City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 472: Merchant of Desire

[Condition Met: Dealer of Desire – Merchant of Desire]

Merchant of Desire Lv. 30 [Master of Legacy]

Merchant of Desire Lv. 31 [Master of Legacy]

Merchant of Desire Lv. 32 [ Master of Legacy]

[Skill Gained: Eyes of Master]

[Conditions Met: Good's Instinct–Master's Instincts]


"Fuck!" I cursed out loud, with shock and joy.

My eyes fixed on the single line. It is not the change of class, nor it is the three levels I gained in it, but the skill.

Eyes of Master.

This freaking skill. It had changed everything.

Eyes of Master is the skill that nearly every master of legacy has. Especially those with their legacies in Grade III and above.

It is the most common skill. Along with the vault.

The skill lets them see what is happening in their legacy.

The masters do not like the skill much and prefer any other in its place. Because if they concentrate enough, they can feel what is happening in their legacy, which is nearly as good as seeing.

Unlike them, this skill is tremendously useful to me. Even that isn't enough to describe it.

I didn't dare to think about it much and instead activated the skill.


I tried to use it, but it didn't work. I felt worried before hitting my head.

"I am such an idiot," I muttered and powered the skill with essence.

Immediately, the skill roared.

With my will, I focused on the lobby, and instantly the lobby appeared in front of me as I was standing in there, but unlike watching from eyes, that only provided a limited angle.

Here, I could see everything in the lobby, every corner and angle.

There are heavy guards present in the lobby and outside of it to manage the heavy guards.

Because of the advancement, everyone wants to visit.

Before it was, only those with reservations could enter the legacy, but with the whole tower turning into the legacy, everybody wants to enter to experience the legacy.

Many had been here, since the last night.

We needed to up the security to manage the crowd, but it's not a permanent solution.

We need to find a better solution for it.

A few advised to me charge fees to visit the store floors, but I shot that down. There will be no fees; the store floors will be open to the public, at no cost.

I wasn't able to do that with fourteen floors, but I will do that with the store floors.

It is my wish that every person in the city takes the pleasure of legacy, but for that, a sustainable solution would be needed.

I changed the focus to the first floor, and the first floor appeared in front of me. It's crowded; more crowded, than the first day of the tower opening.

I could feel the emotions they were generating. If I kept getting such an emotion. I will get a lot of emotion essence and it will be a Grade III.

I looked at one floor after another. Till I reach the top floor, I am in.

This is what every Eyes of Master could do, but now, I am going to do that only my Eyes of Master could. It is for this reason, that I got shocked by getting skill and became ecstatic.

Some might even say, it might make me near omniscient. Though, I do not agree with it.

I focused and immediately; the garden came in front of me. The quality of vision had lessened. From like 8k to HD, but it is still very clear.

I could see everything, people eating, walking, smiling. I could see the crowd and faces of people as they looked at the tower with awe and longing.

I willed it and the vision moved out of the garden.

I could see streets, squares, and everything else. There is nothing that could be hidden from me. I could even see in the homes of people and other buildings.

Though, in there, quality lessened. From colored to grainy black and white.

It depends upon what sort of building it is. If it is public and belongs to the city, the quality would be greater. If it is private, then the quality would lessen.

I will have to see the intricacies of it, but one thing is clear. I could see everything in my city.

Nothing is hidden from me.

This skill is too dangerous. I can not let anyone know about it. If the news of it spreads; it will affect many things.

Nobody wants to live in a city where a lord could see everything.

Especially the higher leveled people.

It is also in my best interest. If nobody knows about it, it is hard to hard to guard against it.

I feel slightly complicated with this skill but in this dangerous world. It will help me tremendously to protect me and mine.

I only have one skill at this level-up, but I don't mind. This one skill is equal to ten to me.

I looked at the other skill, which had changed, and a smile couldn't help, but appear on my face. The skill had completely changed.

From Goods Instincts, which is a mercantile skill. It had become Master's Instincts which works differently, more focused.

It will work on all things related to legacy.

There is another skill I have received. A skill from legacy after it reached Grade III.

Instant Restoration.

