Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎19th March 2003▪︎]

"Where is Mark Grayson right now?"

I tap my earpiece and ask quietly as I increase my flying speed, high in the sky—passing through some white fluffy clouds—the fresh wind caressing my face and brushing my long hair.

|Currently, he's in Chicago stopping a robbery. If you speed up you'll manage to catch him before he leaves.|

Seraph informs calmly.

Nodding lightly, I speed up and zoom across the sky with a sonic boom—heading straight toward Chicago.

It's only been like two days since he got his powers and he's already balls-deep in the superhero business. 

I get the excitement and all the rush that comes with getting superpowers but heading straight into battle just after getting them? 

That's not wise. He barely even understands himself and his powers not to talk of saving people. All this effort because he wants to be like his dad. 

Hmmm, I wonder how he'll behave when he founds out that his dad is the bad guy.

It's going to be problematic if he joins his dad in his really bad. That's why I'm taking the effort to go and see him to you know, 'nudge' him in the right direction.

I'm sure I can take Omni-man on my own—despite how hard it will be—but a tag team between father and son? For that, I can't predict.

...I'll gladly break up their family if it means being the winner. No matter what, he can't side with his dad.

With that dark thought in mind, I stop above the city—near a tall tower—and unfurl my awareness to cover its entirety.

In just seconds, I find his location and speed off. A minute later, I find myself on the flat roof of a story building right next to a fairly wide alley and watch the confrontation below.

"Hey man, I don't know who you are but get out of the fucking way before I blow your body to bloody pieces!"

A tall caucasian man—roughly six feet—wearing a black leather jacket, biker jeans, a pair of army boots, and a black mask on his face yells as he aims his bazooka at Mark.

Mark is wearing a cheap orange long-sleeved shirt, cheap blue sweatpants, yellow gloves—the ones used for cleaning—goofy goggles, and a bandana wrapped around his neck to cover the lower portion of his face.

Sheesh, talk about a low sense of fashion. Did his mom see him before he left?..... Probably not.

Mark doesn't respond and dashes toward the robber. The robber immediately presses the trigger and blasts Mark with the headpiece, causing a considerable explosion.

The smoke recedes and with great shock, he stumbles and tries to run away upon laying his eyes on an unharmed Mark but Mark causally blitzes him—making him unconscious.

...Hmm, he still has a long way to go but he has potential. On a scale of one to ten, I'll give him a 'meh'.

"That's impressive."

I say and his head immediately snaps in my direction. I can see his eyes widen in surprise as I flash him a smile and slowly descend onto the ground.

"Oh my God, you're Prime!"

He exclaims excitedly but the next second he coughs and reigns it in, trying his best to be composed.

"Yes, and you are?"

I ask friendly, gesturing for him to introduce himself and he starts fumbling.

"I-I'm Mar——no Power boy, no Supe——"

"You don't have a superhero name do you?"

My eyebrows raise with a knowing smile on his face. He looks at me and sighs helplessly.

"That obvious huh? To be honest, I just got my powers and it's only been like a day since I started this whole superhero business. I don't even have a costume yet."

He gestures to his outfit and chuckles playfully.

With a smile on my face, with a thought, I enter his mind and examine his thoughts.

"Don't worry I'm sure you can work something out. It wasn't easy for me when I started either."

I say encouragingly as I exit his mind with a smile and he smiles in response.

Wow, Omni-man screwed up this time. Mark's head is blockaded with so much superhero chivalry crap that Omni-man will have to use a titanium drill to convince him otherwise.

Seems like I have nothing to worry about but as a precaution...

"Anyways, I was just heading back home and I happened to catch a glimpse of you fighting so I decided to see if you'll be able to handle it since no offense but everything of yours screams of newbie..."

He laughs lightly but he apologizes the next moment and gestures for me to continue.

"You've handled it so I guess I'm not needed. Before I go, can I give you some advice?"

"Of course Sir, that will be the best thing I've had this week."

He nods seriously and beams at me with a smile.

"I know since you're new, you'll probably overthink everything you do but just be calm, always rely on your gifts and strengths and do everything at your own pace—no need to rush.

Also, just put it at the back of your mind that Earth is your home and your territory and that since it is, you must protect it and its people from harm. Lastly, if you want to be good, do it till the end."

I say calmly—using [Telepathy] to insert the last part permanently into his head. Sorry, Omni-man, no hard feelings.

His eyes look unfocused as he dives into his thoughts and after a few seconds, he nods thoughtfully in an understanding manner and looks at me with a determined look on his face.

"Wow, that's deep. Thanks, ma——Uhm Sir, I'll never forget this."

I smile, get closer to him and respond as I gently pat his shoulders.

"I know you won't. Well then, I'll see you next time. Don't die on me Kid."

I joke and turn around as he chuckles.

As I walk, something flashes in my mind so I turn around and call Mark just as he is about to fly away.

"Mark, wait."

He stops and looks at me with a confused gaze.

"I think I have a name for you. What do you think about calling yourself Invincible? It fits your M.O don't you think?"

Immediately, his face brightens up and he looks down and mutters the name for a few seconds. Then, with a thankful and happy smile, he looks back at me and says,

"...I am Invincible."


[▪︎27th March 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Lab Segment, Prime Tower▪︎]

Wearing a white lab coat, in front of a naked and unconscious Britney strapped on a futuristic hovering surgical bed, holding a futuristic pen-like object, I open her mouth widely using my fingers.

I bring the object closer—just right outside her lips— and aim the tip into her mouth then I press a button on the object.

A continuous thin red laser beam spews out and assaults her insides. 

Nothing happens to her so I adjust the output of the beam by double tapping the same button and wait patiently as a wisp of smoke appears in her mouth.

Thirty minutes later, a hole is successfully created in her mouth so I switch off the object and use a small device to take a sample of the blood.

Now all I have to do is wait for Seraph to crack the serum and then I can use it to make me invulnerable. 

...Or give it to some people and create an army of invulnerable superpowered individuals.

Just a thought for now.

|Cecil is calling.|

Seraph announces and seeing me nod as I put the blood sample in a container, she accepts the call.

|Prime, we have a situation. A large army of extraterrestrials from possibly another dimension is pouring out of a portal in the Saudi Desert. Omni-man and Invincible are on their way so if you teleport now, you'll be able to meet them to handle the situation.|

Another dimension? This should be fulfilling.

"Roger that, I'm on my way."

|Oh and Prime before I forget please don't kill them.|

He says seriously, making me chuckle as I remove the lab coat.

"I hear you, Cecil, by now."

I respond and after releasing a sigh, Cecil cuts the call.

"Seraph, start cracking the serum immediately. I'll go and see what this is all about."


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