Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 98

“Senpai, what does that mean…”

Ahh… it’s so… painful…

Instead of answering the question, only a voice soaked in the tears of empathy escaped her lips.

And slowly she lifted her head to look at me.

Her breath tickled my nose, and the pulsation transmitted through our contact thudded, thudded against me.

It was my first time facing her at such a close distance.

However, all I could feel was the sadness and pain in her empty eyes.

“I… don’t know… I just… I just can’t figure out what to do…”

While being at a loss, Yeon Minha’s bewildering actions continued.

She removed the right hand she had been supporting against my chest and brought it to her shirt collar.

With her white, slender fingers, she swiftly undid the top button.

As soon as she did, the collar that tightly wrapped around her neck went limp and slipped down.

“Senpai, for now…”

“Please… just do this for me…”

She continued to act as if she couldn’t hear my words at all.

“Hold me… make me forget this pain… please…”

In an instant, the second button popped open, and her skin, pale enough to see her veins, gradually bared more surface.

Soon, the third button came undone, revealing the contours of her body.

And just as her fingers reached for the fourth button,

Finally regaining my senses, I barely managed to seize her wrist.


Even though her actions were suddenly interrupted, Yeon Minha showed no resistance at all.

She merely looked up at me with an expression that seemed to plead for something desperately.

The plea she had made to be held.

That request surely didn’t just mean she wanted a hug.

No matter how inexperienced I was in this matter, I could at least understand that much.

After all, she was already in my arms.


It was then I could finally start to guess her feelings to some extent.

It was surrender.

At that moment, Yeon Minha had given up everything.

She wanted to be freed from all the pain and despair suddenly crushing down on her one day.

Just like I had two years ago.

Like when I had tried to follow my mother and friends by cutting my throat with glass shards…


Yeon Minha was still silently gazing up at me.

With a beauty that one could never escape from after just one glance, the surrounding atmosphere had filled with her unique particle scent.

The daffodil fragrance was so sweet that it could dull one’s senses and judgment.

And since she even wanted it herself, it seemed that there was no one in the world who could refuse her request.

Of course, that would only be if I had no idea of the true intentions behind her words.


I am still dreaming of that day two years ago.

The deafening gunfire that sounded like thunder, the acrid smoke, the metallic smell of blood, the traces of death that covered the village, the furry monsters, the gravestones of my mother and friends in the flower bed in front of the house.

Everything I loved had crumbled like a sandcastle overnight, and perhaps I had become a part of them as well.

The only reason I could continue living was because of the kindness from my family and sisters.

They had provided me with a reason to carry on.

Thanks to their guidance, I managed to gain some strength to protect myself and those around me.

That very thing I had longed for when I was weak.

They fulfilled what I was thirsty for and allowed me to live a thin and unmotivated life, eventually leading me to this moment.

So now, there was only one thing I must do. Just as my family and sisters had helped me, I too must help her.

Like how they had presented me with new goals in life and guided me.

But… what exactly was I supposed to do?

“Please… hold me…”

Yeon Minha pleaded again, opening her lips.

Of course, I couldn’t fulfill what she wanted right now. That wasn’t truly what she desired; it was merely a means of escape.

Even if I did comply with her request, it would ultimately yield results equivalent to me taking a shard of glass to my throat.

How on earth could I help this pitiful girl even a little?

What is it that Yeon Minha truly desires?


Time was short, and I needed to make a decision, whatever the case.

I squeezed my eyes shut behind the mask, let out a small breath, and collected my thoughts.

And then, in a resolute voice, I said.

“I refuse.”

Immediately, Yeon Minha’s body began to tremble.

The light in her already darkening eyes faded even more, and large teardrops rolled down her cheeks, hitting the floor with a soft thud, thud.


She bowed her head deeply again.

And then, in a voice that sounded timid as if she had committed a sin, she mumbled.

“Why… why must it be… perhaps because… I am the result of an unholy union…?”

Though she seemed to be worrying about it a lot, I had no interest in that.

I had nearly forgotten that fact until her recent words reminded me.

I shook my head.

“It doesn’t matter how you were born.”

“T-then why…?”

It was now time to confront her.

“Because you currently possess no charm.”


“No charm…?”

Yeon Minha seemed taken aback by my unexpected response, looking at me with a hint of confusion in her voice.

“That’s… about my appearance…”

“No. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.”

I shook my head again.

“I mean not your appearance, but something else.”

“Something else…?”

Yeon Minha replied softly, almost to herself. It seemed she was paying a bit more attention to my words.

Well, that’s a relief.

“I still sometimes think back to when I first entered the cradle and saw you.”

I continued on.

“At that time, you were the very embodiment of arrogance. To be honest, I truly hated it. I felt like slapping you every time I saw you.”


“But now… I think you’re so pathetic that perhaps the old you was better.”

“W-what are you talking about…?”

“Back then, you were arrogant, but you had pride. Your whole being was always full of dignity and grace.”


This time, Yeon Minha didn’t ask another question.

She simply kept her mouth shut and stared at me, but I could clearly see something rising behind those eyes.

Her breaking point was approaching.

