Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎25th March 2003▪︎]

Leisurely cruising across the sky, as the rays of the midday sun shine on me, I gently pass through a white puffy cloud.

It's been a few hours since the Volcano mission. After Holly and I had an epic threesome with Crysela, we cooled down.

To be honest, I'm disappointed in Immortal and in the team for tolerating his...eccentricities. 

...I should've broken something on his body before I left. That would've sent a bet my girls.

Hopefully, he screws up again.

Anyways, straight after the sex, Holly and Crysela left for Amazonia so I decided to visit someone. My underl——protege. I even have a surprise and gift for him.

With a loud boom that blasts the surrounding clouds away, my speed increases, and after about five minutes, I hover above a striking red metallic bridge with cars moving on it.

There's a tall distinct H-shaped tower in the middle of it that has rails extending from its vertices.

On top of the tower, there's are circular hole that leads downwards into a lit chamber. This is the secret base of the Teen Team. A bit shabby and not so secretive but it's good enough for them. 

I descend calmly into the hole and land on a blue-black smooth metallic flooring.

The base is small and circular with office chairs around a bunch of flat screens. There's a cold metallic scent in the air and the walls are painted in the same color as the floor.

Robot is standing in front of a table— muttering and tinkering with a gadget—in the corner of the room.

"Sir Prime?"

Robot asks as he stops what he's doing and turns to face me, his green glassy eyes flashing.

"How are you doing? Is everything all right?"

I inquire softly with a smile as he walks to stand just a few steps away from me.

"Everything's going well, I've never been so happy in my life."

He replies with joy, his eyes flashing to show his point.

"Then why are you still hiding?"

I ask with a smile.

He sighs and presses a button on his right wrist, making his body retract and open up to reveal a human male face and body.

His face is young and handsome—adolescent—with polished brown skin, a small nose, thin black eyebrows, small red lips, and heart-shaped.

He has messy reddish brown curly hair with cute ears on the side of his head. He is short—about five feet five inches—and slim, wearing a plain white t-shirt, blue denim jeans, and no shoes.

Overall, he looks like a handsome fifteen-year-old boy. This is Robot or better yet Rudolph Conners' real body. The body I created for him.

"It's not that I'm hiding. I just want to take my time and settle in before I reveal it to my friends."

He shakes his head with a nice smile.

"...By the way, you look a little different. Have you been working out lately? And if so, what routine did you use to build this physique in this short time frame?"

He asks curiously, his brown eyes flashing with interest as he examines my pronounced muscles, broader and chiseled pecs, and carved abs.

"Well, I dis——"

|Prime, do you copy?|

Cecil's relaxed voice sounds in my ear, interrupting me from teaching my young padawan.

A wry smile draws on my face and I use my index finger to gesture to my earpiece. He nods in understanding, enters the robotic suit, and moves back to his workbench.

I tap a button on the earpiece.

"I'm here, what's the problem?"

|Our satellites have discovered an alien flying towards the planet at high speeds. Normally, Omni-man takes care of this particular kind of situation but he's doing something at the moment so the job falls to you. We are familiar with this guy. You just need to rough him up a little bit and he'll run along peacefully with a smile. Weird, I know but that's just how it is.|

He explains briefly.

Weird is an understatement. From the way he's speaking, the alien is an intelligent lifeform so why do this? 

Please don't tell me it's masochistic...considering this universe I wouldn't even be surprised.

Sigh, I sure hope not....

"Roger that, I'll deal with this shortly."

|Good, oh and I heard y——, never mind. Later Prime.|

He says and cuts the call.

Shaking my head, I create a small portal and put my hand inside. Then, I draw it out to reveal my hand holding a spherical orb.


I call and Robot pauses what he's doing and walks up to me.

"I came to tell you that, I'll be put in a word for you with Cecil so that you can enter the Guardians. Your talents are wasted here."

I inform and without even seeing his face, I can sense his excitement. It's time he leaves this nest and enters the big field. 

Out here, he's just wasting away and I can't allow a subordinate of mine to do that.

"Thank you, sir, I won't disappoint."

He says seriously with conviction.

"I know you won't. Here, take this."

I smile and toss the orb to him. He catches it effortlessly and without warning, it morphs into a small stream of tiny bots and enters both of his arms as his body reacts with caution.

"What's this?"

He asks as he examines his body with interest.

"Tap into your control interface, you'll see something interesting."

I smirk and he does that swiftly.

Suddenly, his eyes flash with a different light and his two hands morph into a different as short green laser hums into existence.


He mutters as he waves his hands around, air buzzing sounds trailing in the air as he does so. He then moves to his bench and swings his left hand lightly.

The blade effortlessly and cleanly cuts through the targeted part of the bench like a hot knife does to butter, the cut part of the bench hot and sizzling slightly.

"As you now know, there are other features all based on laser technology. I trust you'll use them efficiently and effectively. Consider this, as a small gift from a master to his subordinate."

I comment playfully as he stops examining his new upgrades and walks up to my face.

"I'm grateful Sir, thanks for everything."

He says and unexpectedly, he hugs me. I pat his back comfortably and the next second he draws away.

"I'll see you soon Ruddy, I have something to do."

I wave him goodbye with a smile and after he nods, I create a portal and walk through...not after taking a deep breath.

I instantly appear—floating—in the familiar vacuum called Space—a few miles away from the moon—and spread my senses all over.

Without turning, I dodge a heavy punch to my face by drifting backward and examine my attacker.

He's a tall and muscular humanoid alien with bright orange skin, one huge eye on its protruding head small slanted ears, and three digits on his hand and feet.

He's a Unopan. One of the many species, decimated by the Viltrumites. 

Hold up, since when can Unopans fly and survive in space?

I feel a [Telepathic] knock on my mental shields and on his face, one part of his unibrow raises with interest, and a smile draws on his lips.

He dashes towards me again and sends a straight jab but this time I catch it in my palms, pull him closer, and knee him strongly in the gut—knocking the wind out of him.

I then grab his head firmly and hurl him toward the moon in the distance. His body zooms at sonic speeds and impacts on its surface, creating a crater.

I flash and appear almost instantaneously on top of him on the moon—my foot pressing on his chest.

Still smiling but this time with shock visible in his eye, he raises his forearms to the sides of his head—a peace or surrender gesture—and again, I feel a knock. This time I let him in.

{Wow, I never thought Urath has more than one champion capable of beating me. Where have you guys been hiding?}

His giddy musical voice resounds in my mind and I raise an eyebrow.

{Urath? What the hell are you talking about? This is Earth.}

His eye immediately widens in surprise and panic.

{Oh shit.}


Check out Patreo.n/KingSeyer to read ahead.

...And thank you for waiting.  

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