Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 56

Chapter 54 Shenyin Village (8)

Lin Hao’s interest is not too much, of which food and drink account for a large proportion. Therefore, when performing missions outside, other task force members often bring a pack of weapons, wounds, and communication devices. She is the only one who relies on the courage of the art masters, and every time she puts some bits and pieces of fruit and dessert.

The current situation is purely an accident. If it weren’t for a sudden flash of light, she really hadn’t thought about taking pears out–this move was based on a very simple and straightforward idea. After all, you can’t avoid it, so it’s better to just take it out. His mouth was blocked, and he was overwhelmed.

The flashlight fell to the ground, and the white light was low and low, like a rising mist quietly escaping upward.

As far as he could see, the man’s staring Danfeng eyes were suddenly widened, and there was a round face that turned into a bun, his thin and pale lips opened wide, showing a bit dull and lovely.

Although only in Lin Hui’s eyes, this is the case.

Rao is a big nerve like the book of Qin Huai, and he can clearly feel the oppression and strong murderous aura emanating from the devil. Seeing his scarlet eyes darker and darker, they were reduced to two pools of blood that hadn’t dried up. For a while, the air suddenly solidified, and no one spoke.

As a high-level demons who are proud of their own strength, the demons now feel only four words, and they are extremely ashamed.

Before launching the attack, he envisioned several possibilities.

One is that the charming little girl was ruthlessly killed by herself; the other is that the strength of the other party is actually not bad, and the two fight for several rounds; the third hypothesis is almost impossible to happen, that is, he is inexplicably interested in her, saying “You really are After the classic lines of “An Interesting Woman”, an interracial love between cat and mouse begins.

He even prepared for a script like “The Domineering Devil’s Pretty Wife”, but he was defeated in a more coquettish operation.

The sky has no eyes.

Even more unexpected operations are yet to come.

According to the normal plot, before the duel between the pros and the cons, the protagonist often talks to the villain with a lot of eloquence, love and reason, thus demonstrating the awe-inspiring righteousness of the righteous person——

But Lin Yu didn’t.

Taking advantage of the man’s very brief moment of stunner, she raised her fist without hesitation and slammed it on the devil’s cheek fiercely. The speed, the strength, and the mockery of his expression, the whole look of killing gods, is more villainous than the villain, making him wonder if he took the wrong script.

However, this fist did not hit his face after all, and the fighting instinct he had cultivated over the years prompted the demon to activate the ability at the moment the fist wind fell, and instantly moved three meters away.

The beautiful young man looked fiercely, raised his hands expressionlessly under Lin Hao’s gaze, and twisted the top of his head and chin in the opposite direction. The sound of bone dislocation sounded particularly sad, and at the same time the dislocation of the chin reached the maximum, and Lizi rolled down Huo Ran’s wide mouth and fell to the ground.

“What an interesting woman.”

He straightened his bones viciously, the corners of his lips made a sneer from the pain and shame, his messy long hair brushed across his cheeks like fine black mist, and he said in a nearly crazy tone: “I’m going to crush you.” .”

Go to his “The Domineering Demon’s Pretty Wife”, go to his interracial love, the script between them can only be “Midnight Ogre”, the kind that doesn’t die without reaching the goal.

Following this voice falling down, the man’s figure flashed, and he quickly rushed in the direction where Lin Hao was. His speed was unbelievably fast, and the sharp nails lashing straight at her cut through the dull air, bringing a swift gust of wind.

Concubine Lin dodged lightly, but in the next second she noticed a sudden murderous aura suddenly appeared behind her. She didn’t expect that the other party would still play the trick of sneak attack behind her, and it was too late to dodge or fight back. At the very moment, two tall figures stood behind her at the same time.

“Captain, don’t worry.” Qin Huai Shu cut off the black strange shadow that appeared behind Lin Lin, his white face showed a somewhat determined and serious look in the dim light. His voice is more hoarse and deep than usual, and it sounds more stable and reliable: “Behind you, I will take good care of it.”

Rao Guang yawned and squinted at him: “That’s my line.”

“Thank you.” Concubine Lin didn’t turn her head, staring at every move of the devil intently, and chuckled open the corners of her mouth and said, “Let’s continue.”

The cave that was originally empty and silent suddenly became a lot more lively.

Perceiving the call of the devil, countless followers of weird forms gush out from the darkness silently, like a deep black frenzy rushing upwards, accompanied by a dry and harsh howling.

The introverted shyness under Qin Huaishu’s eyes gradually faded, replaced by a scorching pale golden light. The dagger in the young man’s hand was also shrouded in light fluorescence, and accompanied by his moving movements to tear the darkness domineeringly, annihilating the servants who were trying to get close in one fell swoop.

