Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 57

Chapter 55 Tea iced milk

On the way back to Rongsuo, Lin Hao was dizzy by the fluttering, white-haired puppet cats and foxes tossing up and down.

Without the feeding of the yolk cake, the demon in the front seat was inexplicably abnormal. On the endless mountain roads, he used the tenor to create hundreds of ways to sing the three words “Egg yolk cake”. She even had a subconscious fear of this kind of food, and the whole person was not good.

The world says that the nine-tailed fox is arrogant and cold, the cat demon is ferocious and cunning, and the devil is synonymous with darkness, bloodthirsty and elusive.

Concubine Lin just wanted to say: My anomalous creature can’t be so weird, please change back to your original appearance soon.

Don’t ask how big the area of ​​her mental shadow is, just ask is positive infinity.

When Qin Huaishu saw her in horror, he took the initiative to take care of all the follow-up links. While riding the elevator, he exhausted all his strength to push Lin Hao into the living area to rest.

Today’s living area is much deserted compared to the previous few times. When she looked around in the central square, she only found Xiao Bailong Nanli and Lingxi who were sitting in the restaurant for dinner.

——Only when I approached, I realized that there was a pile of green to glowing vegetable salad on the plate.

“Mother Lin——!”

The child from Lingxi hugged her thigh tightly without letting go, like a miserable little cabbage in the ground: “You are finally here!”

Nan Li raised his head slightly from the dining table, showing a completely exhausted look for some reason, not to mention bloodshot eyes, and his lips were as pale as two thin sheets of paper.

He was originally depressed and sluggish. When he saw Lin Ma, he showed a gentle smile and nodded to her: “Hello. Would you like to eat salad with us? I can lend you my meal card.”

“no need.”

Lin Yan thanked her softly, and when she moved her gaze down to the table, she was attracted by another object.

Next to the eye-catching dinner plate, a bottle of canned drinks was quietly placed. It was originally a very familiar dark packaging, but the printing on it made her frown in confusion——

Six iron walnuts.

The little “iron” character was sandwiched in the middle, it looked extremely cramped and humble, almost to the point of turning into a fuzzy black spot. If you just look at it, you will most likely ignore it.

“That,” Lin Yu kindly reminded, “Did you buy a counterfeit product? This drink doesn’t seem to be right.”

Nan Li smiled cleverly: “I know. I’m not the kind of person who only values ​​names. Cheap is good. Inner beauty is the most important thing.”

Obviously he was drinking piracy, but he made a statement that people couldn’t refute! Pouring chicken soup with poison at this time is too bad!

“This is already his habit.”

Lingxi pressed his temples in distress, and sighed in a helpless tone: “This guy buys’Adi**si’ in sneakers, and occasionally goes to the supermarket to buy some snacks. He also brought back’Kang Shuaifu’,’Wow’ and ‘Lei Bi’, once actually bought a popsicle called’Old Bachelor’.”

“You can’t look at them with colored glasses just because they are cheap. A ten-dollar electronic watch and a one-million-dollar Rolex both rotate the same.” Nan Li’s voice was gentle and soft, and seemed a little aggrieved, “Furthermore, My “Six Iron Walnuts” are much better than the original.”

However, there are no pointers for electronic watches to be used to turn, and it has simply lost the qualifications for comparison from the very beginning.

It’s even more pitiful to think about it this way, so she shouldn’t answer the conversation.

Xiao Bailong said with an expression, and muttered to himself in a very serious tone: “Speaking of this, I have been losing my hair recently. Is it because the shampoo I used is called’Clear Field’?”

This round of clearing probably not only cleared his hair, but also took away his IQ by the way.

Lingxi looked at Lin Yan with a blank expression: “Did you see? He has been turned into Tiehanhan by iron walnut.”

“Don’t hurt others like this.”

Concubine Lin touched the top of his shaggy hair and refocused her gaze on Nan Li: “You don’t look good, what’s the matter?”

“I went out to earn money today, pretending to be the hot pig Joe ○ and handing out flyers next to the comic strip.”

