Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


"I'm all ears."

I shrug cooly. 

He stares at my face for a few seconds, sends his gaze to his file as he opens it then looks back at me.

"Let's start with your full name and where you are from."

He says in a somewhat soft voice as he takes a pen from his pocket.

"My name is Virgil Prime and I'm from Earth."

I reply with a smile as he starts writing but stops to look at me with raised eyebrows.


"Technically yeah. I'm from Earth just not this one."

I say with a smile as I glance behind him from the corner of my eyes.

Invisible armored guards, tch, why haven't I thought of this?

"I see. Can you elaborate?"

"Sure, are you familiar with other dimensions?"

I inquire.

"Yeah, there have been several altercations regarding that. Mostly it involves the other party trying to conquer the planet with us either capturing them or sending them back where they came from."

He says seriously, obviously trying to send a message.

This guy is interesting, should I-, Nah let's see how this goes first.

"Well that's unfortunate for them I guess."

I shake my head with a pitiful smile on my face.

"So basically, you're from an Earth in another dimension, noted. Are you human?"

He questions as he looks at me stoically but I can sense the hidden caution deep inside him. 

Does he have issues with Aliens? No that's not it,'s fear and wariness.

"Hmm, that's a tough question."

I mummer as I hold my chin up with a thoughtful expression on my face.

Am I human? Mostly, since my base genome is human-based but one look at my DNA and you'll classify me as a new subspecies of human.

Hehe, I guess I'll mess with him on this one, can't have this interrogation be on easy mode the whole time.

"Why is that a tough question?"

His eyebrow raises in confusion, not expecting my reply at all.

"Okay, I'm a [Prime]."

I smile at him, making his stoic face finally shift into a frown.

"I'm going to need more than that."

"That's all you're going to get."

I respond in a tone of finality.

The room becomes silent as we stare at each other with tension brewing in the air. The muscles of the guards become tense as they grip their guns tightly with their fingers now on their triggers.

The staring continues but Cecil shakes his head and writes something down in the file.

"Next question, why did you come here?"

He asks as his gaze leaves the file to my face.

Finally, it's bullshiting time. I hope he likes story, I just came up with it.

"I was part of a very important experiment that involved breaching the space-time continuum to leave our dimension to other ones. Since I was the best in my force, I was chosen by the government to investigate and study where I find myself and report the findings to them. Unfortunately, something happened during the journey so here I am stranded in an unknown world unable to go back home with a stranger interrogating me."

I explain and sigh helplessly with a helpless smile.

Hearing this, his gaze slightly softens but the suspicion and weariness in his eyes don't disappear.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Don't worry since you are here now then you are welcome to stay. We will help you adjust and set up everything for you to become comfortable but for that to happen I'm going to need your full cooperation from here onwards."

He says earnestly.

"What do you need?"

I ask calmly.

"I've heard from Darkwing that you helped them handle a situation when you landed and that you also effortlessly blocked a punch from Immortal, a very impressive thing to do. You're clearly capable but I need to know by how much so I'm going to need you to tell me your abilities."

He says and this makes me smirk as I look behind him.

"Well for one I can see the company you brought. Nice suits by the way, very cool design."

Cecil's eyes widen in surprise while the guards freeze from shock.

Pfft, look at their faces!

"Coff Coff, they are here for security reasons, I go everywhere with them so don't take it personally."

He says awkwardly.

"Sure I understand."

I smile as I relax in my seat.

"Now then, please tell me your other superpowers."

"Hmm, let's see. I have super strength, speed, stamina, durability, senses, and intelligence. I also have Flight, Psychokinesis, Empathy, etc the rest you'll just have to wait and see."

I list nonchalantly as he writes in his file with a slight frown.

"That's quite a lot. I didn't expect this but this is better. Say, how would you feel about working for the government until you fully settle in? With your abilities, you can help the country and the world and you'll be able to do some much good."

He proposes with surprisingly a smile.

"...Can you give me time to think about it?"

I ask unsurely, making him nod in agreement.

"Sure, when you have an answer you can tell Darkwing but until then you'll have to make do with the Guardians. Thank you for your time, Mr. Virgil, it was nice meeting you. I'll see you next time."

He says with a faint smile and gets up with his file in his hands.

"Likewise Mr. Cecil, thanks for your help. Really appreciate it."

I say as I get up and extend my hand to him.

"Please, call me Cecil. 'Mr' makes me feel old."

He smiles and shakes my hand as the guards surround his figure.

"Call me Virgil then. I'll see you later Cecil."

I say politely as we break off our handshake. He nods then walks outside with his guards, leaving me alone in the room but this time no one locks the door.

An improvement I guess?

Today has been fun. I've been interrogated and I've messed around with a secret agent, the day has been really productive. 

What should I do now that I'm free? Aha, I haven't explored this place. Then, I guess I can get to know War Woman better. 

I've always been a sucker for strong independent women and least I forget, steal some valuable data and explore the minds of my fellow hosts. 

Haah, there is no time for the wicked.


[▪︎General Pov▪︎]

Near the exit of the base in a well-lit corridor, Darkwing and Cecil could be seen walking side by side while they discussed with frowns on their faces.

"What's your opinion on Virgil, do you think he's good?"

Darkwing asked as they passed by a door.

"...He's dangerous and smart. His pretty face might mislead some people but not me. His story is very convincing but my guts are telling me there's something wrong with it and his abilities are nothing to scoff at if they are true. 

From my observations, he isn't a bad person but not good either. I can't get a definite read on him quite yet but with time we will know who we dealing with."

Cecil said seriously as he pockets.

"Hmm, I see. So what should we do about him?"

Darkwing asked after contemplating for a while as they arrived at the open space near the exit.

"For now he should stay with you guys. Catch him up to speed with what's going on in the world and let him be comfortable. 

He said he will think about my offer so until then, monitor and build a detailed profile on him. If he agrees to it, let him shadow you guys when you deal with some crisis, that should help."

Cecil suggested as they both stopped, making Darkwing nod.

"I understand. This should be easier than when Omni-Man and Martian Man came, hmm, I hope it is."

"Me too. I'll see you later Darkwing, I've got a file to submit and a whole lot of fucked up work to do."

Cecil said and waved him goodbye as he started walking towards the exit, leaving behind a silent Darkwing in the dusky space.

'Virgil Prime, let's see if my instincts are right about you.'

Darkwing thought darkly and blended in with the darkness, disappearing from the place.

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