Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎General Pov▪︎]

[▪︎UN Headquarters, Geneva▪︎]

Inside a large, wide, and green carpeted hall, numerous brownish rectangular desks with similar colored chairs filled the room in triangular-shaped rows.

Presidents and leaders of all the nations of the world sat behind those tables in either a suit or their country's traditional garb with a miniature flag of their respective countries in front of them.

The hall was soundless and the atmosphere in the room was somber. No one made a noise as they all gazed at the two large screens that were on the two pillars at the end of the room. Everyone had different facial expressions as they watched the screen that showed three men in suits shaking the hands of Virgil Prime: the proclaimed leader of the Earth Federation.

The video ended when they signed some certain papers and waved to the crowd that was shouting joyously, drenching the whole hall in silence again.

"As you all know just yesterday Brazil, Canada and Mexico joined The Earth Federation, making Virgil Prime the sole leader of three countries. This impromptu meeting has been called to discuss the growing threat and find solutions to this imminent problem."

The UN president; Mr. Otto Hoffman said. Standing on the podium as he faced the leaders.

Hearing this, the room exploded into discussions as most of the leaders looked beside them and spoke with the ones close to them.

"What has been done about the video?"

The King of England asked grimly, making the room quiet as they all gave him a momentary glance.

Regarding the video, everyone who was present at the meeting with Virgil was heavily affected except the North Korean and American presidents. 

There were constant demonstrations, boycotts, protests, etc all over the globe with some people even taking it upon themselves and going to social media platforms to supposedly give their countries to Virgil.

But among those present, he was the most affected by the video. Rumors regarding a supposed coup had been springing up all over the country in especially Ireland, showing how weak his monarchy was.

"Everything has been done to erase from the web but no matter what but like a virus, it's still spreading. There is nothing that can be done regarding the video so we'd best ignore it and focus on the immediate problem."

Mr. Otto replied in a similar tone, making the King's expression harden.

"I think the best option is to announce that we have accepted his previous proposal together with an official apology."

The President of China remarked calmly.

"That won't do anything right now. It's obvious he wants to rule, there is nothing we can do to stop this problem other than accepting his wishes. Let's all be realistic."

The President of Ukraine said plainly, drenching the whole room in silence.

"So you're suggesting that we just hand our countries to him on a silver platter?"

The Saudi Arabian Monarch questioned in a dark tone as he glanced at him from the next column.

"Yes. Statistically, speaking seventy percent of the world has already accepted him as of this moment. The man controls more than thirty percent of the global economy, meaning if he decides to he can cripple the countries of a lot of people here. He is well loved by almost all and with the video out, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say everyone loves him. Additionally, he now has the collective power of three powerful nations. Let's face it, there is nothing we can do to him."

He calmly explained as he looked at the Monarch, effectively silencing him and everyone in the room.

"I don't know why you guys are all behaving like this, he is just one man. I say we should just declare a global war and just bombard he and his countries with nuclear weapons, I don't believe he can survive the full power of eight countries."

The North Korean President commented seriously.

"You want to throw nuclear weapons at a man who can terraform an entire mountain and play with a walking nuke like Homelander? Why am I not surprised."

The South Korean President sneered.

"What do you propose then? Let me guess, you will submit to him like the Ukrainian."

The North Korean mocked with anger.

"I'm sure if your citizens were aware of this, you wouldn't be here right now."

The South Korean President casually retorted with a smile, making the North Korean President stand up in anger.

"Let's all calm down, nothing will change if we fight ourselves. I'm sure that's what Virgil wants right now."

The Russian President advised calmly, making The North Korean President glance at his neighboring country's President one last time and sat down with a frown on his chubby face.

"But... I agree with him. We can't possibly let one man rule the world, that is too much power in the hands of one person. I propose we threaten him with nuclear weapons and if he still insists, we attack him. One man can't possibly be strong enough to resist such a force."

The Russian President continued calmly, making some of the leaders nod their heads in agreement, especially The President of North Korea.

The room became filled with arguments as they started arguing about whether or not they should acknowledge Virgil's rule or they should answer Virgil with nuclear actions.

"Let's take a vote. If you agree to take a diplomatic approach, please raise up your hand. Those who want to take military actions should remain seated."

Mr. Otto announced, making the room still.

Minutes later, the Japanese Prime Minister raised his hand followed by the Ukrainian President and within seconds, eighty-nine hands rose up.

"Okay, please put your hands down."

Mr. Otto said after some time and they obliged.

"These are the results after counting. There are eighty-nine people who chose the diplomatic route and those who chose military action are one hundred."

Mr. Otto announced, making some of the eighty-nine people sigh as the rest kept quiet with serious expressions on their faces.

"Majority carries the vote it has been decided that military action is to be taken against Virgil Prime and the nations who will side or have sided with him."

He paused and glanced around the room, mainly looking at some of the people who chose the diplomatic route.

"Well then, Ladies and Gentlemen. We are going to war, meeting dismissed."


[▪︎A Day Later▪︎]

A smile comes to my face as I watch the news on the holographic screen.

Unsurprisingly, the UN has decided to declare war on me. Well, I already know this since the whole meeting was live streamed to me and it was already calculated.

Hehe, since they want war I will give them one. No, I won't give them a war. I will give them a beatdown. The whole world is going to see that in front of me, resistance is futile.

Starting with Russia, it's time I take back our national hero.

With a step, a portal forms in front of me, and I enter.

I arrive instantly in a front of a fenced and heavily guarded facility surrounded by snow as some falls on me in the middle of the night.

With my hands in my pocket, I walk towards the gate. The moment I get close to it, it stretches from the middle, creating a passage for me as I walk through.

I calmly stroll along the straight road as any guard that sets his/her eyes on me dies with an exploded head and arrive in front of a storey building with a headless guard at the back of me.

The key card on the side on the side of the headless guard tears away from his belt and calmly swipes on the keycard reader. The next moment, the door opens.

I enter the room and walk past the metal pipes, the air-hydraulic Jacks, supercomputers, etc and arrive in front of a vertical pentagonal human-sized chamber.

The doors of the chamber rip apart as I wave my head, revealing an unconscious Soldier Boy as the nerve agent vapor escapes from the chamber.


He groans as he tears off the tubes inserted in his arms, the padded restrainer, and removes the ventilator.

"Who the fuck are you?"

He asks as his feet touch the ground and looks at me.

I smile and say,

"Your Boss."

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