Xiao Bailong grinned, his eyes rippling like clear waves on the calm sea, which were full of obvious sourness: “Although I don’t know why, many people turned their heads and ran when they saw me. During the period, I met someone who participated in the show. Dracula and Mino, they also ran away in a hurry.”

“Maybe because it’s too hot today, everyone doesn’t want to stay outside.” Seeing that he was depressed, Lin Yan softened her voice slightly, “It must be very hard to work outside in a doll suit, right? Don’t eat salad. , I’ll make good food for you.”

It is about 3:30 in the afternoon, a very embarrassing time.

If you make a sumptuous meal, the diners will not have the slightest appetite for the evening dinner; but if you don’t make it or the portion is too small, it will be difficult to meet Xiao Bailong’s energy needs.

After thinking about it, it’s best to make a snack.

This decision was finally put into practice on rice **** that are simple in process and can effectively fill the stomach. When Lin Yu walked out of the kitchen with the dinner plate, the two of them were immediately attracted by the fragrance of rice that enveloped their noses.

Different from other foods with complicated processes or extremely attractive appearances, from the outside of the cylindrical rice ball, you can only see the dark seaweed with neatly cut surface and the white soft rice with a little body exposed. Because it had just been out of the oven, there was a curl of light smoke rising from the inside, enveloping it with a warm and sweet fragrance pouring into the nasal cavity.

Put on disposable gloves and pick it up, you can feel the heavy weight and hot temperature in your hand. Lingxi was fed with a high vision by Concubine Lin. When he saw the plain appearance of the rice ball, he didn’t have much confidence, but his pupils suddenly tightened at the moment of chewing at the entrance.

The upper and lower teeth are closed, and the first bite is the seaweed that tightly wraps the rice. Because of its excellent toughness, it is not easy to be bitten off, and the sweet and salty plant aroma that it emits lasts longer. The rice is very chewy and pressed firmly into a ball, but the material itself is a soft and waxy type, and the two-phase harmony appears to be just hard.

The first layer of taste is enough to make people feel comfortable, and when the rice is bitten, the peak of enjoyment is ushered in.

The middle of the rice ball is bulgingly wrapped with salted egg yolk, ham, pork floss, cucumber, crispy oil and chicken fillet. The salad dressing fills the gaps between the ingredients, and the many fillings are wrapped in the hot rice. It is as satisfying as if you are in one bite. heaven. The powdered egg yolk powder and sand, blended into the white rice to add fragrance; the fried dough sticks will make a light squeak when eaten, not only the rich oily flavor can effectively meet the needs of taste buds, the unique chewing experience is also exquisite; the salad is slightly sweet, and the cucumber is refreshing The scent of rice is light, and the salty aroma of meat floss and chicken fillet blends with this sweetness just right, which makes people want to stop.

Lingxi couldn’t wait to swallow it all in one bite, eating it hungrily; Nan Li was teary, quiet and introverted, unlike Bailong, but it reminded Lin Concubine of the white and soft sheep.

When tasting onigiri, if you don’t mix it with a drink, you will get thirsty easily. There were some extra oolong tea leaves in the reception room of the asylum, so she took some to make tea and make milk.

This is a very simple homemade drink. After boiling the oolong tea, add white jelly and stir evenly. Add appropriate honey and put it in the refrigerator for a period of time to get a solidified jelly-like tea jelly. Finally, just put it in the same frozen milk, and everything is done.

When you choke on the rice ball or want to try some different flavors, you can serve some with a spoon. The red-brown tea jelly shook his chubby body in pure white milk, the incandescent lamp shone down, and the translucent body projected amber-like fluorescence.

When you put it in your mouth, the first thing you can feel is the exquisite taste that is smooth and refreshing. The tea jelly is particularly cool because it has been frozen. It **** and slips into the mouth like a jelly. The ice melts in the mouth, and the slippery soft touch feels like a ballet on the tip of the tongue.

The slight bitterness of oolong tea blends with the mellow fragrance of milk. The honey scent mixed in it lingers on the tip of the tongue if it is mixed, and the triple refreshing breath spreads from the mouth to the blood vessels of the body without any hindrance. In the dull and hot summer, the whole person is It becomes a lot more comfortable.