Rao Guang’s mouth still had a disdainful and arrogant smile, and the cat demon’s movements were too fast to be captured by the line of sight. Before the dark shadow could react, he was torn to pieces by the sharp claws mercilessly.

Compared with them, Lin Hao faced a lot more difficult opponents.

The demon’s movements were quick and cruel, and although she could effectively restrain her, every time she attacked, she was dodged by his teleportation dexterity. Blindly dodge is definitely not a solution. The physical strength of human beings is very different from that of the demons. She must end the battle before she runs out of strength.

“After all, human beings are still too small.”

The voice of the devil with a chuckle is like a ghost sneaking in the dark night: “You can’t surpass the’instant’, so you can never defeat me.”

Concubine Lin mobilized all her senses and quickly dodged the attack when the opponent dodges behind her again, responding with the same leisurely tone: “I don’t need to be faster than’instant’, I just need—”

Halfway through her dodge, she hurriedly stopped, and turned to kick in the direction of the man. The bottom-up heel can just avoid the offensive of his sharp claws. When the demon senses that the opponent is attacking, he has no time to move his body, and the sharp leg wind has already touched his chin.

The whole body was kicked backwards, and he heard Concubine Lin’s voice again: “It’s better to be faster than your consciousness.”

The pain of a broken jaw prevented the demon from focusing on teleporting. In this extremely short-lived stunner, the gentle-looking human girl took out a slender needle tube from her bag, and then straddled her body in a familiar manner, hitting the liquid in the needle tube into the man’s side neck. .

It is a suppressive medicine specially made by the asylum for high-risk objects, which has both calming and sleep-inducing functions. No matter who takes a shot, he loses most of his strength in an instant, and he has almost no fighting ability.

One step wrong, wrong step, he shouldn’t provoke this guy from the beginning.

The medicine spread rapidly in the body, and the tiredness felt like a dark tide surging in the night, and he slapped his heart tirelessly over and over again. The summoned servant completely dissipated because of this change, and the devil supported her spirit, and stared at Concubine Lin who pressed him to the ground, gritted her teeth with hatred.

The little girl’s peach blossom eyes were drunk, and she looked at him with a faint smile, and her fingertips flicked across the man’s clean and neat jaw without a trace. She spoke softly, and did not say humiliating words as he imagined, but rather said out of place: “Your face is so beautiful.”

The devil sneered.


A woman is a woman, who has no resistance to beautiful and powerful creatures. No one can escape his enchantment and be played in the palm of the hand by the devil, which is the existing fate of mankind.

Then he only needed to answer a few words softly, and he would be able to completely capture the young girl’s sprouting heart and make her willing to work for herself-he had plenty of experience in this kind of thing.

“Do you like it?” The devil squinted his slender eyes like willow leaves and deliberately lowered his voice to create a delicate and gentle tone. “If it is you, I am willing to give everything I currently have. Strength, emotion, wealth, and return. Have……”

He paused when he said that, and raised the corners of his mouth laboriously. Every word was like wine soaked in venom, deadly but full of allure: “This body.”

In the dim light, everything seemed extraordinarily ambiguous and gentle, not to mention that they still maintained the posture of the man being pressed to the ground. The face of the young man below him was so beautiful that it was not real, his crimson eyes gleaming, his tenderness turned into an overwhelming net that enveloped the viewer’s heart, making it difficult to break free.

However, Madam Lin automatically ignored all the content he had said, and smiled with her eyebrows curving herself: “The more beautiful things are, the more comfortable they are when they are destroyed. I can’t wait, are you ready?”


Is this what humans can say? What is he preparing? Are you beaten?

The demon flicked like a dying fish: “Wait…!”

A word worthy of pouring into the mouth, it was immediately blocked by the fist. Concubine Lin was in a good mood, and her tone was lighter: “Where are the human beings who were caught by you?”

As far as he can remember, he has hardly been treated like this.

The devil thought that he should have furiously furious, but facing Lin Yu’s smile, he didn’t know what he had never felt before.

He can’t tell how it feels. Shame, hatred, and Ruoyouruowu’s surprise are mixed together, and the anger is forced back to the bottom of my heart.

“They?” A retaliatory sneer flashed in the man’s eyes. “There is a small room walking in. Those people are in it, not dead yet.”

He paused deeply, and couldn’t help grinning when he spoke again: “But you can’t save them.”

“What do you mean?”

“I heard,” Qin Huaishu walked up to her to explain in a deep voice when the demon fell silent, “In order to prevent the prey from escaping, the demons will inject toxins into each captured human. The brain of the poisoned person falls into a dormant state, and the body is in a dormant state. But the function can operate as usual, completely reduced to a blood bank for their consumption. And this poison… can’t be unlocked.”

