Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Takeoff

Galleon looked down at the endless snow-white world, the snow-covered ground 500 meters away from the dragon’s nest, and couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.

Compared to the younger dragon sister, who mainly relies on instinct today, because his intelligence is much higher, he has more doubts and hesitations, and he dare not take off directly for a while.

Because the predecessor of Galleon was a little afraid of heights, it would get dizzy as soon as it reached the height.

Although that feeling is gone now, I still feel a little hesitant in my heart.

“Five hundred meters high, if you can’t fly well, you will fall down.”

Galleon sucked in a cold breath, and seemed to see a big lump of meat sauce.

But as a dragon, flying in the sky is destined, and escaping can’t solve any problem.

Galleon took a few deep breaths of cold air, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and looked left and right at his dragon wings, which were about the same length as his body.

With a thought, the folded dragon wings stretched out like an arm commanding, and at the same time quickly fanned.

With the movement of the dragon wings, the magic energy in the surrounding space jumped like a elf, surrounding Galleon’s body, and a buoyancy was generated, and Galleon’s thick lower limbs immediately left the ground, More than three feet.

His whole dragon floated up.

The flight of dragons actually relies on passive spell abilities.

equivalent to blessed with a fixed flying technique, which is still a very high-level one.

Although the dragon wings are large and powerful, according to the structure, it is obviously impossible to support the tonnage of the dragon.

On the other side, when Galleon was still in the test flight, the younger dragon sister and dragon brothers jumped excitedly, left the dragon’s nest, and soared recklessly under the blue and clear sky.

Just flying for the first time, they showed complete flexibility, as if they were born with the ability to fly.

“Galleon, why haven’t you come yet.”

Hill deftly circled in the air, then turned his head and looked towards Galleon, which was several times bigger than himself, using Dragon Language to Galleon.

The chants are crisp and melodious, sounding like silver bells dancing in the wind.

The two dragon brothers also looked towards Galleon and said in Dragon Language: “Galleon, are you afraid?”

Galleon glanced at the dragon brother who was too lazy to remember his name. No. 2 and Dragon Brother No. 2, lightly snorted, said: “Is this the tone of your brother’s speech?”

He looked up at the boundless snow-white world, looked towards the pale-gold horizon far in the sky, Suddenly the dragon wings shook, and the whole dragon left the dragon nest with a strong wind.

biting cold wind, scattered snowflakes, all fell on Galleon’s body.

Looking down, he was five more than a hundred meters away from the snow-covered ground, and the snow was like sand, covering all the ground in his field of vision.

The imagined fear and discomfort did not come.

Galleon slightly startled, and then just felt open-minded and broad-minded.

He immediately wanted to soar, flying in the boundless Snow and Ice World, enjoying the cool pleasure of the wind and snow passing over his body.

There is one more thing to do before that, though.

“hmph, let me teach you a lesson first, what is it to treat a dragon with courtesy!”

Galleon narrowed his eyes and looked towards the two dragon brothers who were more than a dozen meters away.

Perhaps it was influenced by White Dragon’s evil nature, Galleon’s character became not so friendly, just like the two dragon brothers couldn’t help but take the initiative to provoke him, after being provoked, he also wanted to A Tooth For A Tooth’s response past, teach them how to be dragons.

Galleon felt the subtle changes in his personality and when he was human, but he didn’t resist it, but found it more interesting.

He chose to take the initiative to accept this change, and felt that it was necessary to let Brother Long recognize who is the boss here.

Dragon Brother No. 1 and Long Di No. 2 looked at each other and both saw the meaning in each other’s eyes.

A second later, they flapped their wings at the same time, moving towards Galleon from left to right.

A dragon is a creature with strength is respected, especially a dragon, whose family relationship is extremely weak.

Even wyrmlings rely on fights to confirm their status.

Although Galleon is the eldest son, and his size is a circle bigger than them, if his true strength is not enough to suppress them, he will not be in the eyes of such proud and arrogant creatures.

Body size isn’t everything.

Dragon Brother One’s speed was slightly faster, and the adult wolf-sized body quickly crossed a distance of ten meters. The dragon claw moved towards Galleon’s face and grabbed it unceremoniously.

Galleon lowered his head directly, and his body already the size of a Siberian tiger slammed into it like a heavy tank.

Under his terrifying power, Dragon Brother No. 1 was obviously panicked.


Dragon Brother No. 1 was knocked into the air, like a rag doll, it was locked by Galleon’s neck with a dragon claw, and then pushed by Galleon to the snowy ground, creating a dragon-shaped pit mark.

And then it was a fat beating.

Dragon Brother No. 1 refused to accept it, pinched his neck, glared at Galleon and roared.

“ao wu?”

As soon as he made a sound, Galleon’s dragon claw clenched his entire face, pressed it into the snow and rubbed it back and forth, a helpless wu wu sound. Incessantly.

Although size doesn’t mean everything, it’s enough to make him beat the little dragonfly.

Cough, it’s not something to be proud of, but the violence factor in Galleon’s body is stimulated, and it’s fun.

Dragon Di No. 2, who originally charged towards Galleon along with No. 1 Long Die, immediately caught his tail when he saw that No. 1 Dragon Di No. 1 was dealt with by Galleon as if he was beating a child. Watching the one-sided beating while flying dozens of meters in the air, he did not dare to intervene.

The exquisite and beautiful young dragon sister Hill got close to Dragon Brother No. 2 and said in a similar bewitching Dragon Language: “Why don’t you go and help Charles, or else when Galleon finishes beating Charles, you will be punished too. Beaten.”

Charles, the name of Dragon Brother No. 1.

“Go help Charles now and join forces to deal with Galleon, you still have a chance.”

The intelligence of the younger dragon sister seems to be slightly higher than the average White Dragon hatchling, Unlike the two silly dragon brothers, Galleon dared to take the initiative to challenge him with such a size.

Dragon Brother No. 2 hesitated for a moment, then with a ruthless expression on his face, he swooped down towards Galleon.


Galleon Longyi swept away without looking back, and directly photographed Longdi No. 2 into the snow.

Then, with one paw, he pressed the silly heads of the two dragon brothers, making them very intimately rubbed against the cold ground under the snow.

Hundred meters in the air, Hill watched this scene and couldn’t help but let out a happy dragon roar.

“Poor Tom, was tricked by the great Hill and beaten.”

The name of the second dragon brother, Tom.

A few minutes later, Charles and Tom were docilely cleaned up by Galleon, bloody nose and swollen face, and turned their stomachs in fear, expressing their acknowledgement allegiance, which also means that they are willing to listen to Galleon in the future If so, think of Galleon as a real old big brother.

The old big brother let go of the silly dragon brother, looked up at Hill, and said indifferently: “Great Hill, I have heard what you just said.”

Hill The proud expression froze slightly, then he looked at Galleon vigilantly, and said, “Galleon, what do you want to do?”

Galleon squeezed the dragon claw and said gently, “Fly down now, let me fight two times. Fist, I won’t pursue it.”

“Or you start running away and get caught by me like the two of them, fiercely beat up.”

(End of this chapter )

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