Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Genetic Information


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎4th April 2003▪︎]

Stepping out of the portal, I calmly observe my new surroundings.

I'm inside a room, or better yet, a laboratory. It is fairly large and oval shaped with silver and grey colors being painted on the wall, floor, and ceiling.

There are numerous futuristic workbenches scattered all over and on most of them, holographic screens are hovering above them displaying some genetic information.

At the far center, slim advanced metallic pillars extending from the ceiling are working on some Petri dishes, using laser and nanoparticles.

This is the laboratory I've dedicated to studying and cracking the Viltrumite DNA—It's in the Flaxan Dimension.

"Seraph, what's the progress so far?"

I ask while walking past some of the workbenches en route to the center of the laboratory.

|Progress is at one percent. As expected, their genetic sequence and structuring are very complex, the most complex we've ever encountered. It's very difficult to even split a cell into two and I've discovered something unique though.|

Seraph comments.

"What is it?"

I stop at the center of the room—right in front of the metallic pillars currently using an almost invisible form of laser on a petri dish—and swipe my fingers on the holographic screen, reading some notes.

|All the unique features of their 'Smart Atoms' are duplicated throughout their DNA.|

My lips unconsciously curl into a smile upon hearing this revelation as my eyes slightly widen in surprise. I see, that explains everything.

Smart Atoms are unique particles indistinguishable from normal atoms. The difference between the two lies in the fact that they can sort of 'remember' their normal states in relation to the environment and can be encoded to react to changes in said environment.

For example, they can encode molecules in the muscles to behave the same way normally even under extreme stress.

This can give the person [Super Strength] and allow him to bench press weights more than twice his own and even provide high durability.

Usually, those with superpowers—who got them via smart atoms—might be able to use one or two features of it given them their abilities.

It's from the Xyrians that we managed to get this information. They get their powers from utilizing a particular feature of their of their 'Smart Atoms' but they just like the rest advanced civilizations in the universe are still researching to find a way to use more than one of the features.

It's a extremely unique biological phenomenon in such a way that upon mastery, you can arrange it specifically to produce special and useful effects that can make you very powerful. Sadly, I don't have some.

It's only a given since I'm not from here but ever since I found out there is something like this here naturally I tasked Seraph to research it.

Now, if my plans go as planned, I'll have them very soon without expending a lot of effort.

"Then as usual I'm going to count on you to break it apart and fully analyze them. After you're done start constructing the 'model' and factor in what I already have inside. Before I leave this Universe entirely, I want to be the next best version of myself."

I instruct and grin at the thought of being the strongest in this whole Reality Sphere by incorporating the best of all this place has to offer. 

|I hear you, everything will be done as planned.|

She affirms, making me nod.

Now that this is settled, I guess I'll go and meet my team. Do they miss me? Let's find out.

Taking one last look at the screen-filled laboratory, I conjure a portal and walk through.

I appear instantly in the lounge of the Guardians Of The Globe secret base and smile upon seeing Eve looking all worried and visibly distressed, quietly sitting on one of the couches 


The moment she lays her eyes on me, she jumps onto my body and envelops it in a tight hug—her arms wrapped around my waist with her head resting on my chest.

Raising an eyebrow in surprise with a smile on my face, I hug her in return and start caressing her long strawberry blonde hair with my hand in a soothing manner as her sweet scent drifts into my nostrils.

I can feel the joy, relief, and...affection surrounding her. It seems I've succeeded in worming my way into the young ladies heart. 

"What's wrong Eve?"

I ask as even after a minute, she still hasn't loosened her tightening.

"I was so worried about you. When we asked Donald about your situation, he just told us you're resting but I couldn't help but think that something bad has happened to you like Mark or worse. I'm just glad you're okay."

She explains softly and raises her head to look me in the eye, her face looking more beautiful than before with that delicate smile etched across her lips.

Yeah, Mark or Invincible is currently unconcious in the ICU of the Cecil's people.

It will take weeks or even a month before he can heal fully but even that is an achievement considering how his dad messed him up.

"Sir Vir——Prime, it's good to see you. I hope I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Robot walks into the room all of a sudden and says when he notices us, a small gleam flashes in his robotic lens-like eyes.

Eve blushes, quickly separates herself from me and coughs awkwardly as he turns to face him.

"I'm glad to see you too Robot. Where are the rest of the team?"

I ask smilingly as he draws closer to our position.

"They are in their rooms at the moment. Since you weren't available, we decided to wait for you before taking any other course of action so they are resting and training."

He informs as the stops near a now calm Eve, facing me.

"That's good, frankly, you guys need some time to cool off after all the hard work you did yesterday. I have some things to discuss with you guys so call th——"

"Actually, I have something important to tell you Prime. It's a private matter."

Eve cuts in and announces in a serious tone—nervously staring at my face—that makes Robot turn his head to look at her face.

"...I see, well then let's head to my office. Rowdy up the rest of the team Robot and send them to the meeting room. After attending to Eve, we will start our meeting and after that, you and I will talk okay?"

I nod at Eve, turn to Robot, and instruct slowly.

"Copy that, Sir. I'll see to it immediately."

He responds politely with a nod and then turns to walk away.

I turn back to Eve and smile while creating a portal on our right.

"After you, My Lady."

I gesture to the portal with my hands. She smiles and walks into it immediately, I follow her and close the portal when I arrive inside.

My feet leave the ground as I ascend and use my eyes to point at the platform in front of the transparent clear screen near the ceiling.

She follows and so both of us touch down on the platform as the picturesque view of the surrounding mountains and the close sea of clouds draws our attention, I turn to her.

"What is it you want to talk about?"

I ask with a friendly smile. She takes a deep breath and begins:

"I've been thinking about this for a while now and I don't think permanent teamwork is for me, not after Rex and Kate. So I want to ask if it'll be okay if I leave the team and go solo, for a while to set my mindset straight."

She looks up at me with a slightly nervous look on her face but there's determination in her eyes.

Hmm, so that's her plan huh? Well, it's not a problem since from a psychological and emotional standpoint it will strengthen and benefit her in the long run.

I'd just have to find a replacement. She is just going through a all teenagers do.

"Oh, that's not a problem. I understand and so I fully support you, I'd even recommend you consider it as training."

I smile at her and she beams at me.

"Just don't forget the team entirely and when the situation rises, I want you to promise that you'll support the team with everything you have."

I add as I draw closer and gently place my hands on her shoulders, a charming smile adorning my face.

"Of course, you don't need to mention it. You won't be getting rid of me that easily."

She smirks playfully and nods.

"Good, if that's all, then let's go and meet up with the rest. Consider this as your last Guardians Of The Globe meeting."

I say jovially, patting her shoulders lightly, and then turn to face the screen again.

...There's always work to do.


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