Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎24th April 2003▪︎]

"As we talked about Prime, here is Immortal. I almost had second thoughts but he can be very convincing if he wants to plus Donald won't be the team's consultant again because of some important business so you can also think of him as a replacement."

Cecil says causally, standing next to Immortal who is wearing his usual blue and yellow skin-tight spandex.

Our location is the face of the Pentagon. The green carpet grass area right after passing through the stout gates with a rectangular stone sign reading the name of this establishment on the grass right beside the walkway we are standing on.

On his—Immortal's—face is a frown as he stares at me, seeking some form of validation from me with his crossed arms lying beneath his chest, trying his best to look serious.

"Sigh, I guess it can't be helped. I only have one simple question. Have you explained thoroughly to his unfortunately weak mind that he takes orders from me now and only me, and that in the team he is no one's superior?"

Staring at Cecil calmly, I ask with an emotionless voice and face, making Immortal's expression morph into anger.

"Why yo——"

Before he completes his sentence, I turn my head to his position and gaze into his eyes coldly with such intensity that he unconsciously flinches in fear and holds his tongue. 

Gritting his teeth and bawling his fists tightly, he looks away as Cecil facepalms and sighs deeply while the morning breeze passes by us, making the grass dance slightly.

"Look, he's only coming in as a member and in some cases a consultant when the situation demands it. You and I both agree that given his long experience and life, his wisdom and insight can really help in the effort so please just let him help as peacefully as possible."

Cecil says seriously, making me smile.

"Once again Cecil, you misunderstand. I'll gladly welcome him into the team, after all, we need all the help we can get. Besides, I won't be around for a while and Robot can use someone like him for...tricky situations."

I shrug and Immortal frowns again, probably because of how I said the last part while Cecil just raises an eyebrow on his serious face.

"Where are you heading off to this time and should I be worried about this?"

Cecil asks seriously while Immortal just continues to stare at me with a hateful frown but it's obvious he is also curious.

"I'm going off Planet for some business and no, there's no need to be worried. My team and my co-captain can handle their jobs very well, just like I would if I were to be around."

I smile and wave my hand dismissively but Cecil just hums suspiciously with a stern face, his small eyes roaming my face in a sorry attempt to read me.

Plus, Seraph will be guiding Ruddy behind the scenes so, in the off chance that something unexpected happens, Ruddy would know what to do.

"...I'll very much like to know where the world's strongest man is heading off to outside this planet and his plans but I know he'll brush it off like he always does so I won't. Now that I've done my job, I'll leave you guys to your devices, bye bye."

Cecil shakes his head and then turns to leave as he pockets, moving towards the main building on our right a distance away.

Watching him walk away briskly, I ascend into the air slowly and turn to look at Immortal below.

"Follow me."

I order stoically and without waiting for his reply, I fly off into the sky.

Moving slowly towards the white fluffy clouds that are sailing across the sky, Immortal swiftly arrives beside me, scowling heavily.

"What the hell is your problem? Look I know I've said some bad things to War Woman and I'm sorry for that but that doesn't mean you get to treat me like shit every second you get."

He says angrily as we enter the clouds and arrive above them.

Sigh, the poor guy thinks I care about his feelings...

I ignore him and continue to fly northwards as I increase my speed, quietly enjoying the wind blowing on my face and hair.

Annoyed at my indifference, he grits his teeth so hard that it's like he'll crush his teeth but after a few moments, he sighs heavily.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said that day, no matter how angry I was and upset, I shouldn't have said that to her. 

I'll apologize personally if I get the chance, being dead twice in a row for a very long time has got me thinking about my actions and I've realized that I need to get my act together. 

During my time in this new team, you won't have any problem with me and I'll do whatever you say since from what I've heard you're a better leader and despite how I act sometimes, I know when to acknowledge my betters. There's no need for us to continue to be at odds if we're going to work together.

Once again Prime, I'm sorry."

Immortal says apologetically, his voice soft and filled with emotion while his bearded rugged face is as soft as it can possibly be.

Finally, he's using his neurons are firing again. I thought it'll never happen.

My face still calm and stoic, I respond to him with a clear voice.

"I'll take your word for it Immortal. Let's hurry up and meet your new teammates then."

He nods, his eyes showing his relief and the next moment—with a resounding boom—we increase our speed and blast off speedily toward the direction of Utah.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, we arrive and stop, hovering in front of the face of a particular inconspicuous reddish-brown mountain.

"Veni, Vedi, Vici."

I mutter calmly and then move inside the mountain through the now gelly-like surface as at my back, Immortal raises an eyebrow at the new distinct passcode.

Landing on the metallic floor as Immortal lands a second later, my eyes fall on the Guardians who are standing a few meters away chatting beside Robot's new hoverbike on the circular landing pad.

They immediately stop chatting upon seeing us, their eyes wide open in surprise as we approach them.

"Guys, as you all know this is Immortal. He is going to be joining you guys as a new member of the team and as a part-time consultant since Donald is busy with his duties."