Lin Hao’s eyes darkened, and there was a bit of cold killing intent in the line of sight of the devil: “Is there really no way?”

“The poison cannot be resolved, but it can be transferred.”

Startled by her gaze, the devil’s smile narrowed a lot: “The venom is concentrated in the scars of their necks. As long as someone is willing to **** it out, they can easily remove the toxins-only the one who **** out the toxins Becoming the next host, I’m afraid it’s impossible to escape.”

He said, looking at Lin Yan expectantly, his tone was ambiguous: “It’s fair to replace one’s life, isn’t it?”

This sentence seemed to have turned on a certain switch, and no one spoke for a while.

The silence spread endlessly, and finally an unfamiliar male voice broke the silence, getting closer and closer to the sound of mucus squirming: “I’m coming.”

It wasn’t until this time that Concubine Lin turned her head and saw what Shan Xing really looked like.

It was an irregularly round meat mass, half of the body hidden in the shadow of the cave. The facial features belonging to human beings were scattered on the ground in various corners far apart. The shape of blood vessels was clearly visible in a thin layer of skin and flesh, and some internal organs were dragging on the ground wet, looking very strange.

It is relying on such a body to spend year after year.

“It must have scared you, sorry.”

The two lips glued under the eyes opened and closed lightly, and Shan Xing stepped back a little: “I want to thank you in person. Thanks to meeting you today.”

Qin Huai Shu frowned, and stopped talking.

“Qin Yi is pleased to everyone, I…” It hesitated and said in a determined voice, “Please don’t tell her the truth. Help me tell her that the tourist named’Qin Shan Xing’ has left Shenxing Village this morning. Up.”

In that case, she really knows nothing.

Lin Yan’s heart moved slightly, half-opened her mouth to say something, but as a bystander, she couldn’t utter a word, so she could only look at it quietly and nodded firmly.

In the dark cave, the monster slowly dragged its huge and ugly body forward.

It didn’t stop from beginning to end, nor did it look back.

Qin Huai looked sadly at Concubine Lin, and whispered in a low voice: “Captain…”

As soon as he uttered two words, he was cut off in the middle by another voice——

The devil’s consciousness had been attacked by drowsiness, but the man still opened his eyes forcibly, his half-closed long eyelashes trembling lightly like butterfly wings, his eyes fixed on Lin Hao.

“After entering the asylum, can I still see you?” His faint voice melted into the darkness around him, with a slight gasp, “Even if I will be tortured, I am willing to be with you…”

Lin Yan endured the goosebumps, opened the package before the other party was finished, and stuffed the egg yolk pastry directly into his mouth: “You just rot in it quietly, idiot.”

The shelter sent a special car to pick up and drop off the next morning.

The devil and Rao Guang were brought back to the car for strict supervision, while Lin Hao and Qin Huaishu met Qin Yi last before leaving.

As a victim of anomalous creatures, the little girl was compensated for living in an urban orphanage, and she would start a new life completely different from before.

After this catastrophe, the girl’s thin cheeks were pale and thin like a piece of paper, and her voice was thin and weak. Fortunately, she was enthusiastic enough for the two, and her voice was a bit more vigorous than before, and she was incoherent with excitement: “Thank you so much, but I have nothing to return… Thank you very much.”

Lin Yu comforted her with a few words, and Qin Huaishu told her with full heart: “During your disappearance, a man named Qin Shanxing came to you.”

Seeing Qin Yi showing a slightly surprised look, he lowered his eyes and added quietly: “He said that his travel plan has come to an end, and he left Shenxing Village by car yesterday morning. He specifically asked us to convey a’goodbye’ to you.”

“He… has gone?” The dull-eyed girl spoke softly after a long while, as if exhausted all her strength, and finally gathered up the courage to ask him timidly, “Did he say anything else? thing?”

The scholar Qin Huai was not good at lying, and when she asked questions like this unexpectedly, her brain got stuck immediately.

Yesterday’s battle consumed most of his stamina. At this time, he was barely maintaining his human form by relying on perseverance. At this moment, he suddenly lost his mind, and his body flashed after a puff, and he turned back to the appearance of a white fox.

I didn’t know that Qin Yi’s face remained as usual when the accident happened, but Lin Hao picked him up and let out a low, inaudible smile.

The little fox in his arms was so ashamed that he didn’t know what to do, his body became stiff, he subconsciously buried his head in her arms, and the fluffy tail behind him gently swept Lin Hao’s arm.

She slowed down, and continued in a quiet and serious tone: “He also asked us to tell you not to indulge in the sadness of the past, and not to be dragged down by the heavy reality. He hopes that you can continue to live hard and go to In the broader outside world, maybe one day you will meet again somewhere.”