It is, as its name says, it will restore the damage the legacy suffers. I don't know the scope of it, but I plan to test it as soon as possible.

Many hosts like this skill. Especially those hosts with legacies at Grade III and below.

Legacies are delicate at those grades, and they want to quickly deal with any damage, that legacy suffers.

This skill lets them do that.

I had advanced three levels in this level-up. My base class had reached Lv. 32.

A level higher than the Lord's Class.

I will need to keep it ahead. If Lord Class had not been ahead. I might have gotten another level and skill. I do not regret my choice.

I needed that level-up. It helped me a lot in dealing with things in the Panar.

The level-up gave me three attribute points.

I added one strength and two to vitality. I would have liked to add them to charm and intelligence, but I need to keep physical stats balanced.

If I fight again. My opponents are going to be Lv. 30 and above.

I need to have good physical stats to fight against them. In the last battle, I was nearly killed. It is because of aura; that I am still alive.

Aura is a dangerous thing. That helps warriors match the mages, but it is hard to control.

It takes time and arduous practice, to gain sufficient control over it to use it efficiently in the battle.

I shook my head at those thoughts and looked at the table that appeared in front of me.


Merchant of Desire Lv. 32 [Master of Legacy]

Valorous Lord of Courage Lv. 31

Trainer Lv. 08










·     Trustful Presence

·     Master’s Instinct

·     Lord’s Contracts

·     Torch for Seeker

·     Rapid Strikes

·     Blitz Steps

·     Insightful Reading

·     Price Is Right

·     Mauling Strike

·     Silver Tongued

·     Gymnasts Grace

·     Sight Through Veil

·     Every Ear Listens To My Words

·     Blade Of The Gale

·     Mood of the Subjects

·     Privacy Sphere

·     Command Projection

·     Get Ready

·     Quick Parry

·     Razor Edge

·     Active Presence

·     Vision Projection

·     Instant Recollection

·     Artistic Dealings

·     Copy Skill - Focus

·     Telepathic Call

·     Energizing Essence

·     Gymnasts Control

·     Lord's Presence

·     March Of The Braves

·     Laws of My Land

·     Mark of Mist

·     Fast Reflexes

·     Public Works

·     Appointment


Demesne of Desire II


·     Master of Legacy

·     Laws of Legacy

·     Share Authority (7)

·     Vault of Ru

·     Demesne Expansion

·     Instant Restoration

Attribute Points


'There are really few skills from the Merchant of Desire,' I thought, looking at the table.

Which isn't surprising. Merchant of Desire had been a single class from the beginning. Unlike many classes, that made the Valorous Lord of Courage.

I looked at the table for a few seconds before closing and got out of the bed.

I had slept quite late, nearly an hour away from dawn, and had three hours of sleep, but I am feeling great and well-rested.

Before sleeping. I had focused on the full power of the Rest Charm on me. With Legacy reached Grade III; its power had also increased tremendously.

I quickly freshened up and showered before walking out.


Soon, I stepped into the office, and there were only Lola and Andrea. Since Carla and Hendriks are out; she has left Andrea in charge of her duties.

"My lord," they greeted.

I nodded and sat down, thinking. I already thought about it and made the decision last night after considering the pros and cons of both choices.

"Casino; the five floors underground will have the casino," I said, surprising them.

There were two options in front of me. First is a casino, and second is sports.

There are indoor sports similar to bowling and a few unique ones, that didn't have similarities on earth.

Both options bring large numbers and greater emotions, but after thinking about it. I decided to go with the casino; it suits my vision better.

It will also help with attracting new people to the city. A Legacy casino is always attractive, especially when there are only five of them on the continent.

It will be four. I heard the master of one is near death and won't even survive a year.

"I will issue the notification," said Andrea, and I nodded.

It will be issued in empire and merchant states. I will see the offer and make my decision.

It won't be ready by the founding day. We might not be able to get all the offers by then, much less select them and begin the changes to house the casino.

I am not going to hurry.

There are five floors at the stake, with a tremendous impact on the city. I need to make the best decision without bowing to the pressure of time or the people.

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