Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Sleeping

The White Dragon Mother landed steadily, the floor of the lair shook slightly, and the dragon wings of huge and slender were folded on both sides of the body like folding boards, it was puzzled Looking at Galleon suddenly raised his hand and punched himself, then flicked his tail and threw an object down.

peng sound , which caught Galleon’s attention.

It was a huge, six-meter-long, three-meter-wide irregular ice crystal.

Galleon slightly startled , then looked over.

The ice crystal interior is a giant beast-like bear creature with snow-white hair, a huge body, four meters in height, and there is no trace of blood on its fur. Frozen to death.

The polar bear is a kind of predator at the top of the food chain in the polar ice sheet.

They are large, fierce in combat, and possess some spell-like abilities.

A spell-like ability refers to an ability that has a similar effect to a spell, but is not a real spell. It does not require lengthy incantation, or cumbersome actions, or some materials and appliances when it is used. It can be displayed by the user’s mind and instinct. The concept is like the so-called Innate Ability.

However, in front of the White Dragon Mother who is about to become an adult, the polar bear is just a prey.

True Dragon is after all the top creature of the planes, with a strong dominance.

It turned out to be preparing food for us, and the White Dragon Mother didn’t seem so unreliable, Galleon thought.

Take care, but not fully, presumably the way the White Dragon Mother treats the hatchlings at this time.

Soon, the White Dragon Mother moved and fell down on the sturdy ice bed made of ice crystals, her eyes closed, and she entered a state of rest.

See the White Dragon Mother didn’t notice the treasure theft, Galleon sighed in relief.

Because of absorbing the energy of that gem, Galleon feels full now, not hungry.

Patted belly, Galleon turned his head and gnawed at the frozen bear.

I’m not hungry, but it doesn’t prevent him from continuing to eat.

The ice crystals in White Dragon’s mouth were not as hard as they thought, and they shattered in the mouth, like snowflakes.

Mixed with finely chopped ice crystals, Galleon ripped off chunks of bear’s paw in one bite.

The warm blood, the tenacious bear meat, the chewy fascia, and the crispy ice crystal pieces give Galleon a very delicious feedback.

I thought it would have a bloody smell that was hard to swallow, but now it seems that the unique taste of dragons can completely accept fresh blood.

Soon, Galleon was down to eat.

Dragons are all Great Appetite Kings, and their appetites seem to never be satisfied. Galleon didn’t feel the stomach until he had eaten the two arms that gathered the essence of flesh and blood, and ate more meat than his body size. saturated.

At this time, a faint dragon roar was heard not far away.

Hill shook his head and stood up slowly.

She was bewildered, and felt as if she had lost a memory, and her head hurt slightly.

But after seeing the food, Hill quickly forgot about it and rushed over with bright eyes.

Galleon looked amused, and was about to tease the young dragon sister again, but suddenly there was a sense of drowsiness coming from every cell in his body, making him involuntarily close his eyes, The icy breath of the ice crystal bed attracts.

Immediately afterwards, Galleon stumbled onto the White Dragon Mother’s ice bed and fell asleep next to him.

White Dragon Mother sensed Galleon’s approach, opened her eyes, raised her dragon wings, and was about to sweep him off the bed.

But after hesitating for a few seconds, White Dragon Mother put down her dragon wings again, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Perhaps, this is her maximum tenderness.

A week later, the blizzard that lasted for more than half a month finally calmed down, and the sky above the polar ice sheet became a spotless and clear color. The blue sky was as clear and beautiful as a mirror.

However, the entire northern world is still wrapped in silver and white, covered in snow, full of loneliness and coldness.

Except for the cold wind whistling wu wu, there seems to be no other sound.

The orange sun, which hangs high, shines down with not very warm light, giving this white world a layer of faintly discernible gold borders, and the golden sunshine can be seen everywhere.

The hatchling grows very fast, and its physique is changing with each passing day. After a week of birth, the dragonfly’s muscles and bones are already strong, and the dragon claw and fang are beginning to have formidable power, so they can leave the nest and try hunting. .

Galleon, younger dragon sister Hill and two other later-born dragon brothers are standing in a row on the edge of the dragon’s nest cave, looking down.

The White Dragon Mother produced a total of six dragon eggs, two of which were not True Dragons, but Dragon Beasts that did not accept the inheritance of the dragon, and were held by the White Dragon Mother in the presence of several chicks The dragon’s face, ruthlessly thrown out of the territory, probably died in the vast ice field.

The sunlight from the pale-gold slanted to the edge of the dragon’s nest, and then refracted by the ice crystals, falling on a group of young dragon bodies.

The younger dragon sister Hill’s body has grown a little over the past week, and has grown stronger and stronger. At this time, because of the sunlight, the body has a layer of gold-leaf-like color, and the mirror-like smooth and bright scales on the body surface. The armors are intertwined, and the appearance is quite beautiful.

Two dragon brothers.

Galleon moved his wide dragon wings, and with a slight movement of his enlarged body, he squeezed the younger brother and younger sister to the other side.

Because of absorbing the energy of the magic gem, he has not opened his eyes for a week, and has been in a state of sleep almost all the time. Not on an order of magnitude.

A few hours ago, Galleon woke up.

When I found out that I was sleeping next to the White Dragon Mother, I was horrified, but seeing that the White Dragon Mother didn’t move, I felt relieved.

While the White Dragon Mother was still asleep, it was still the motionless way of sleeping with a dead pig.

Galleon felt that she must have sensed the wyrmling’s call, but she just didn’t want to pay attention, each minding their own business and falling asleep.

You can never wake a dragon that is pretending to be asleep.

The bear meat brought back by the White Dragon Mother last time has been eaten by the young dragons who have a big appetite. Galleon included, all feel their stomachs shriveled and gu gu.

They are now gathered at the mouth of the dragon’s nest, which is the 500-meter craggy position of the steep ice cliff, and plan to leave the dragon’s nest and hunt by themselves in the vicinity.

I can’t blame the White Dragon Mother for being irresponsible.

Because adult dragons generally don’t give full and abundant food to hatchlings, they will only give a portion of the amount that can maintain their daily activities, and then let the impatient hatchlings prey on small creatures by themselves.

In this way, you can exercise your abilities, hone your minions and your physique.

Every adult dragon comes here like this.

As a creature at the apex of the food chain, a hatchling a week after its birth, with its hard scales and sharp claw teeth, already has the power to kill ordinary ligers.

(End of this chapter)

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