Lingxi half-squinted his eyes: “This feeling! It’s like being stung by a bee on your **** winter of ice and snow, while a group of cows are running wildly in their mouths, crushing all the tea leaves into juice, it’s amazing!”

Wait, this doesn’t seem to be a complimentary evaluation! After being bitten by a bee and being trampled on by a cow, it sounds exactly like death cooking!

The children didn’t care about Nanli’s eagerness to speak, and raised a toast: “Drink this cup of milk and forget that boy. Lin Hao brand Wangzi tea jelly, you deserve it.”


This child has gone crazy after great sorrow and joy like Fan Jinzhongju.

Xiao Bailong wiped away his bitter tears: “Thank you, you are my second-born parents. The kindness of rebuilding is nothing in return. Nanmou is willing to agree with him, only to get three meals a day.”

Lingxi glared at him: “You are not agreeing with your body, you are using seemingly legitimate reasons to buy a long-term meal ticket.”

The two of them quarreled back and forth, and suddenly heard a clear and smiling male voice coming from outside the restaurant: “I said you must be here. What delicious Lin Yan did?”

——Dracula’s voice.

Today, he did not wear his favorite Kesuzi jacket, but chose the orthodox clothes that fit the identity of a vampire. The white medieval aristocratic shirt outlines the slender figure of the youth, the pure black cloak is meticulously carved with intricate dark red patterns, and the bones of the hand are supported by a wooden cane, which instantly has a graceful look.

Dracula really had a face with no dead ends, standing still, like a beautiful ancient Greek statue without speaking or moving, with no flaws in every trace of even the tiniest outline.

However, the reality is that Mr. Earl, who seems to have ADHD, sneered and raised his wooden staff to the sky and shouted: “This kind of speed, power and immortal life brings me terrible hunger, blood, I want blood! Wow! !”

Lin Concubine:…

The original product has turned itself into a counterfeit-like texture, which is almost no different from the extremely shameful middle two teenagers. Hey! With his appearance, no one would believe it even if he shouted that he was a vampire on the street!

Dracula wasn’t the only one who walked into the dining room, but there was also a petite girl who followed him.

The girl was dressed in a demon costume. The two black horns on the top of her head were small and cute. The tail glued to the low-cut black dress sank and brushed her milky calf.

Lin Jia recognized at a glance, it was the succubus Mino who suffered from contact phobia.

As soon as the two of them met their sights, they heard Mino screaming and running wildly while shouting: “Sister Lin, I want you to die!”

Dracula was accustomed to her enthusiasm, and utterly stopped her: “Mama Lin is still a simple girl, you must not scare others.”

“A simple child is best.”

The fresh and seductive fragrance of milk and the warm body breath of the girl were rushing over his face. Mino’s eyebrows were bent, and his index finger dropped on Lin Yan’s lips, and then quickly moved to a place only a few centimeters away from her. His smiling voice was full of charm: “I can slow down. Slowly teach, is my sister willing to learn?”

When she spoke with a triumphant chuckle, she saw the three male compatriots who had zero love experience subconsciously holding their breath, but Lin Jia returned with an unhurried smile.

“Three seconds.”

She raised her affectionate peachy eyes and whispered under the slightly surprised gaze of the other party: “If you don’t take your fingers away within three seconds, I will kiss you.”

She paused slightly, lowered her voice and added slowly, each word seemed to be soaked in honey, and it was so sweet that her heart trembled: “Except for fingers, you can take your time in other places.”

Mino froze for a moment.

This…what’s the answer! It’s too cunning to be totally against the guest. What’s more, Lin Hao’s voice was low and determined, and her tone was like a little hook who wanted to refuse. If she didn’t have a physical aversion to contact, she would definitely pounce on it without reason.

The crimson wave visibly covered the girl’s entire face, and Mino was at a loss as to what to say, and hurriedly stepped back stiffly.

Dracula shook his head: “One thing drops one thing, I admire it.”

“Stupid vampire shut up.”

