Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎Talescria Ecumenopolis, Talescria▪︎]

Yawning quietly, my eyes flutter open as I wake up from my sleep. 

Lying face up, I admire the modern ceiling for a few seconds and look down at the cause of the weight pressing on my chest and body.

Holly, who is naked with only the sea-blue sheets covering her legs, is deeply asleep with her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around my body like a koala.

Admiring her almost divine face as she lets out cute intermittent noises, I bend my head down slightly and lay a kiss on her forehead then I remove my arm wrapped around her sexy supple waist and climb out of the bed.

She groans cutely and turns her body to the other side and with a smile on my face, I cover her body—to her neck—with the sheets.

I turn to the other side of the room which possesses a human-sized transparent glass window and peer outside. 

It's in the evening and as usual, the dark sky is cloudless and littered with numerous stars, who are shimmering their seemingly endless light all over the place. 

Most of them being the satellites and Space stations orbiting the colossal planet.

As the central Ecumenopolis of the Coalition, the place is bustling every hour so even though it's deep at night, flying cars and vehicles can be seen weaving through the clusters of skyscrapers and aerial lanes.

Some of them—the skyscrapers—even have large screens on them that are displaying a variety of things and together with the occasional chattering from the flying or walking pedestrians, the place is as lively as ever.

The whole place is beautifully lit with a wide range of colors, making the scenery picturesque.

The room we are in is a medium-sized cream-painted room with burnished metallic walls, ceiling, and flooring.

On each of them are futuristic geometric patterns and lines beautifully spread across their surfaces, giving them a fantastic look.

The four corners of the room are occupied by standing lamps that have glowing orangish particles that are arranged in a helix shape and hovering, illuminating the dark room.

It's been three days since we've been here and true to my word, I've spent most of that time with Holly, just chilling and enjoying the alien culture of the place.

While doing that, my nanobots—the unique ones I took—did their best and infiltrated the planetary system of the best, installing it with another mini Seraph who devoured the scores of info tucked away in their strong database.

I've gotten a lot of valuable info now like the coordinates of many hidden planets—like the homeworld of the Geldarians—shady dealings, trade secrets et cetera, enriching my understanding of this universe.

I wanted to meet Thaedus but unfortunately, he is off planet doing some important Coalition business. Someone who managed to build all this and mess around with the Viltrumites is sure to have some secrets plus the fact that he looks exactly like a human rings some eerie bells in my head.

The Geldarian King or representative is currently at his private residence and luckily for me, Allen has been there before so it's time to complete my objective in the simplest way possible.

With a snap of my fingers, my nanobots crawl out of the bed and climb onto me. In a few seconds, my nanobots morph together to form my black and red full-body suit.

After taking one last glance at Holly as I manifest a portal out of thin air, I step through it and appear inside a spacious and dark greenish-black corridor.

Right in front of me—a few meters away—is a large arch-shaped grey door, protected by two tall Geldarians who are standing by its sides.

They have serious expressions on their faces and on their bodies are dull black [Tech Jackets] that cover everywhere except their heads and neck.

..My targets for today.

"Who a——"

One of them instantly notices me with eyes wide open in shock but before he or both of them can cry out, I enter their minds and take hold of them, making their bodies stiff with their eyes unfocused and stationary like a robot.

[The surveillance devices are successfully in a loop. Every image of you has been erased.]

Seraph or her mini-copy announces in my eyes, making me nod as I stare at the green-skinned aliens in front of me.

No one needs to know I was here. After all, a future 'ally' of the Coalition doesn't need to be involved in a terrorist-like scandal.

I stealthily create a portal near them and usher them inside with a mental nudge and the close the portal soon after as I use my [Hyper-Awareness] to take a peek inside their leader's chambers.

...Fascinating, I've seen how different a Gelderans reproductive organs are from humans due to Tech Jacket's—the hero—memories but seeing how they have sex in live action is crazy. To think they use their.....

[Virgil I've got something. Remember that void I detected in the main Talescria database? Well, I've finally narrowed it down to the main council building.]

My eyebrows narrow at this information. A day ago, as Seraph was scouring the main database of this planet, she noticed something ominous by coincidence.

There was a blank patch or void buried deep inside the system, so deep and hidden that it would've taken Seraph at least a month of endless search to discover it.

A void in the system database means something has been erased, something really important judging by my experience and so naturally, I told her to look into it.

It may or may not benefit me as a person but information is information. Judging by its contents, it may be another card I can use in dealing with this association at the ripe time.

With a soundless step, I walk through another portal and arrive inside a secluded corner of a dark corridor inside the Coalition's main council building. The security system is already is in Seraph's hands so I have nothing to worth about.

Swiftly, I spread my perception to cover the whole building—the nooks and crannies of it—and smile as I easily find my target.

With a destination in mind, I open another, walk through and appear inside a dimly lit room, blending into the shadows with practiced ease as my eyes take in the sights.

The room is small, cold, and gloomy with pitch-black walls, flooring, and a low ceiling, giving it an eerie feel as red glowing intricate lines run along their lengths.

The interesting part about all this is the green‐skinned aliens with tentacle-like hair wearing white lab coats, synthetic gloves, and nose masks.

They are all busily working on a bulky metallic pillar that extends from the low ceiling to their chest level—also above a circular table—with a circular test tube holder for a mouth. 

That part is occupied by numerous vials or test tubes filled with a dark green liquid that almost seems alive as it flickers with light.

After observing for a while, my curiosity takes hold of me so I breach into their feebly defended minds and absorb all their knowledge while also making them unresponsive to my presence.


I cover my face with my right palm as a booming dark laugh unconsciously escapes out of my mouth, making those in the room jerk in fright as my laugh echoes all over.

Still laughing, I freeze their mental faculties—making them inanimate like toys—and take small slow steps to the middle as small tears leak out of my eyes.

...Who would've thought the fabled and honorable leader of the Coalition, Thaedeus is hiding such a secret, no secrets...

Color me impressed Thaedus, you just got yourself a fan.


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