Conquering The Omni-Verse!

The Brits


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Manhattan, New York▪︎]

[▪︎19th March 2003▪︎]

|Prime, a few blocks away Brit and Britney are engaging an extremely dangerous terrorist. They are having some troubles so do you mind just passing by to give them a hand?|

Cecil asks as I cruise through the air past some skyscrapers, the afternoon sun gleaming down on my figure and the bustling city below.

Brit and Britney? Then the guy is the real deal.

"Copy that, I'm in the area anyway so I might as well just do it."

I answer stoically as I pause in the air and turn to the east direction.

|Thanks, until next time.|

He says and cuts the transmission.

Narrowing using my eyes, I catch the sight of the battle a few kilometers away on an empty street. I fly towards the place and arrive after a few seconds—hovering above the fight scene.

Below, on the empty street devoid of any civilians with only destroyed cars and property around, Brit and Britney are busy fighting a four-meter-tall man with monstrous muscles.

The villain has no hair with a plain metallic mask covering his face. He has a brown naked torso that shows his numerous black tattoos and he's wearing green trousers and a pair of combat boots. 

Coiling around his arms are two humongous silver chains that seem to hum with the wind.

He swings his arms and the silver chains unwrap and swipe towards the duo at very fast speeds, hitting and hurling only Brit away as Britney dodges—creating a large and long fissure on the road that extends and destroys a nearby story building.

Gritting her teeth, Britney jumps towards the guy and throws a fast and strong jab—that makes the wind whistle—towards the guy's face.


The villain blocks the punch with his palm but he gets pushed back and stumbles. The moment her feet land on the ground, she springs forwards and drop-kicks the guy.

Unfortunately, the kick is blocked by one of the chains—producing a sharp sound—and coils around her body and tosses her away into a building, destroying a part of it as a result.

I've seen enough, time to do my job.

As the guy slowly moves forward, I zoom forward and arrive almost instantly above the guy's huge head. Adding a little more strength to my leg, I crash his head with an axe kick.


His face hits the ground hard with a loud bang and creates a small crater the size of his face.

He puts his palms on the ground and tries to get up but I descend quickly with large force and stamp his head into the ground.

This time sinking his whole head into the ground—a large crater forms—creating a wide shockwave that pushes some cars away and breaks some windows.

Seeing the body twitching, I stamp his head repeatedly—each stomp enlarging the crater—and only stop when he stops moving as the sibling duo approaches me.

"You're Prime right? Thanks for the help."

Brit says with an easygoing smile—his voice deep and booming—as I climb out of the crater with a bright smile on my face. As if I didn't just stamp a guy to near death.

"No worries. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Brit, I've heard so much about you."

I say eagerly.

Brit, is a tall caucasian man—who looks like he's in his forties—with balding white hair with a stacked shredded body wearing a camo green long sleeved tshirt, brown khaki trousers and black knee-length army boots.

He is essentially the Captain America of this universe, the only difference is that he looks older, and the fact that he's completely invulnerable.

Yes, [Complete Invulnerability]. Nothing can harm him both internally and externally. 

I don't believe his invulnerability has no limits but from his records, anything from buildings falling on him to molten magma, nukes, and laser beams have no effect on him—not even a scratch.

Very impressive but not it's not something new, I can tank all those things but it doesn't I'm invulnerable...not my insides though.

"Tch, we had everything under control."

Britney—a beautiful middle-aged looking woman with bright grey hair with an incredible bosom and an extremely curvy figure—frowns as she crosses her arms.

She is the half-sister of Brit and she also shares his powers albeit her invulnerability is on a lower spectrum but she makes up for it with her [Superhuman Strength].

"Britney, what gives? He just hel——"

Brit turns to her and starts to berate her but I cut him off.

"It's okay, I understand her. Cecil is the one who sent me so it's not really my fault."

I shrug with a helpless smile that makes her sigh—her frown disappears.

"You must be Britney, right? I can see the resemblance between you two."

I chuckle playfully, making Britney snort as Brit beams at me with a happy smile and starts laughing.

"Hear that Britney? Someone finally sees it! Tell her she gets her pretty face from me."

"In your dreams, you dirty old dog. If you had half my looks, women would be flocking toward you from all over the globe.

She insults him playfully with a dark smile and they start arguing.

They are an amusing duo, I'll give them that but it's time to go now. Wait, since I'm here I might as well see how they got their powers.

It will be very beneficial in the long run if I stack it up with my plans.

Focusing on their minds, I dive right into their consciousness and by skimming away into their personal lives, I download the relevant info and leave their minds.

....Interesting, so it's a serum that gave them their powers and it seems calling it [Complete Invulnerability] isn't an exaggeration. 

This family has a lot of secrets.

Their father is a very smart man for creating something like this just to prevent Brit from dying—when people were giving their sons firearms he opted for a more permanent solution, a true savant.

Hmm, but there's an issue. He doesn't know the actual recipe just the materials, I can figure it out but it will take time. 

Or I can use their Euclid's—their evil brother— method and extract a blood sample from them and use it to crack the code but they're all perfectly invulnerable...all except Britney.

From their memories—regarding their intimacy with each other and the relationship they have with Cecil—any sudden and unwarranted disappearance will bring too much trouble and that's not good for my plans.

But thankfully I have [Mind Manipulation].

With a slight smile, I enter her mind and plant some codes and instructions for later then leave right after making sure everything is set.

"I'm sorry guys, but it's time for me to leave. I hope I can trouble you to deal with this guy?"

I ask friendly as I use my thumb to point at the villain behind me.

They stop arguing upon hearing my question and follow my thumb to look behind me.

"Sorry for seeing this Prime, my sister and I have some Ugh...old habits. Don't worry about the guy, we'll take care of that."

He laughs—a little embarrassed—as he scratches the back of his balding head. At the side, Britney just rolls her eyes and flashes me a bright smile.

"Yeah doesn't worry, my dumb brother will take care of the rest. Go and enjoy your youthful life."

She waves her hand in a dismissive manner—the kind old people do.

....Bitch, I'm older than you. Stop acting like a granny,..... it ruins the whole milf vibe.

"I'll see you guys later."

I wave them goodbye and blast away into the sky.

I have someone special to meet after all.


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