Mino glared at him, covering his side face with his cold palm, trying to lower Cyclonus’s body temperature, while his eyes were lightly fixed on Lin Lin’s face: “But then again, sister, I met a particularly beautiful man in the clinic today. My child, his reaction is exactly the same as yours—you might be able to talk very well.”

Concubine Lin smiled: “It’s exactly the same? Isn’t that taking advantage of you?”

“No, no, he didn’t want to kiss me. I saw him look good at the time, and he was a newcomer I had never met before, so I walked up to strike up a conversation without thinking about it.”

The little girl’s eyes rolled lightly, and the corners of her mouth evoked a playful arc: “Unexpectedly, he sneered and took out a knife, and said that he would leave me three seconds to leave. Ah, ah, beautiful boys are different. Even the threatening look is so attractive, I really want to be murdered by him again. I must find out his identity, as long as I can see that face again, I am willing to be stabbed in the chest by a dagger!”

It seems that some strange attributes have been awakened! Is this the shooting scene of “Brother Stabbing Me Again”! The style of painting is not so healthy in an instant!

“You guys went to the show again today?” Seeing the topic rushing in an increasingly strange direction, Lin Yan tried to change the topic, “Is the role very suitable.”

“Stop talking.” Mino moved closer to her, his tone soft like a baby, “I encountered a particularly bad thing this morning, and I was in a very bad mood in Manzhan.”

Concubine Lin lowered her eyes to look at her curiously: “What’s the matter?”

Dracula couldn’t wait to answer the conversation. He had obviously been holding back for a long time. When he spoke, he spoke as fast as a marching battle: “Someone is wearing a doll suit and handing out flyers next to the show. As a result…”

Next to the show, doll clothes, flyers.

An unpleasant premonition rose in the bottom of her heart. Lin Yan quickly scanned Nan Li with her eyes, and asked him in a complicated mood: “What happened?”

Dracula did not respond immediately, but took the phone from his pocket and handed it to her. In the photo in the center, Lin Ma saw a round piggy covered in light pink.

From the top to the bottom, the soft triangular ears, the oval nose and the curved lips are in turn. They look very cute at first glance, and then look down again…

Then I saw some indescribable object.

A long, thin strip, hanging listlessly—that’s probably, maybe, maybe it’s a piglet’s tail.

But it turned the other way around and appeared in front of the doll.

Lin Concubine:…

Lingxi: dumbfounded.

It’s weird! This is definitely a horror story!

No matter who it is, as long as you see a doll dragging such an unidentified object on the street and throwing at your side without saying a word, you will definitely be scared to retreat! I finally understood why Nan Li said that everyone ran away when they saw him! Although this pig is indeed pink and tender, but I don’t know why, it seems to have been enveloped by the yellow color. Hey!

“He…” Lingxi said with difficulty, every word was extremely laborious, “Wear the doll’s pants upside down, with the tail hanging in front of his body?”

Dracula, who didn’t know the truth, was full of disgust: “The most terrifying thing is that the guy was extremely enthusiastic after seeing me, and he kept rushing at me, even with the shaking…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my eyes , My body! I’m dirty!”

Mino snorted disdainfully: “He must be deliberate, really disgusting! That guy almost chased us for half a street, I will never forget the eyes of pedestrians on the road.”

Do you want to tell them or not? It’s just Xiao Bailong greeting them enthusiastically.

Lin Yan’s scalp was numb, and she quietly shifted her gaze to Nanli.

…I’m already crying with no spirit in my eyes! It seems that the whole person is unlovable! Cheer up, my friend!

Before handing the phone to Dracula, Lin Yu raised her thumb at the fastest speed in her life, deleted and confirmed in one go, with a calm tone: “Nothing happened just now, right.”

Lingxi’s eyes were hollow and he wiped his neck: “Forget all this, otherwise…”

Nan Li didn’t speak, his lower body changed back to the shape of a dragon, and he wrapped himself in layers with his tail.

Really autistic.

Mr. Earl was puzzled by their reaction, and was thinking of asking questions, but was so frightened that he bit his tongue by a shadow that suddenly appeared behind him.

