Comprehensive Freedom

v9 Chapter 92 - Molecular dishes

As Alice stepped inside the operation site, Noel then got up from the beach chair and followed.

Walking into the kitchen at the operation site, I heard what Alice Alice introduced.

“The principle of liquid nitrogen ice cream at our operation site is to put the food into an ultra-low temperature environment using liquid nitrogen as the medium to make the food shell harden quickly.”

“Under ultra-low temperature environment, the water in the food will form fine particles, which are between liquid and solid, and the taste will be very delicate.”

“Not only is it cool on the palate, but also has a hazy and dreamy look on the outside, but it also has different flavors. It is very suitable for a sultry summer.”

After a little introduction, Azumi Alice paused for a moment and began to select ingredients.

When the required ingredients and ingredients are all set aside, they are ready.

At this time, while starting to work on the production, at the same time tell the others about the precautions so that they can understand how to do it.

“First of all, you need 100ml of pure milk and 100ml of fresh cream, and then mix and mix pure milk and jujube milk, add sugar, juice, honey, cream, and mix well.”

It didn’t take long to see that the stirring was almost done.

Azumi Alice stopped, she picked up the antifreeze gloves that had been set aside and put them on her hands.

And eager to proceed to the next step, but first carefully check the antifreeze gloves.

After confirming that there was no damage, he reached for the jar with liquid nitrogen and unfastened the sealed lid.

“This is the most critical step, and it is also the most dangerous step.”

“The temperature of liquid nitrogen is -196c. There is no problem when the human skin directly contacts liquid nitrogen. It will be frostbite and irreversible after more than 2 seconds.”

“When using liquid nitrogen, be sure to wear antifreeze gloves on both hands, and also check carefully to ensure that the gloves are not damaged.”

“Of course, whoever ends his career as a cook ahead of time, and later becomes a person with a handicapped hand, you can take my words to the ears.”

After talking about the matters needing attention, and the consequences.

All that should be paid attention to, and Alice did not talk too much nonsense, and it was they who were unlucky when they did not hear it.

Tilt the jar of liquid nitrogen and carefully pour the liquid nitrogen into the basin.

“Add 2 liters of liquid nitrogen at a time and continue stirring until a hard shell forms.”

“In this operation, it is best to work together with the two, adding liquid nitrogen and stirring until the liquid is shaped. The liquid nitrogen ice cream made in this way is the best.”

When the liquid nitrogen is poured, put the jar containing liquid nitrogen aside, and then seal the lid of the jar.

Azumi Alice picked up the blender again and began to mix the contents of the pot evenly.

“When there are no lumps evenly, the liquid nitrogen ice cream is ready.”

Always pay attention to the condition of things in the basin.

Due to the liquid nitrogen, uniformity and no lumps are quickly reached, and the final step can be performed.

“The last step is to scoop out a ball and a sphere with a spoon, put it in a goblet for ice cream and drinks, and add some fresh fruit to match, so that the liquid nitrogen ice cream is completed.”

When Alice said these things, she had already done the setting and matching.

She stepped back to the side and showed the finished liquid nitrogen ice cream on the table to the students.

With the finished product in front of her, a female student raised her right hand high and looked longingly at Alice.

“Master Alice, can I try your liquid nitrogen ice cream?”

“No problem, come here.”

薙切Alice smiled and nodded, beckoning the female student to come.

With permission, the female student was very excited to trot forward and quickly came to the side of Alice.

The female student picked up the silver spoon and began tasting with it.

Put a small spoonful of liquid nitrogen ice cream in her mouth, and the coolness in her mouth made her breath out, and a burst of white mist sprayed from her mouth.

Although he closed his mouth, there was a burst of white mist in the nose for breathing.

Female students who have disregarded their image are completely addicted to the deliciousness of liquid nitrogen ice cream, with a happy smile on their faces.

Just looking at the female students’ expressions, the other students knew that they would not be worse.

The taste is not bad, the appearance is extremely beautiful, and it is interesting when eating.

The production method of liquid nitrogen ice cream is simple, and at most you should pay attention to safety issues.

As long as it is not a mistake made by oneself, basically the courses at this operation site can be regarded as 100% passable.

Seeing the tasting female student still indulging, Azumi Alice bowed her head proudly to Noel.

“Liquid nitrogen ice cream can be paired with different fruits, which allows guests to choose, so that the menu will not be single.”

“In addition to liquid nitrogen ice cream, I also have a quick and easy snack.”

“That’s apples, coated with chocolate, cashews, hazelnuts, caramel.”

“As a result, various fruit dips and various sauces can be eaten.”

Saying another snack, Azumi Alice also took action.

And this snack made the finished product at once.

In the following time, all 19 students tasted it personally, cutting two snacks made by Alice.

It’s definitely delicious, and the appearance is extremely beautiful.

So, under the command of Ai Chi Alice, divided into two groups and began to get busy.

For the girls group, Alice made them responsible for making molecular dishes, that is, liquid nitrogen ice cream.

Boys group, they are responsible for making various fruit dipping dishes.

Watching the students are busy, Noel looked up at the time of the wall clock.

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