I announce and almost immediately, a majority of them have a twinkle in their eyes with happy smiles on their faces that they direct towards a stoic Immortal.

Black Sampson nods at him with a happy smile on his face—his arms crossed—and Immortal nods back with a smile of his own.

"As you all know, I'm going somewhere for something really important for a couple of this so, in my place, Robot will lead the team and Immortal will assist. Do what I've trained you to do and everything will be alright.

I don't want to come back and see everything is in shambles. There will be hell to pay if it comes to that."

I add with a dark smile that makes them gulp with awkward smiles drawing on their faces except for Crysela and Immortal who are clueless about why they are reacting like this.

Let's just say when I feel like it, I can even make their training and their food feel like hell to prove a point and it's not a pretty sight.

[My love, I'm ready.]

Holly's beautiful voice sounds in my ear.

"I'll be there in a sec."

I tap my earpiece and respond softly while everyone remains silent.

[...I'll be waiting.]

She replies beautifully and ends the call.

With a nice smile on my face, I face them again and point to my ear.

"That's my cue so I'll be leaving right now. I have faith in you guys so please don't fuck anything up while I'm gone. Robot you know what to do and Krys...go wild."

I say seriously as I look at each one of them, my gaze lingering on Ruddy and Crysela the most.

"Don't worry Prime, everything will be under control, we won't disappoint you."

Robot steps forwards and remarks seriously with reverence in his voice and the rest of the team nod with confident expressions on their faces, Crysela nodding at me meaningfully with a cold look on her face.

...She knows what to do if the need arises.

Nodding in response, I turn to an amazed Immortal standing by my side as I create a portal beside me.

"Good luck...oh and before I forget don't be a jackass and try your best to fit in with my team. It'll do you good."

I pat his shoulders, whisper coldly, and then without looking at him, enter into the portal after waving the team goodbye.

"Finally you're here. Let's go immediately, our vacation can't wait any longer."

The moment my feet the ground—in the living room area of the Penthouse—Holly's giddy and almost childish voice enter my ears.

She's wearing a fitting long-sleeved red t-shirt that outlines her perky boobs and flat stomach, black jeans that highlight her athletic figure covered in curves, black knee-length modern boots, and a golden necklace hanging around her smooth neck.

She looks as gorgeous as ever and hanging on her shoulders is a blue duffle bag that looks very packed with clothes.

"Okay, just calm down for a moment. Why are you bringing items with you though? I remember telling you that the nanobots will take care of the clothes."

I shake my head with a smile on my face as I see her turning her body slightly as if to shield away the bag from me, cutely pouting in protest.

"It's for the experience, this won't feel like a vacation without one. Besides, I'm more used to this than a self-transforming piece of device covering my body without me knowing where they are. Do you know how creepy it sounds? I'll never understand how you live with that."

She says with a weird look on her face, almost shivering in distress as her eyes roam all over my body, making me chuckle.

Some people just aren't fond of revolutionary technology.

"Well enough of that, since you're ready then let's go."

I turn and conjure up a portal as the next moment, a small swarm of unique nanobots flow out of the ground and crawl into my suit.

...I'll use them later for a very important task.

"Ladies first darling."

Holly says with a pretty smile and models into the portal, but not after giving me a gentle kiss on my lips.

Sometimes, I don't get women. She's already seen New Klaxia and some of the most beautiful planets in my Empire but she still acts a like kid with a new toy just because she's visiting someplace new.

Hmm, maybe I'm the one who's not reacting normally? I'll take Eve to one of the planets one day to see her reaction...and also I did promise to take her someplace special after this as a form of compensation for leaving her side just when we got together.

Perhaps, I'll tell her everything then...

Smirking at the thought, I shake my head and enter the portal soon after to arrive right next to her.

"This place is beautiful."

Holly mutters as she gawks around at the passing civilians—who just flash us a weird look and then ignore us to continue their walking—and the beautiful scenery around us.

Presently, we are standing on an aerial street thousand of meters above ground between two sky-high symmetric buildings of futuristic design. 

The civilians are of different species and colors and all of them are wearing distinct clothing. 

The whole place is filled with the noise of them chattering as they walk about on our street and different aerial streets close to us peacefully without a care in the world.

The sky is clear, unpolluted, and bluish purple with pinkish clouds swimming across it, and all over in the air are flying vehicles of different shapes manned by civilians who are driving them along the vast variety of skyscrapers rising proudly into the sky all over.

This is Talescria, the Capital of the Coalition Of Planets. Allen's home and the home to a whole variety of races who are United against a common foe despite their differences.

A peaceful planet almost devoid of strife but sadly for some of them...I am here.


Happy New Year Guys🥳.

I thank GOD that I have you guys as patrons and readers and I sincerely hope that this year will be full of blessings and happiness for all of us.

P.S. if you have any suggestions or thoughts with regards to the story please let me know in the comments section. Creation can get very hard sometimes😂.

Once again Happy New Year🥳 and if you're in the mood, you can head over to Patreo.n/KingSeyer to donate a dollar as a gift or to read ahead.

Thank You.

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