Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎25th March 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Moon, Sol System▪︎]

He curses, his eye is wide open.

Then, suddenly, he frowns and tries to get up.

{Wait, how sure ar——, argh!}

My foot presses him into the ground. Wincing, he raises his hands with a wry smile.

{Hey man, chill. I just want to verify something from my pocket.}

He explains and uses his fingers to point at his right pocket which has a screen poking out of it—from the surface.

Amused, I remove my foot, and immediately, he sits on the ground, removes a small rectangular object, and anxiously fidgets with it.

{Oh shit, you're right. This is definitely not Urath. Oh man, I'm so screwed. My evaluation is coming up just next year...I hope the Urathians aren't pissed...yep they are.}

He says dramatically as he shakes his head with a wry smile. He turns to look at me with a bright smile and stands up.

{Anyways, thanks, man. I owe you one now.}

He thanks and stretches his hand for a handshake.

I smile and grab it gently.

{Don't worry, just doing my job. By the way, who are you and what do you work for?}

I ask with a harmless smile as we shake.

{Oh sorry for that. I'm Allen and I'm an evaluation officer for the Coalition Of Planets.}

He smiles proudly as our hands part and at the mention of the last part, I force my lips from turning into a grin.

...This is why I love this place. Every plan and thing I want inevitably works or finds itself before me. 

{Coalition Of Planets? Champion Evaluation Officer?}

I raise my eyebrow, feigning confusion as I expertly breech his natural mental shields and enter his mind.

{Oh right, you wouldn't know. I'm basically a civil servant of sorts. 

Each planet in the Coalition selects a Guardian who is responsible for dealing with planetary, orbital, or high-risk problems in general and my job is to test them out and evaluate them to see if they are right for the job. 

The Coalition is a group of planets and civilizations who have banded together to support each other economically, politically, and in some cases physically in wars or conflict.}

He explains with enthusiasm as I finish downloading his memories.

{I see, I see. That's pretty cool.}

I comment with recognition and his smile widens. 

{Well then, I guess it's time for me to go. I have to head back to Urath and explain some things before I lose my job. I'll see you later Prime.}

He says with a smile and a wave then he turns and flies away quickly—his arms stretched in front of him.

This guy has an interesting background. You see, Allen is the only surviving member of a secret experiment of the Unopans to create supersoldiers who can match up to Viltrumites. 

Well, they failed in the Viltrumite part but at least he's comparable to Immortal so that's something.

He isn't very highly ranked in the Coalition for me to get vital info but the most important thing is that now, I know where their main planet is.

...I have more cards and options to play now. 

But seriously, his luck is impressive. He's been coming here for almost fifteen years, always being repelled by Omni-man but he never blabbed about the Coalition.

Otherwise, by now, his corpse should be floating near an asteroid or something. Thankfully, he didn't.

Shaking my head, I zoom away toward Earth and within seconds I breach the atmospheric layers and hover above San Francisco.

Its nighttime. After taking in a deep breath of the cold air, I fly northwards slowly—enjoying the night sights—and coincidentally, my senses pick up Atom Eve coming from my left.

...She's crying? I hover and wait for her.

Seeing me, she stops a few meters away—her sad face glistening with tears—and sniffles.


"Hey Eve, what's wrong?"

I ask warmly with care and she shudders, her tears increasing as she shields her face with her left palm.

Sigh, should I or should I not use this chance? Hmmm, why am even asking? Screw it, I've always been an opportunist...

"It's okay, take it easy. I don't know what's going on but I can help you, that is if you want me to."

I drift closer and say calmly, my voice extra soothing.

She looks at my care-ridden face—staring for while—and weakly nods.

I nod in return and create a portal.

"Please follow me."

I politely say and enter, appearing instantly inside the living area of my penthouse.

As she follows—still sniffling—I walk to my mini-bar and pour two glasses of raspberry juice as her eyes dart around weakly.

I take the glasses, walk to her, and hand her a glass.

"Don't worry, it's raspberry. Here, take a seat."

I smile gently as she examines the glass. She takes a whiff and after confirming my words, she takes a seat.

"Now, let's talk. Tell me what happened."

I remark as I sit on a couch—directly facing her but separated by a small glass table—and take a sip of the drink.

As if remembering something awful, her mood changes and the barrier holding back her pain breaks as her tears start flooding.

"I-I went to the base to take something and I s-saw them, Rex and Kate...and there was more than one of h‐her...that multi-slut."

She manages to say, her arms and body trembling with her tears falling onto the carpeted floor.

Oh, I see now. Maybe it's because I've been avoiding her lately? Eh, who knows.

But that boy Rex is frankly an idiot. I mean just look at Eve. You've got a girl way out of your league but you still least do it secretly but even that one he messed it up.

Always knew the guy isn't right in the head.

"I'm very sorry. I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now but I'm sorry. Look, I have some advice for you but it's going to depend on if you're going to take it."

I place the drink on the table and bend my body slightly to my knees and say softly.

She sniffles and looks up slightly—her eyes now facing mine—and nods as she wipes her tears with her sleeves.

"Things like this happen all the time but the only thing that matters is how you allow yourself to be affected. There are two ways of handling this. 

You can either be strong and take this as a sign that Rex isn't good enough for you or you can run back to him all weak and pitiful.

I may not know you Eve but I at least know that you are strong...very strong. Don't let something like this bother you but instead use the pain you're feeling as fuel to better yourself."

I advise wisely and calmly with a warm smile. 

She becomes quiet and takes in what I said, still sniffling but the next minute, something flashes on her face, and the tears start again.

"I've been with Rex for years and I can't think of a life without him. A-Am I weak?"

She explains and asks pitifully as she bends her head and covers her face with her palms, tears streaming down her face with her body shaking lightly.

Sighing softly, I get up and sit beside her but she doesn't react—still crying.

"No, you're not weak. You are strong and you have to remain strong. You can't let this affect you and no matter what, you can't let Rex see you like this."

I say as I gently touch her shoulder and hug her carefully, making her cry lower.

"Here, here, I know it's going to be hard that's why just this once, you can be weak and pour out everything...I'm right here with you."

I say gently— my voice warm—as I caress her hair softly. Immediately, she cries out and starts bawling her eyes out. 

She then lowers her head and lies on my lap, drenching it with her tears as I caress her head and within ten minutes, her body relaxes and her cries die down. She's asleep.

It's good to know I've still got this skill...haven't had to use it in a while. Well, with this, a seed has been planted. 

All I've got to do now is wait...

Smiling darkly, I gently get up and place her head on the sofa. Then, using my finger, I pull a blanket from the bedroom and make it neatly fall on her figure.

I walk to the bedroom, strip myself of my suit till only my boxers remain, and plump myself on the bed.

...I guess today, I'll be sleeping alone.


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