Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Luo Beach, Caribbean Islands▪︎]

[▪︎10th June 2001▪︎]


A little girl in a one-piece swimsuit cries as a huge tentacle the size of a house covers her vision, shielding her from the sun as it falls on her.

Hovering in the sky in my suit, I swing my left hand vertically downwards, sending a large and fast wind blade that slices off the tentacle.


The monster roars in pain as the tentacle falls on the sand with a bang, spraying copious amounts of purple blood on the crying horrified girl and painting the sand purple.

"Sigh, why the hell is everything so freaky in this planet?"

I shake my head as I observe the angry and screaming creature in the water below me whose gaze is now fixated on my figure.

It is a humongous and tall Kraken-like octopus monster with dark brown skin with three heads that hold two pairs of eyes each.


It bellows and sends two tentacles toward me at high speeds but I flash away and avoid them, creating a large wave as it splashes on the water.

Without wasting much time I fly towards it and weave around the numerous colossal tentacles actively trying to smash me away and arrive in front of its monstrous face.


Blood sprays everywhere as I hit its head with a heavy punch, blasting it further away from the shore of the beach into the sea with a huge splash.

As I arrive and hover calmly above the place it fell, something catches my attention. 

The surrounding water in a five-hundred-meter radius is boiling.


The waters explode apart seconds later as the bloody figure of the monster erupts out of the water and sprays a thick beam of pressurized dark murky liquid to me from its mouth.

Sneering, I wave my hand and redirect towards the monster at a faster speed.

The monster's eyes widen and it lets out a loud shriek as the beam barrels toward it and tries to run but it's too late.


The attack explodes upon impact and blasts huge chunks of the monster's body away, instantly killing it. The area turns purple as the monster's body or what's left of it floats on the raging water with some of the pieces drifting away.

"I'm done."

I tap my small earpiece and mutter.

|Roger that, a team will head there immediately to take care of the remains. Good work Prime.|

A woman's voice responds instantly and is cut off the next moment.

I look at the dead creature one last time and blast away, leaving the place as sonic booms echoes all over.

As I fly through the sky I start thinking of the past week. Yeah, it's been a week since I arrived here and it's been pretty interesting, to say the least.

The day after my meeting with Cecil the Guardians gave me a room and helped me settle in. 

They caught me up to speed with what's going on in the planet and with Seraph's kind help there's not really much I don't know.

Can you believe that on average, there are at least five supervillain attacks per day? I don't even want to get started with the robberies, murder, extra-terrestrial, supernatural, and monster-related cases and that's just America. 

Like I said, this world is very freaky.

Luckily, there are a lot of superheroes like the Guardians all around otherwise well let's just say there wouldn't be much of Earth.

Speaking of freaky, imagine my surprise when I found out that Immortal is literally immortal and has lived for like a thousand years. The guy was even Abraham Lincoln at some point in his life.

Kinda unsurprising, Darkwing's alter ego is a mogul in Midnight city, a bootleg Gotham. Martian Man is actually from Mars but he ran away due to some issues, Aquarus is the King of bootleg Atlantis, War Woman is a runaway princess from another dimension, etc.

I got all of this information from the Government's secret archive but I know a lot more about each of the Guardians than they even do, like a lot.

Oh and I'm working for the government now. Five days ago, I accepted Cecil's offer after shadowing the Guardians.

Since I came here, I haven't gotten any signal from Spark so I can't complete my objective just yet. With nothing to do why don't I just be a hero for the government? 

They will pay me, I will get to build connections, show I'm to be trusted, and with how influential superheroes are I will be able to get away with some things so why not? 

And so here I am a superhero in service of the American government with registered citizenship and a full identity.

I've been working the past three days saving people from monsters, armed robbers, weird supervillains, and a whole lot and it's fun. 

Back home, I never really got much action since everything was peaceful and all that so being able to have some fuck some people up is a welcome change... the only problem is I can't kill. 

I still remember the scolding I got from Cecil and the Guardians when I blasted some unimportant villain's brains out. 

Cecil was mad but after remembering I wasn't from around here he just sighed and explained to me that I can't kill go around killing Villains and that I should only apprehend them, how I do it he doesn't care but no killing.

But accidents do happen do they not? But I don't want to piss off my employers this early so I'll behave...for now. 

He did say I can go crazy on the monsters and stuff provided there are parts of them left and that when needed I can eliminate aliens with evil intentions.

I'm still living with the Guardians but today is my last day with them since my caring employers have finally gotten me my own crib, not that I'll stay at that place too for long. 

Entering Maimi, I cruise through the city along the skyscrapers and notice a couple of armed guys in masks coming out of a bank holding filled bags.

I swoop down towards them the next moment, knock them out with a couple of punches, and leave right after waving the cops who just came.

...I think I broke his back, nevermind he doesn't matter anyways.

Increasing my speed, I arrive above the smoldering desert near the gateway sign in a few minutes and stop in the air in front of a certain mountain.


I mutter.

The surface immediately becomes smooth and jelly-like so I fly straight into it and arrive inside the base.

As I land, my gaze lands on a tall and incredibly buff middle-aged man with black and white hair and a sleek black mustache in a blue and red caped skin-tight suit with a red 'O' on his chest who is walking towards the entrance from the direction of the lounge.

This man is Omni-Man; the world's strongest superhero, the Viltrumite tasked by his 'goody-two-shoes' people to help this planet. As if I'll believe that crap.

"Omni-Man, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

I greet him politely with a charming smile as he comes near me.

"You're Virgil, right? The Guardians can't stop talking about you and I think I know why now."

Omni-Man says with an easy-going smile as he stops in front of me.

"I'm happy to hear that. They've been so nice to me ever since I came here, it's a blessing to have people like them in this world."

I sigh with a smile that makes Omni-Man look at me differently.

"I'm sure they will be happy to hear that. I came to visit them today since I was passing by but I just got a report that there's a mummy terrorizing Egypt so I've got to go. Feel free to look for me if you want any help adjusting, it wasn't easy for me when I came either."

He says with a smile and extends his hands for a shake.

"I'll take you up on that offer."

I smirk and shake his hands tightly, making him raise his eyebrows playfully with mild surprise due to the strength I'm using.

"Well then, I'll see you later Virgil."

He smiles as our hands part then he gently pats my shoulder and walks away slowly.

So that's Omni-Man huh? Very impressive. Hehe, this guy is no hero, he's a bloody killer. How do I know that? Well, I have intensive experience with people like him plus I'm one myself. 

A race of Superman-level beings who go around from planet to planet across galaxies helping other unfortunate races,... what a load of bullshit.

I don't believe a civilization like that will be so chivalrous and spend time helping others when they can just take what they want.

I've been meaning to meet him ever since I read about him and now that he's here, I guess it's time to know more about this.

Let's take a peek.

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