Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Teen Team


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎18th March 2003▪︎]

[▪︎South Field, Michigan▪︎]

"Not bad."

I mutter calmly, my arms crossed as I observe the battle on the wide road—currently standing on the rooftop of a mall beside the road— a few meters away from the fight.

Explosions and gunshots rock the road and its surrounding as the Teen Team fiercely battle the Mauler Twins and Lizard League.

The Mauler Twins are almost seven feet tall hulking guys—who look the same— with dark blue skin wearing black and white skin-tight spandex. 

They are very notorious and very strong criminals. Not many know this but they are actually clones—one of them is—but both of them assume they're the original and that the other is the clone, very weird villains.

The Lizard League comprises a large number of spandex-wearing henchmen with guns and four reptilian-looking powerhouses who lead them—King Lizard, Salamander, Iguana, and Komodo Dragon.

King Lizard is the brains and also the leader—he has no powers. Salamander controls poison, Iguana is the only female who wears a green scaly suit with razor-sharp claws and Komodo Dragon is the muscle of the organization with a tall height, bulky muscles, and [Super Strength].

Together, they make a dangerous team that can rival most superheroes—the weak and useless ones.

These are the people the Teen Team is currently fighti——no struggling against.

Rex Splode—an olive-skinned guy wearing a red and yellow spandex—can be seen causing miniature explosions as he bombards the army of Lizard League members with glowing pellets.

Atom Eve—a beautiful caucasian teenager with long red hair wearing a long-sleeved dark pink one-piece suit that underlines her curvy figure— is engaging one of the Maulet Twins in a fight, maneuvering around and striking him with pink energy blasts.

Dupli-Kate, who is a young and beautiful Asian lady with dark hair, wearing a black and grey skin-tight body suit is busily fighting Komodo Dragon and Iguana with her tens of clones.

She's trying her best but despite her numerical advantage, her opponents are giving her a really tough time. 

Panting and glistening with sweat, she barely manages to dodge a punch from Komodo Dragon that heavily dents the road, and only by using a clone as a body shield does she escape the toxic bomb that dissolves her clone.

And finally, Robot—a literal brown robot with green eyes and a skull-like mouth and the leader—is having a hard time facing the Other Mauler twin and Salamander.

Hmm, their Teamwork is impeccable and with their versatility, they would give either one of these villains a run for their money.

But sadly, the world isn't fair so they have to experience a gang bang this hot afternoon.

....I don't even know why kids these days aren't happy with just going to school and enjoying teenagehood. Oh well, not that I care anyways.

"Hahahaha! With this alliance, America will be ours! There's no one to stop us!"

King Lizard laughs maniacally, a safe distance away from the fight.

"We will rule the wor——argk!"

"Your voice is very irritating, do you know that?"

I ask stoically as he chokes and floats off the ground, unable to breathe properly—his eyes reddened and teary—as I calmly hover at the site of the battle.

The battle pauses as they all look up to see me above them with a choking and suffering King Lizard floating next to me. 

The eyes of the villains widen in shock and fear, majority of the henchmen even shake in fear while the Teen Team breathe a sigh of relief and relaxes their posture.

"P-Prime, it's so good to see you. How've you been?"

One of the twins asks anxiously with a nervous smile, the other twin heavily sweating with a weird smile.

"I'm in a good mood so peacefully walk through this portal here...."

I pause and point to the side, creating a portal, and continue.

"...and happily enter your cells. Do you copy?"

I finish in a domineering manner. The Twins nod quickly with nervous smiles and peacefully walk into the portal.

The moment they leave, King Lizard faints—his green scaly face now purple—so I throw him away like trash onto the terrified henchmen and focus my gaze on the trio.

"Do you want this the easy way or the hard and extremely painful way?"

I ask dangerously as I conjure up another portal near them.

The trio glance at each other and simultaneously, they shake their heads with wry smiles and calmly lead their henchmen— who exhale in relief— into the portal, leaving me with the surprised superhero team.

As the portal closes, I descend onto the ground, close to them with a charming smile.

"I've heard of your, Uhm...effective methods but this is my first time seeing it in person. My name is Robot, the leader of Teen Team. Thank you for helping us Prime, the situation was getting precarious."

Robots says gratefully with a soothing mechanical voice as he comes to stand in front of me, gesturing a handshake.

"No need to be so courteous, I'm just going my job. It's great to finally meet you Robot, I've heard so much about you."

I beam him a radiant smile as I shake his hard mechanical hands.

"I'm flattered Prime, I've also wan——"

"Hi Prime, I'm Dupli-Kate but my friends call me Kate. I'm a huge fan."

Dupli-Kate pushes Robot aside and interrupts with a bright and coy smile as she shakes my hand.

At the back, Atom Eve chuckles amusedly and Rex Splode weirdly looks at me while Robot just shakes his head.

...Hmm, I smell teenage drama.

"I'm glad I have a stunning lady as a fan."

I compliment her with a soft smile and smirk suggestively as she looks into my eyes with a heated gaze, her fingers twirling around my palm.

"Call me."

I whisper seductively to her hearing. She beams at me with a sly understanding smile and nods gently, then she leaves my hand and moves to the side as Atom Eve approaches.

"I'm Atom Eve, thanks for saving us Prime. I can't say I'm a fan but I admire your work."

She says with a radiant smile as she shakes my hand.

Atom Eve is an extremely beautiful girl with extremely powerful powers—molecular manipulation. Another card I've had my eyes on for some time now.

"I'm glad you do. I saw what you did today and I'm impressed, you have a lot of potential. Keep it up."

I comment in a sincere tone.

"Thank you, that means so much coming from you."

She says excitedly with a happy face. 

Glancing behind her, I can see Rex Splode's face morph into a frown. His eyes flash with a jealous light.

"Yeah yeah, this is great and all but don't we have stuff to do like you know...saving people."

He remarks, stressing the last part as he crosses his arms.

"That's correct but our condition isn't optimum at the moment. We need to cool down for some time. If you'll excuse us Prime, we need to head back to our base."

Robot says politely as I separate my hand from Atom Eve's.

"Sure, but I'd like to have a chat with you Robot. If you don't mind."

I look at Robot and say.

He looks at me for a while and then turns to his teammates.

"You guys should go, I'll be back later."

He says and after they all nod, he presses something on his wrist, and after a few seconds, a sleek hoverbike appears.

They immediately climb onto it and after Atom Eve and Dupli-Kate wave me goodbye, the bike blasts off...but not before catching Dupli-Kates wink.

"Let's go somewhere private."

I wave my hand and conjure a portal and gesture to Robot to enter with a harmless smile.

"...After you."


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