Comprehensive Freedom

v9 Chapter 93 - Hidden assessment


“There is the last minute, ready to open.”


Everyone looked at Noel, and confidently gave a response, which was almost the same as before.

As an auditor of the course, Noel did not leave the open kitchen after speaking.

Instead, standing at the edge, no longer silently observing the crowd, looking for the place where they made mistakes.

One minute passed quickly and it was time for the official opening.

At the same time, the staff of Yuanyue Resort took the guests into the golden beach.

A large number of guests flocked to the golden beach, and they wore swimwear to carry some entertainment items.

For example: beach volleyball, swimming ring, surfboard, etc.

I don’t know if it is the arrangement of Dojima Silver. Most of the guests who enter the golden beach will gather at several operating points as soon as possible.

Being clear is purposeful and doesn’t want to be in curiosity at all.

After all, whoever comes to the beach by the sea will immediately go straight to the operation point. It is clear that the news is known in advance, and then they will gather here purposefully.

Whether this is the case or not, it doesn’t matter much to Noel.

Noel only needs to look at the performance of 20 people, and then give a qualified or unqualified evaluation. The rest do not need to go to multiple management, too lazy to manage these things.

People gathered in front of the operation site, except for Ai Qi Alice, other students have a little French meaning.

Seeing this, Azumi Alice took the initiative to stand up and introduce the special snacks at this operation site.

“You guys, welcome to this shop.”

“Here, I will introduce you to the two specialty snacks in our restaurant, which will definitely bring you a special experience.”

Speaking of where to stop, Azumi Alice turned around and beckoned, asking people to bring the cost of the two snacks.

Understand what it means, the heads of the boys and girls group quickly picked up just a few finished products, and walked towards Alice Ayoshi almost at the same time.

When the two men and women are in charge, put the finished products of their respective groups on the counter.

薙切Alice’s words rang again at this moment.

“Liquid nitrogen ice cream, this is the anti-heat molecular cuisine launched by our restaurant.”

“As you can see, liquid nitrogen ice cream can be eaten with a variety of fruits. It can be chosen according to personal preference.”

After introducing the liquid nitrogen ice cream on the right hand side, the special snacks on the left hand side are introduced.

“Fruit dip, this is the second snack from our store.”

“This snack can also be used in a variety of ways according to the preferences of different people.”

After some introductions, a few people were selected to try. Achew Alice is very clear that no matter how bad it is, no one who has tried it will believe it.

Therefore, try to eat is the best solution.

As long as a few people try to say yes, this can arouse the curiosity of others, and then come to buy two snacks to taste.

According to the choices of a few people who tried the food, Yachi Alice made the scene on her own.

It didn’t take long for the finished product to reach the hands of a few people.

Started tasting and tasting, just a few people who took a small bite, all expressing unexpected expressions.

Soon, several people were conquered by the deliciousness of two snacks.

Novelty plus fun, and the look of a few people trying to eat.

The customers who were watching the operation site were suddenly hooked with curiosity, and some even couldn’t help but stepped forward to buy one.

There are two of them, and there are more and more people joining the purchase.

The scene became a bit confusing, and guests all wanted to buy it first, and squeezed past the counter.

In this regard, Noel’s thoughts didn’t even matter, and he didn’t even move half a step. He just watched with cold eyes.

It’s not that I don’t want to control it, but it is also part of the assessment.

Whether the trainee can handle the unexpected situation, it can be seen whether there is the ability to manage the storefront.

In fact, the course content is not only those things that Dojima said, but also hidden assessments.

Hide assessment?

Without the knowledge of the students, see if they can come out of their own hands, have the ability to become a chef to lead others, and have the ability to manage and manage a store.

Through the performance of the students, each of the Noel and Yuanyue graduates who are auditors will rate them.

When the course ends today, students with a score lower than the passing line will be eliminated directly.

In the end, it came out to deal with, but still cut Alice.

“Please be restless, our food is very sufficient, and everyone can definitely buy it, so please follow the order and queue up, otherwise it will be bad to cause trampling accidents.”

Not to mention, after persuading Alice, the chaotic scenes were brought under control, and all of them lined up.

The reason why I obey obediently is that on the one hand, I know that there are enough ingredients, I can definitely buy the snacks here, and don’t worry about not being able to buy it late.

On the other hand, the guests all come to the beach to play the heat, and they are also worried about being injured.

Just to buy a snack, if you hurt yourself, that would be too worthwhile.

Seeing that the confusion had subsided, Noel scored Azeri Alice in her heart.

Next, look at the remaining 19 students and scored them one by one according to their performance.

In addition to the operating sites in charge of Noel, other operating sites in charge of graduates from other months have also appeared in succession.

In particular, Kojiro Shigeru, who has a bad temper, has eliminated three people at first.

The other operating points are fairly good, and there is no place to eliminate people.

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