“Do you even realize how you appear now? You were the one who said just moments ago that you couldn’t even roll around on your own. Yet…”

“W-what should I do then…?”

Unable to hold herself back anymore, Yeon Minha suddenly shouted, interrupting me.

“My father has gone crazy and conspired with demons… the person I thought was my mother is a complete stranger…!”

She screamed like a madwoman.

“Our estate has been ruthlessly trampled under the feet of intruders…! Loyal servants have scattered! Our businesses and foundations will be seized and ripped apart!”

While her fury was fierce, I listened quietly to her complaints.

This was definitely a good sign.

“Is that all…? You’ll surely face expulsion from the cradle! The girls who laughed and envied you will take this chance to throw stones at you…! Eventually, you’ll end up on the executioner’s platform! At best, you’ll rot in a prison where you won’t see the light of day…!”


“But… what can I do… in this situation… what am I supposed to do…?”

Having finally poured out all her pent-up frustration, Yeon Minha bore a face full of despair.

Yet behind that frustration, there was surely a hint of relief.

That meant it was time for me to speak up.

“Of course, you must reclaim it.”


Yeon Minha, who had been sobbing, asked in response, her eyes widening as she met my gaze again.

“You are the last remaining bloodline of the Jeokhwa Family. Thus, it is only natural that you reclaim what rightfully belongs to you.”

“That’s impossible. How could I do it all by myself…?”

“You are not alone.”


“I will help you.”

In that moment,

I finally saw it.

In Yeon Minha’s eyes, which sparkled with the faint light of the moon, a spark ignited once again.

“I will stand by you. No matter what difficulties arise, I will never abandon you. If anyone tries to harm you, I’ll crush them with my own life.”

Yeon Minha looked at me as if she couldn’t understand, shaking her head.

“Why… why are you doing this… what reason do you possibly have…?”

“Because I made a contract with you. To protect you no matter what.”

“Are you really stupid…? What’s the big deal about a contract…?”

“And it’s not just that.”

I took a step forward, inching closer.

I could feel I was nearing the climax of my persuasion.

What mattered now was a pretext.

I had once heard that humans are suspicious creatures. Blind trust and goodwill toward someone often backfire.

This was the logic of survival that occurs in the realm of the unconscious, not consciousness.

So I needed to give her a reason.

Something that would look like an exchange, something she could freely surrender to.

Just like the family had done for me.

That would be the final piece to perfectly lift her up.

“I told you, once you were the most charming person there was.”


Now Yeon Minha was the one retreating, stepping back. As her heel bumped, she instinctively looked behind her.

There was no more place to run, blocked by the closed door.

Yeon Minha turned to meet my gaze once more.

I raised my hand and slapped it down beside her head with a thud.

And moved close, trying to take on the most intimidating presence I could muster.

It was a typical fundamental technique to create the desired atmosphere before an interrogation.

“Wait a minute…”

Yeon Minha let out a pleading sound mixed with a high-pitched tone. That was the moment to strike as she was losing her composure. I needed to carve my assertion into that head of hers without giving her a moment to think rationally.

“Did you ask to be held? I will hold you. But only when you’ve regained that charming self, when you blossom beautifully.”

Yeon Minha, unable to withstand the pressure, dropped her head. I hooked a finger under her delicate chin to meet her gaze again.

“Even if you say you don’t want it, I won’t back down. Even if you scream and struggle, I will force you to accept this. This isn’t a suggestion or recommendation. It’s already a determined fact.”


She could hardly stand the fear, unable to fix her gaze as her eyes spun around.

“So this is an order. Reclaim yourself. The former you, the one who was the most beautiful.”

Having said all I needed to, I released my hold on her chin.

Yeon Minha seemed unable to endure anymore, burying her head down. She remained silent for a long time.

And after ages passed, when she finally raised her head again,

I could distinctly see it.

In her once empty eyes, a vibrant red glimmer had returned, shining like a jewel.

Yeon Minha gazed directly at me, slowly parting her lips.

It was just a little, but I could tell something she had lost had definitely returned to her voice.

“It was definitely… you who said it.”

“I have no intention of saying it twice.”

Upon hearing my reply, she gave a small nod.

“I will do it. And I will reclaim my rights. I will regain the beauty you spoke of. No matter what happens, I will definitely retrieve it.”

Then, she showed a slightly disheveled expression, tilting her head up at me like a child with a wish.

“Instead… can you grant me just one small favor? Just a tiny request…”

“What is it?”

After a considerable pause, Yeon Minha finally parted her lips again.

“Even so, sometimes… please allow me to show you my weaker side.”

I had no way of knowing what she meant by her ‘weaker side,’ but at this point, there was no reason to deny her anything she requested.

I nodded.

“That sounds acceptable.”


Yeon Minha finally responded with a voice laced with satisfaction.

Then she picked up her gown that had fallen to the floor, donned it, and silently opened the door, heading into the dark hallway.

As her shadow flickered near the guest room before fading away, I let out a deep sigh and finally sat down on the chair.

Having been somewhat immersed, I indeed felt a considerable emotional drain.

Still, the relief and sense of accomplishment that reached my chest were undeniably present.

Since my heart couldn’t easily settle down, I ended up staying awake all night.

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