Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Prime Vs Omni-man[2]


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎3rd April 2003▪︎]

Looking down at him, I snicker as I observe his state. His body language is weird and his eyes are flitting around almost desperately, all telltale signs of wanting to escape.

....But I'm not going to let that happen.

"You can't escape Omni-man. This is the end."

I announce coldly, making him frown as he fixes his stern gaze on my figure.

Suddenly, he zooms towards me but with a thought, I create a portal behind me and fall inside to appear behind him with an axe-kick moving towards his neck.

The attack connects making him fall to the ground with a loud bang and the next moment—using my mind—I manipulate the air around us to form a thick dome that encompasses our area.

With a thought, I cover the entirety of the dome with portals, giving it a scary unnatural look as the light inside the dome diminishes to the point of being gloomy.

"Aaah, why can't I kill you!?"

Standing up, he coughs up blood and yells despairingly, and rushes again to me at high speeds. I fall into another portal again—dodging the punch—appear at his side, and strike his bloody face with a strong left hook.

His head shifts to the other side but he recovers and tries to grab me with a roar but I swiftly disappear into another portal. 

This time I appear at this right but he manages to react quickly and tries to dodge my jab with a smirk on my face, I open my mouth and assault his head with a powerful wave of concussive force at point blank.

The attack stuns him so I clench my fist tightly and with my full strength, give him a focused uppercut that makes his head snap backward, his body stumbling backward.

Just as I'm about to grab him, his feet dig into the ground and his head snaps forwards to face me. 

His eyes are so red it's like they are filled with blood, his teeth gritted and his face morphed into one of madness. 


He yells—almost roaring—loudly, catching me off guard due to the hint of unrestrained madness inside, and punches me—using both of his fists—with a force that blasts me into one of the portals and cracks the very ground.

Ah yes, the fabled Viltrumite rage. Would've mattered during the beginning phases of our fight but now... it's inconsequential.

Utilizing my full speed, I flash out of another portal, strike his head even if he tries to dodge, fall back into another and like a broken record, repeat the process diligently.

After minutes of raining down nonstop high-speed attacks from every direction, all impacting heavily on his head, I flash and stop in front of him—breathless—and watch him coldly.

He is now kneeling on the floor, his body trembling all over with blood soaking his head and his face—some even dripping on the floor—and occasionally coughing up blood. 

His eyes are hazy but he still has the strength to look at my face.

...Sigh, this guy is tenacious. The vitality of Viltrumites is astonishing, anyone with his internal injuries would've died by now but here he is still breathing with energy in his blood.

Shaking my head, I grab him by his head and raise him to my height—staring at his eyes— and then after focusing the entirety of my strength in my right hand, ran it through him.


He vomits large amounts of blood on me as my bloody fist breeches through his insides and pops out from his back. 

He falls on the ground weakly when I remove my hand and leave him. The insides of his body—the intestines—clearly show as blood upon blood spews out from his stomach and mouth. 

"...K-Kill m-m-me..."

He let out as he struggles on the bloody ground to turn his head to me, a wry smile on his face. His eyes show how ready he is for death and...I can sense regret brimming from him.

Sadly, he won't get his wish.

"Death? Oh no Grayson, why would I do that? I'm not a monster you know."

I chuckle playfully and crouch to his eye level with a smile on my face. Hehe, as if I'll kill someone like him, it's not in me to waste valuable resources. 

Why does he think, I deliberately missed his vital organs? This whole fight wasn't to kill was a test, a must-do, and a necessary step for my next objective.

He remains silent but his face is showing confusion and this makes my smile deepens.

"You know, when I came to the scene of you and Mark, I thought you were going to kill him. Hell, I was waiting to see if you would do that but you hesitated, something that goes against your Viltrumite code."

I comment offhandedly and he looks down after hearing it, letting out a cough as he covers the gaping leaking hole in his stomach with his hand.

"I understand that as a father you love Mark and in some twisted way, your wife but you know what it's at stake if your people arrive.

