them, with their bodies touching each other.

Though, nobody seemed to mind it.

"Lord Silver," they greeted, with a lot more respect than usual.

I nodded and sat down.

There was a silence as all of them looked at me. I didn't speak immediately.

I took a few seconds to calm down, to calm the hundreds of thoughts running into my mind before I opened my mouth.

"The legacy had advanced to Grade III," I started by stating the obvious fact, which put a smile on their faces.

"Congratulations, Lord Silver," they congratulate. I nodded, before controlling my expressions.

"It's an important time for us and we need to use this opportunity to its maximum. I have a task for each one of you, I hope, you will be able to do it with maximum effort," I said to them.

"Arryn, communicate with your contacts."

"Tell them the opportunity the city represents and offers we are willing to give it to them. If they invest in the city," I ordered and slid the page toward him, before turning to another person.

"Hardt, contact the people, who are thinking of shifting; tell the advantages of moving to Greltheaven,"

I gave one order after another. It's not like, I hadn't tried this before, but unlike before, I didn't conquer another city and didn't have a Grade III legacy.

There are tens of thousands of really rich people in the empire. Who wants to get out of it and diversify their business.

They could safely move to Greltheaven. It is part of the empire and not in the jurisdiction of any prince. So, if they could move here without incurring the wrath of any party.

Till now, Namdar has been the biggest beneficiary of this migration and I want a little slice.

Even the little one would be tremendously helpful to the city, but achieving it would be difficult, with the shadow undead blanketing the city.

Still, now the chances are better than ever.

"I hope, everyone will do their best to achieve the tasks they have been given," I said as I finished giving tasks to everyone. They are big, most will likely not be able to sleep today.

Some, like Robin, are leaving the city tonight.

They nodded and got up, before leaving. The one who didn't leave is Valentina.

"No orders for me?" she asked with an arched brow.

"You already finished the task," I replied, and the smile on her face widened.

She is a person, who knows me the best aside from girls.

The moment she found out about the legacy had advanced. She acted, knowing this is what I would want to do.

"How long will it take for them to come to the city?" I asked, and her expression turned serious.

"Ed will leave Panar in a few minutes. Our construction partners from the merchant state will leave in a few hours. They will be in the city, before the afternoon," she replied.

I had also called Miss Rolgath, Miss Ulaxasys, and Lady Blackwell.

We need to make changes to the tower.

When the legacy was Grade II; it used to cover fourteen floors, but not the entire area of it. Just twenty-nine thousand square feet of it, in the middle.

The rest were the domain of plants, but now at Grade III. The legacy covers every inch of the tower.

So, I need to make the changes. So, I could use more than half of the area, that had been the domain of the plants till now and I have to do it in twenty-five days.

Twenty-four since this day is nearly over.

The next month is the founding day of the city. The same day, the establishment had opened two years ago.

It is a massive change, especially for the legacy, and would have taken much longer than twenty-five days. If I had made the preparations for it already.

When I was building the tower. I was not building it for a Grade II legacy, but for Grade III.

However, I didn't expect my legacy would advance to Grade III, just a little more than a month after the opening.

I had expected it would take years or even decades.

So, there is not as much as work, one would expect, but there is still a lot, and I would need to close all fourteen floors until it is finished.

Thankfully, the whole tower wouldn't close. Unlike the sixteen floors, the other five floors wouldn't close.

The lobby and four floors house the stores.

Unlike the fourteen floors that are made for the legacy. The other five are using every inch of the space.

Now that it has turned into a legacy, I would be able to harvest emotion from a large number of people who come to visit those floors, making no changes to them.

"The whole twenty-one floors of the tower are in the legacy. It's really close to reaching Colosseum Class," said Valentina, and all of us smile.

Lola, Zela, and me.

"What?" she asked, looking confused. "Twenty-six and a half floors, Chief Elar. The velvet garden had become a Colosseum Class legacy," replied Lola, shocking Valentina.

It took her a few seconds to calm herself before she turned to me.

"Are you building five floors?" she asked. To that, I shook my head.

"Underground?" she asked, and I nodded.

"What are you going to do there?" she asked, and I smiled.

There are two options in front of me to use that space. I have to choose one and I plan to make the decision before the sun comes up tomorrow.

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