The black shadow was long and thin, dragged by the light like a pitch-black blade. When Dracula turned his head hastily, he saw a familiar face.

It was a very young looking teenager, wearing a clean and simple white T-shirt. The neat black hair was soft on his forehead, his obsidian-like eyes seemed to be slender willow leaves, curved slightly, and his pupils were dim, reminding him of the gloomy mud. Although the corners of the bloodless lips overflowed with a small smile, the smile was cold and mocking, even with a little murderous intent to keep away from strangers.

Some long-lived memories gradually recovered, and Dracula took a breath, and the blood on his body seemed to freeze.

“It’s that boy!”

Mino took a step forward, putting his hands on his heart, and his surprise was about to overflow: “Is he a new anomalous creature or a staff member? The staff member’s words are too young, saying it is an anomalous creature, but I can’t see it. What is the difference from ordinary people.”

“Don’t go there. The white T-shirt he is wearing is something that will only be distributed on the 6th underground floor.” Dracula said with a solemn expression rarely, and said in a deep voice: “There was an accident in the asylum a few years ago. This guy suddenly walked away during the imprisonment, almost turning the place he went into a sea of ​​blood. I saw the person’s appearance by chance…”

He frowned as he spoke, and his voice was very low: “It’s him, there can be no mistake.”

The little girl widened her eyes and stopped talking, caught off guard to notice a breeze passing by, blinking again, she saw Concubine Lin walking towards the person briskly.

Then he handed him the glass full of tea jelly and milk.

No! No! That guy will tear her to pieces in the next second! No matter which way the monsters and monsters are, they can’t hurt their long-term meal ticket!

Dracula’s face was pale, and he was about to rush forward and pull Concubine Lin back, but before his legs were lifted, he saw the young man pursing his lips and smiling, quietly taking the quilt from her hand.

He must be dazzled.

The devil who is not easy to provoke at first glance is actually drinking milk obediently, which is still sweet and greasy.

What kind of style is this? It’s completely illogical.

“Why did you come out?”

Concubine Lin leaned on the wooden table beside him to look at him. Compared with the last time we met, Chi Yu’s expression was worse, and it looked like a paper. But he was tall, which made him sick and pale.

She paused, then looked up to Dracula, and started to open her eyes and talk nonsense: “Don’t worry, we two know each other-I was in charge of his meals for a while.”

Chi Yu answered the question, and finally his voice was not as hoarse as when he was parting before, showing the clear and sweetness that young people should have: “You have a lively life.”

His tone is neither salty nor indifferent, even with a bit of lazy ridicule. Concubine Lin was used to this for a long time, but felt that the voice was somewhat familiar for no reason. After thinking about it, she quickly rejected this idea.

She was stunned for a few seconds, until she ran into the other’s probing eyes, she raised her finger to her lips, and handed him a tissue with the other hand: “White beard.”

So Dracula stared at the boy in amazement, then took the paper and obediently wiped the white milk stains on his lips.

During the period, he raised his eyes slightly, and squinted at him from a distance, his dark pupils were calm, and a few indifferent smiles faintly dripped out.

What made him suffer from myocardial infarction most was that the **** raised an eyebrow at him provocatively, almost arrogant to the sky.

I don’t know why, he is really angry.

Lin Had embraced her chest with her hands, her eyes stopped at the person’s throat rolls up and down and the protruding neck bones beside her slender neck. A sense of sight came out spontaneously to help escaped children.

She sighed: “Are you hungry?”

Chi Yu blinked, his tone softened, and answered without hesitation: “I’m hungry.”

The author has something to say:

It’s the tea jelly that a young lady said before, I love it!

←This poor character is a male lead (.) Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Ye Zhimu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Which small biscuit, 20 bottles of the Yunbian Canteen; 15 bottles of Jimo Wind Refining; 10 bottles of love to eat its sugar, um, Dark Night Priest; 6 bottles of oranges yellow; 5 bottles of Ye Zhimu; wake up and wake up? 4 bottles; 1 bottle of Nicole;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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