Conquering The Omni-Verse!

A Seemingly Chat


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎4th April 2003▪︎]

[▪︎The Pentagon, Washington DC▪︎] 

"So what are you going to do about Immortal?"

I ask with a small smile as I cross my legs, seated on a comfortable one‐seater couch directly facing Cecil who is also seated on a similar couch donning his usual apparel.

A few moments ago, we took a lot at Immortal again before coming here. Once again, he is lying on a machine being stitched up by the same scientist.

We are inside his private office. It's small, modern and sparingly decorated with one brown mahogany table standing on our far right, two sofas—the ones we are sitting on—separated by a small oval glass table and a large screen that covers the inch of the wall facing us on our right. 

There are bookshelves standing near the entrance at the south side of the room.

"I haven't decided yet but I was thinking of suggesting him into the new team as maybe an assistant leader or something else entirely."

He replies calmly with his usually stoic face.

A mocking scoff comes out of my mouth, making him raise his eyebrow in confusion.

"Given the last few days, I'm worried that his cognitive abilities might be impaired more after dying again. We all know he isn't the brightest of the bunch so I'd be very worried about him being on the team not to talk of a leadership role."

I explain calmly with a mocking smile decorating my lips.

"To be fair, not many can boast of dying at the hands of the same man twice. So I'll give him that at least."

I chuckle in addition as I press my back on the seat.

He deadpans at me for a few seconds and shakes his head. What can I say? Holding grudges is part of my strong suits.

"I don't want to comment on your relationship with Immortal but you have to understand that given the current circumstances, we need all the hands we can get."

He says seriously in a grim tone but I roll my eyes at that.

"I know that we all do, I'm just stating facts. I'll think about it. So now, Cecil, what's the important thing you wanted to talk to me about? Surely, I'm not here to just chat right?"

I question in a serious tone while resting my left cheek on my left fist, my elbow pivoting my raised arm.

He nods, takes a button from the table, aims it at the screen, and gently presses it with his thumb.

I turn my head slightly to face the screen well as it lights up and almost instantly, a divided display shows up. The screen is now divided into twenty sections that play live news from various parts of the country and abroad.

The Chicago scene is on two of the sections, I can see many workers, machines, and robots, working to clear the area of the rubble. It's going to take at least two weeks for that to happen before they can even start rebuilding.

Omni-man really did a number on the city.

"Like I said earlier today, on behalf of the United States Government, we thank you for your efforts in driving Omni-man away. I can't imagine what would've happened if you weren't around. Hell, I'm sure I'd even be alive right now."

He says gratefully with a flair of professionalism in his voice and manner, facing me as I quietly watch the news.

It's been half a day since my fight with Omni-man. After Holly arrived, guys from the Global Defence Agency also came to check up on me. 

Holly and I left the place after they confirmed my well-being and went back to the Penthouse to rest. The next sunrise, when I awoke in the lap of Holly with Crysela brushing my hair. 

She informed me of the fact that Cecil called but she told him off on the grounds that I'm resting. 

Knowing that it might be important, I freshened up and came here to meet him. 

Meaning, I haven't watched the news so I don't how the public and the world at large are coping with the tragedy and heartbreak of their favorite and strongest hero committing such atrocities. 

...Now, I know, they aren't doing too well. 

"Yeah yeah, but what's bothering you exactly?"

I wave my other hand dismissively as I turn to face him and ask nonchalantly.

He gestures to the screen and so I look and smile when most of the reporters start showering me with praise as if I'm the next messiah or something.

Honestly, with the way they're selling me right now, it's not different from dick-riding.

"Our sensors last detected Omni-man leaving the solar system, meaning he's gone for good...I hope. So right now, you're the one the public and the world are looking at now as the strongest hero/man on the planet. It's well deserved but...let's just say some people aren't exactly sure of your stand."

He explains slowly and carefully, hesitating a little when he says the last.

Oh, I see now. This a classic case of politics, something I'm well versed in after leading a monarchy for almost a hundred years.

"Your President doesn't trust me, right? No, it's not only him, the World Government in general also share his suspicions am I correct?"

I smirk at him, making his eyes widen slightly in shock but then his face becomes serious again.

"Exactly, they don't trust you. Our President for example is having a hard time adjusting to the current situation. First, a hero who has protected this planet more than a dozen times is actually an alien sent to conquer Earth and then he gets defeated by another outsider who despite working for the country, is still a mystery. We don't even know what your motives are."

Cecil articulates softly, staring at my face as it to study my reactions.

"I see, it's a plausible and logical response so I'm not shaken. The thing is do you trust me, Cecil? and if I had some evil ulterior motives, what are you going to do about it as the Head of the Global Defense Agency?"

I ask softly with a harmless smile that 

—to my notice—unsettles him a bit. He stares into my eyes and sighs deeply after taking note of my chillness.

"Saying I trust you fully is a lie, but my gut and instinct are telling me that you won't let anything happen to this planet while you're here and these two feelings have never failed me in my life. This, I'm okay with. 

Well, if you do have ulterior motives for this planet then I guess when the time comes, we'll be sitting ducks at that point. After all, you managed to beat the world's strongest man with only a few scratches, even our satellites couldn't keep track of your fight so I hope it doesn't come to that. But just know that you'll be facing the whole might of Earth and even if we lose, you won't get what you want that easily."

He ends on a deep dark note, another desperate attempt to I don't know, threaten me or something. 

"Sheesh, no need to go the dark route Cecil, seriously need a woman in your life. Trust me, you and your boss have nothing to fear from me. I'm originally from Earth so I've come to take this place as my home so you can at least trust me when I say, I won't destroy it or let anyone destroy it.

This world is safe in my hands."

I smile sincerely and shake my head playfully, making Cecil release a pent-up breath of relief, lighting up the previous nervous and stern atmosphere around him.

On that matter, do I even have ulterior motives for this planet? Sure, it's interesting with a lot of weird shit but frankly, it's not pulling me since as compared to the other things in this universe, it pales.

I can take over the planet in less than a day but honestly, I wouldn't gain much from it. I'll still do it eventually since it's only natural I do so but for now, I want to wait till I've discovered all there is in this universe and absorb all I need from it.

The Viltrumites also have this place in their sights, probably for reproductive purposes given their almost perfect genetic compatibility so maybe after I'm done with them then I'll officially take it under my wing.

We'll see what happens, I have all the time in the world.

"Good, then that's settled. I'll take your word for it. I've got to ask though, who are you back at home? You can't be a normal regular citizen, it wouldn't make sense."

He asks with a faint smile—his tone curious— while I continue to watch the news.

Smiling, I turn to face him and say in the most amiable way possible,

"I am The Primus."


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