Because of that, I'll tell you what. You are free to leave and never come back and given your state, they'll believe that there's someone powerful here so you won't face any mishap or troubles."

I continue and almost chuckle upon seeing his eyes widen in shock but then it becomes normal again, this time filled with suspicion.

"W-What d-do yo-you want?"

"Simple, you'll be my eyes and ears so that if you guys want to invade again I'll be the first to know. In order words, you're my spy now."

I grin and he stares at me for a whole and snickers coldly. His face flashing with a light of determination.

"You're f-funny if y-you th-think I'll b-betray the E-Empire. I'd rather die!"

He says loudly with a hint of fanaticism and goes into a violent coughing fit. His face and body becoming paler by the second but his eyes are now unwavering without fear.

Impressive, good thing I already calculated this happening.

"No, no, no, again you won't die, and who said you have a choice?"

I smile darkly and with a thought, a hand-sized portal manifests near me. I put my hand inside and after a few seconds, draw out a prism-like corked test tube filled with a dark blue liquid.

The next moment, I remove the cork and pour the liquid into his wound and he watches in a mild panic as the dark blue liquid moves on its own and enters his bloodstream.

"This...what is happening!?"

He asks loudly and screams in pain as slowly his gaping wound starts to heal, the paleness of his body disappearing rapidly.

This is a new product created in the Flaxan Dimension using nanotechnology. It heals by inducing a special chemical that stimulates the production of chemical energy, either by burning more fat, muscles, sometimes organs, etc and also gives the body an adrenaline-like rush of energy.

The important aspect of this is that it can infect the brain. Since Viltrumites especially the extremely old ones like Omni-man have strong minds, its tedious and time-consuming to code their brains. 

So, I decided to create this feature in order to slowly but surely corrupt the victim's brain with pre-coded instructions. 

So with time, Omni-man's mind—a part of it—will be infected with an irrefutable message that he will carry out instinctively even if he doesn't want to. A stroke of genius. 

The best part is, they won't find out and he'll never know what's happening to him.

"Don't worry, I'm just patching you up. Now then, I hope you'll carry out my plans because always remember that your family is on Earth so if you ever have any bad thoughts remember them. See you later Nolan Grayson."

I explain slowly and carefully with a harmless smile as I create a portal near him.


Without waiting for him to finish, I wave my hand, hurling him into the portal and close it with a snap of my fingers. His next stop is the moon. 

"Haah~ What a day, I'm so fucking tired."

I release a breath and fall on my back as the empowerment vanishes, making me weak and extremely low on energy—every inch of my body aching.

Gazing up, I admire the setting sun and darkening sky with a peaceful smile on my face as the clouds drift in the sky with the wind blowing on my face.

...Note, never fight a Viltrumite without taking steroids. I'm so fucking tired right now that I could sleep...

Suddenly, with a flash of light, Holly who is dressed in her suit of armor appears holding her mace with a nervous look on her beautiful face.

"My love! Are you hurt? I came as soon as I left Amazonia. Seraph was the one who informed me."

She asks a series of questions in a panicking manner as she dashes to my side and hugs my body, making me wince slightly with a joyful smile on my face.

"I'm indestructible remember? I'm fine don't worry. I've chased Omni-man off, he won't be coming here anytime soon."

I reassured her softly as she checks my body swiftly with care.

"Thank the Gods. Why didn't you wait for me so that we can fight him together?"

She heaves a sigh of relief but then asks with a frown as I raise my body to sit on the floor. I place my hand on her face and draw her closer to mine till our foreheads touch.

"It was dangerous. You aren't strong enough to face someone like him yet, you would've been in the way."

I say honestly, making her sigh heavily but her expression softens and a bright smile draws on her face.

"I understand my love, but next time, please tell me before you do something like this again...when I heard the news I was so worried."

"Copy that."

I chuckle playfully and then she wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips on mine, initiating a deep love-filled kiss that I gladly reciprocate.

...This isnt bad, not bad at all...


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