Up to this moment, the girl’s calm eyes finally showed a deep flush, which continued to spread like fainted ink, and stained the eye sockets red. Qin Yi didn’t shed tears, and there was a little trembling in her voice: “I know.”

She said categorically, more like to comfort herself: “I will definitely find him.”

“Are you the one who caught the monster in the mountain?” Some curious villagers approached with a voice full of disgust and fear, “I heard that the cave is full of dead people, and there are ugly and strange fleshy remains. , Is that the murderer who eats everyone?”

Qin Yi blinked curiously, staring straight ahead with no focus, as if waiting for her to answer.

Concubine Lin just smiled softly: “No. That’s just a little monster that’s not worth mentioning.”

After bidding farewell to Qin Yi, Concubine Lin took the little fox out of the hostel. When she passed the window sill of the girl’s room, she saw the little white flower again.

Innocent, delicate and bright, it looks like a star falling to the ground under the reflection of sunlight, and each petal is shining with dazzling soft light.

It is a pity that until they fade away slowly after the flowering period, no one will add fresh flowers to them.

“Is this really good?” The little fox’s voice was very low. “The mountain behavior Qin Yi has done so much, but in the end she didn’t know anything, and only treated it as a passing visitor when they met together. For the two of them, is it right? Is it all too unfair?”

“People who are alive must have a thought.”

Lin Yan sighed, and dropped her eyes sadly without knowing what she was thinking of, and raised her hand to caress its ears: “What’s more, Shanxing must hope that in Qin Yi’s heart, he will always be the traveler who only meets her in the middle of the night, not An alien creature that is very different from humans.”

Qin Huai Shu drooped his ears and thought for a while, and suddenly asked her in a very soft voice: “Captain, do you think it is possible that Qin Yi has realized that it is not a human?

“Who knows.” Concubine Lin smiled, “Since they both want to continue this dream, we outsiders should not expose the truth.”

When she turned and left, she looked away from the white flowers in front of the window, pinched the side of the little fox’s flesh, and muttered to herself briskly: “It’s time to reclaim the room. What to eat afterwards?”

What responded to her was the wailing of the devil when she first stepped into the car: “Egg yolk cake! Where is the yolk cake?”

“Will you be quiet?”

Rao Guang, who was still taking a nap, raised his head angrily, and when he saw the fox in Lin Lin’s arms, he uttered a meow and screamed, and instantly turned into a puppet cat and jumped up, leaped on her arm, and slapped Qin Huaishu’s cheek with his paw: “Asshole fox, Sure enough, I took advantage of the vacancy! How long did I let you be alone for a long time, and you actually hugged it! Ah, ah, you are so bad!”

Because of the inhibitor, its attack is as soft as a small cotton ball. Qin Huai Shu was so hot that his cheeks were hot when he said that he used his paws to protect his side, and his voice trembled: “You, what are you talking about!”

For a while, the white hairs flew around, and the two of them played like a family, and Lin Hao, who was treated as a human-shaped support, was silent.

Two small animals rolled around her arms like round dandelions, and the fluffy slender white hair ran across her arms and cheeks unscrupulously, and occasionally the soft pads were pressed down fiercely, adding a glutinous itch. . The whole figure fell into the clouds, surrounded by snow-white clouds floating around.

She blinked helplessly, feeling inexplicably that this seemed good.

“Okay, stop making trouble.”

In the white flocks flying all over the sky, Lin Hao grabbed a piece of fluffy with one hand and gently touched the soft and warm top of their head.

Rao Guang glared at Qin Huai Shu, with a cold snort of disdain, and squinted his eyes in a good mood because of this touch, and yelled “meow” softly; the little fox dared not look up at anyone present. His expression, even though he could not make a sound, the tail behind him swayed, like many soft cotton candy brushing Lin Hao’s arm.

Seeing his appearance, Rao Guang smiled wickedly, “Is it comfortable?”

Qin Huai Shu was slightly distracted by the touch. Hearing a question at this moment, he answered without thinking: “Yes.”

I realized something was wrong as soon as the words were spoken, and the whole body began to tremble leisurely, and finally turned into annoyance. He closed his eyes and flew forward, using the meat pad to slap the puppet cat on the head severely. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????

There was a fight again, completely nonsense.

The demon on the other side touched his chin: “Woman, if you like this, I can too…”

Concubine Lin stuffed him another egg yolk cake: “Go away.”

The author has something to say:

Devil: cheating to eat and drink

I’m sorry that I was not satisfied with what I wrote before, and I rewrite all XD

A little bit more as compensation for being late. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: I love fantasy, 1 Amo;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

18 bottles of Mushijueyuan; 10 bottles of Yunyu Wushan; 3 bottles of Ye Zhimu; 1 bottle of Little Ear and Junzizhu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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