Conquering The Omni-Verse!

A Martian[2]


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎13th July 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Tacoma, Washington▪︎]

He stutters, his expression laced with a mixture of shock and fear as he takes another step back and stops—his back touching the Television screen.

"Is that so? Then, I guess I'll just have to eliminate hard feelings."

I whisper darkly and stretch forth my hand towards—my fingers separated—slowly in a menacing manner with my face as cold as ice.

Terrified and agitated, he gnashes his teeth and immediately dashes towards the exit at inhuman speeds, almost flying.

With a causal left nudge of my head, as he is about to reach the door, his body flies away from it forcefully and hits the right side of the wall hard with a bang, denting it and creating cracks.

Coughing as he stands up with small pieces of the semi-destroyed wall falling from his back, his skin and body morph drastically.

His healthy white skin changes into a deep green, his height increases by a foot, and his face become much more angular and rigid due to the elongation and change of shape of his head.

The nervous look on his face now gone and replaced by seriousness as he straightens up, brushing off the dust and dirt off his attire with his hands.

"...Well this sucks. I thought I'll be able to hide my identity for a long while, possibly my entire time here but without a single day passing I've been discovered. I've got to hand it to you, humans."

He sighs with a weird smile as he stops brushing his clothes and looks me straight in the eyes.

"...But, there's no way I'm going to let you take me as a prisoner. There's no chance I'm going back to that planet so please leave and let's forget all this ever happened."

He finishes softly in a hopeful tone, a harmless and awkward smile drawing on his alien face.

"And if I don't?"

I ask with an arrogant smirk plastered on my face, interested in seeing his reaction.

His face falls almost instantly, his eyebrows and eyes narrowing as he squeezes his hand into a threatening fist that emphasizes his muscles and veins.

"...Then I'd just have to beat you till you agree. This is your last chance, just walk away."

He threatens aggressively, his voice seemingly of one whose pleading, and from his eyes alone, one can tell he's nervous.

A good-natured Martian, exactly like Martian Man. Just that he's a little bit more naive and more ignorant, thinking he's a bigger fish in a small pond.

...He'll do just fine after some modifications. Let's see his basics.

"Can't do that. Show me what you've got Martian..."

I say, gesturing for him to come closer in a mocking manner that makes a vein bulge on his green forehead.

" I warned you!"

He screams as his arms enlarge three times their size and zoom towards me with a punch hurling in the direction of my face.


A gust of wind forms as I block his punch with a finger, scattering the light materials in the room away as his eyes widen in shock.

Smirking, I swipe his fist away with no effort using my finger and with the same finger, slash at his neck horizontally.

Swiftly, he bends his neck backward. He manages to dodge the deadly attack by making his head lie perfectly vertical on his back but not before my fingernail creates a serious slit across it.

Without waiting for him to adapt to his wound, I follow up with a fast knee strike.

This time his body morphs and like a string or an elastic material, his body elongates and bends to the ground, accurately dodging my strike.

He immediately slithers backward like a snake and backflips to his feet, a few feet away from me next to the Television and couches.

Breathing in and out intermittently, his eyes flashing with fear as he swipes his bleeding wound with his thumb and takes a peek at his blood, making me smile when he looks back at me anxiously.

The next moment, he grits his teeth—as his wound heals—and after glancing at the surrounding objects like the Television and couches, he grabs them and lunges them at me strongly.

In addition, he throws the rest of the objects near him like the center table, couches, chairs, desks, etc in frantic succession and immediately flies upwards to escape.

Chuckling, I wave my hand casually, tearing all the objects driving towards my face into pieces, and with a snap of my fingers—just as he's about to burst through the ceiling—he instantly freezes in the air.

"...Well that was fun. Congratulations, you've passed the test."

I clap my hands playfully as I take slow steps to the middle of the room, passing by the destroyed furniture and crumbling pieces as his frozen body glides from the ceiling to right in front of me.

Unable to move or even talk, he silently hovers in front of me in an unusual position with his eyes tiny black eyes brimming with extreme terror and confusion.

"Don't worry, I won't send you back to Mars or wherever you think I'll send you..."

I smile charmingly, his terror-stricken eyes immediately brighten up.

"....After all, you're going to be my tool. If you're perplexed, think of yourself as a Sequid now. A Martian Sequid or in other words...a slave..."

His unfrozen eyes immediately widen in horror as the nerve-wracking understanding of his fate dawns on him but I enter into his mind and make him black out.

....The last thing he sees is the dark grin that spreads across my lips as his consciousness falls into an abyss.


"My Lord."

Kneeling on one knee, in front of me, the Martian says strongly as he looks up at my face above him.

His previous gloomy eyes are now bright and full of perverse worship, beholding my face as if I'm his creator with his face covered in a wide unnatural smile that can send shivers down the spine of a regular person.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the instrument of your desires, a tool fashioned for the sole purpose of completing your works or fulfilling your wishes, and a slave dedicated to the service of you My Lord Prime. For all eternity."

He let out in one go smoothly with a voice full of godly reverence, his smile widening to a larger and much more revolting degree on his green face. As if I'm the sole reason for his existence.

...After two hours, the mental coding is complete. Now, I have my own shapeshifting slave who is ready and willing to obey my every command with zero hesitation.

I control everything about him now. For now, I'll have him lay low with a few commands.

As a shapeshifter, he has a wide range of uses and applications. This is what his life is going to be like from now onwards, just another tool in the grand scheme of a another possible tool...

Cool right?


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