Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



Soldier Boy's eyebrow raises up as confusion sets in after hearing what I said.

"I said, I'm your Boss."

I calmly repeat with a smile and this makes him frown.

"What the fu---"

"Put your hands in the air now!"

A soldier exclaims in Russian as he and his team burst into the room with their guns and flashlight pointing at us.

I ignore them and study Soldier Boy's face as his frown deepens upon hearing them and turns away from me to face them.

After doing that, he starts breathing heavily as his chest rises up and down, the continuous shouting only increasing his breathing.

His chest starts to glow bright red as large amounts of radiation form in his chest and this creates a gravitational field that pulls some dirt particles and some small objects.



Before one of the soldiers could finish, a large burst of radiation flares from his chest and chars the soldiers. The blast continues till it destroys the wall on the other side of the room then stops.

Standing there, his chest heaves up and down as he breathes heavily then turns to face me with confusion on his face.

"W-What happened?"

He asks as he glances at the charred bodies and the wall.

....What's going on? Has he forgotten or he's fucking with me. First Soldier Boy has radioactive-based powers and now he has selective amnesia? This is something else, let me check real quick.

I use [Telepathy] and delve into his mind and momentarily I see the problem. Russia has been busy. I already know about the fact that they've been experimenting on him after Seraph hacked into the system but it didn't detail it nor talk of any newly acquired powers.

Wow, so now I have a literal walking nuke in front of me? That's crazy.

"That's all you, Russia really fucked you up huh?"

I remark playfully, making his face twist into anger as some painful memories emerge.

"Don't talk to me about that... and who the fuck are you?"

He threatens darkly as he comes in front of me and asks.

"As I said, I'm your Boss."

I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm gonna say this once Bub so listen carefully, no one is my Boss."

He says as he comes right in front of me; a frown comes onto his face when he notices me looking down at him with a smile.

"Well, that's bad because you belong to me now. Everything Vought related is mine now... gramps."

I say and this pisses him off so much that he throws a punch.

Without even moving, I block his punch with two of my fingers, shocking him and the next second I knee him in the gut.

He falls to his knees and starts coughing heavily with blood dropping out of his mouth as he did so.

His chest starts to glow as his anger rises so I cross my hands and wait with a smile but it vanishes as in just five seconds the glow disappears.

.... This is kinda disappointing but understandable. He must have used all his energy in the last blast so it will take some time for him to generate more. Sigh, I was really hoping he can spam it but this is okay for now, later on, I can see what I can do for him.

Hmmm, there is no time to be diplomatic. It's evident his pride won't accept him being under me and I don't have time to awe him so I guess my only option is to 'change' him.

I grab his hair and make him look at me. His face is filled with a mixture of rage and fear. His eyes lose focus as I delve into his mind and start rewriting some aspects of his consciousness.

After twenty minutes of 'coding' and 'rewriting,' I leave his mind and gaze at his body. That was [Mental Manipulation]: the ability to manipulate and change the mind/mentality of others to my wish.

Currently, it takes time depending on the person and it can range from tens of minutes to hours and it only works when I'm in physical contact with a person. With time and mastery, these limitations will vanish.


He groans, his hand clutching his head as he stands up and faces me. The moment his eyes fall on my face, his face changes. Instead of the previous anger and suspicion, there is now fear and intense loyalty.

Yes, I made him loyal to me. I didn't change him thoroughly though, the only thing different from the previous Soldier Boy is the fact that he only obeys my command and he is loyal to the extent that unless another Mind Bender overwrites my code, he will rather kill himself than betray me.

Hehe, he is now and will eternally be my walking Nuclear weapon.

"Let's go."

I command and walk to the exit of the room. Without hesitation, he follows me obediently and we leave the room to the outside.

"You can take his clothes until we find you a new set. I can't let you be naked for what is about to happen."

I suggest as I point at the dead guard in front of us with a smile. He nods, strips the guard naked, and wears the black uniform.

"Where are we heading to?"

He asks as we walk along the road.

"What do you say about destroying Kremlin as revenge for what they've done?"

I ask with a smile and this makes him raise his eyebrows.

"Kill some Soviet bastards? Count me in. But won't that affect America or something?"

"Don't worry about that, we are currently at war. Oh and before I forget it's twenty-twenty-two, so you can't really go around calling them Soviets."

I say playfully, making his eyes widen in surprise at the period and this immediately turns to rage as he realizes the amount of time he's been in captivity. Poor guy.

As we walk towards the gate of the facility, I stop in my tracks.

Wait, since I'm here why don't use this place and head there in style? It will paint a bigger image and really sell my message. Hehe, I'm a genius.

"What's wrong?"

Soldier Boy asks.

"Nothing much just had an epiphany. Wanna see something crazy?"

I smile, making him confused. The next second, the whole place starts to shake.

<Rumble! Rumble!>

The building starts crumbling due to the increasing intensity of the earthquake as a result of my [Psychokinesis] flaring and the ground starts to crack with a shocked Soldier Boy and I calmly standing.

Seeing all the buildings and structures collapse around us, I stretch my hand towards the ground and slowly start to raise it upwards.


Shockwaves shake the ground as the entire premises of the facility start to rise into the air in tandem with my hand's movement.

Finally, my hand stops above my head in a vertical position with the entire land of the facility four hundred feet above solid ground.


Soldier Boy mutters in surprise as he glances down and sees the large hole at the bottom.

"Seraph make us invisible."

I whisper into my earpiece.

[Roger that.]

She instantly replies.

Now then, it's time to see Kremlin up close.

"Buckle up, it's going to be a fun ride."

I grin maliciously and will the island-like structure towards Moscow.


Two hours later, we arrive on the outskirts of Moscow. Minutes later, we successfully arrive in the middle of Moscow about four hundred feet off the ground.

"Are you ready?"

I ask Soldier Boy who is standing beside me as we pass by Ostankino Television Tower and continue further North towards Kremlin at the distance.

"Yeah I am,... I don't know how to describe it but I can feel that weird thing filled inside of me."

He answers in a serious tone as he subconsciously sends his right hand to his left but stops when he remembers he doesn't have his shield with him.

"After this, we will get your shield back."

I promise, making him smile wryly.

"Oh, it seems we have free publicity. This should be fun."

I smile as my sense picks up media helicopters chasing us so I glance at them momentarily from the corner of my eyes and then continue looking in front as Soldier Boy turns to look at them.

"We are here."

I comment as I will the platform to stop a few meters above Kremlin.

As it stops, the helicopters catch up and start recording us as we silently stand on it.

"There it is, Russia's Whitehouse: Kremlin. Should I throw you down?"

I ask as I turn to face him.

"Nah I will do it myself."

He says darkly and walks to the edge of the platform. Then, he closes his eyes and starts to breathe heavily.

He jumps off the next second and dives down as his chest starts glowing brightly. For extra measure, right after he jumped off I used [Empathy] to blind him with rage.

I just want to see if very strong emotions equal his power output, a harmless experiment.

As he drops closer and closer to the top of the building, the glow on his chest increases every passing second, and the moment he reaches the top, a huge white flash covers the entire building.


Now that's art.

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