Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 99

Time passed by without me even realizing it, and as my body recovered alongside it, I naturally began to worry about what lay ahead.

The words I had said, promising not to leave his side no matter the difficulties that arose, were undoubtedly sincere, but that didn’t automatically resolve the realities right in front of me.

Over the past few days, our situation had unmistakably resembled that of a rat cornered.

The scavenger crows sent by the reporters fell countless times into our air defense system each day. The intruder detection magic incessantly blared alarms, both day and night.

I felt sincerely apologetic toward the owner of the mansion, but rather than showing any displeasure, they comforted us instead.

And finally.

A summons for a hearing, sent in the name of the Supreme Council, arrived at the Heukryeon mansion.


“My hair… neat… and the tie… nice…”

As Yeon Minha busily moved around, her hair fluttered in front of my eyes. Then she brought over a small, transparent glass bottle and sprayed the liquid inside on the back of my neck and wrists a couple of times.


After that, she buried her face in my chest for a moment before nodding lightly.

“The scent suits you well… good…”

“What kind of perfume is this? It’s not like we’re going out or anything.”

“Quiet if you don’t know. There are certain formalities to adhere to in situations like this. Better be thorough than to be looked down upon.”

Yeon Minha shot back as if it was not worth the effort to think about.

Today as well, she was adjusting my appearance directly. Having repeated similar routines so many times now, I was just letting it be.

But still, I found myself wondering if she really couldn’t trust me that much. Surely, I didn’t need to undo my own tie and re-tie it myself.

I thought I looked perfect today.

“It’s already time. Let’s go.”

Yeon Minha sneaked a glance at the clock on the wall.

We stepped out of the annex together and soon arrived at the central hallway of the main mansion.

After a moment, I sensed the presence of the Heukryeon head and host, at which point she gracefully lowered her head.

Her elegant and refined gestures were nothing short of that of a noble young lady.

“I sincerely ask for your cooperation.”

“The child of Jeokhwa needn’t worry. Just wait comfortably.”

“Well, well. There’s no need for such formalities. Just go inside and enjoy some tea in the garden. I’ve already instructed them to prepare snacks for you.”

“Yes, yes…”

When that happened, they urged Yeon Minha to stay behind. The host even reached out and turned her around.

Yeon Minha still felt awkward about the friendliness, but judging by her expression, she definitely didn’t seem to dislike it.

Today, only the three of us—myself, and the Heukryeon couple—were attending the Supreme Council’s hearing. Yeon Minha wanted to step up as well, but ultimately stayed alone in the mansion for safety reasons.

This was largely due to the public sentiment toward Jeokhwa being extremely hostile. It indicated just how shocking the events involving Yeonjeongmun had been.

In some ways, it was a given. The head of a prestigious family leading the nation secretly colluded with enemies to kidnap his own citizens for prohibited magical experiments and the materials of dark magic.

Yeon Minha, being his bloodline and the only surviving member of Jeokhwa, could not escape public scrutiny either.

The fact that she was the best contributor awarded with the Golden Roses for averting the complete collapse of the South had already been put aside.

In the North, there was the threat of the demon race, the massive aftermath from the failed Eastern expedition, the recent turmoil in the South, and amidst it all, the endless power struggles.

With ongoing retreats in public safety and administration and no signs of improvement in the food and energy crises, the dark wizards and mutants running rampant, and now even cults popping up…

In times of such bottomed-out public sentiment, it was just right for the powerful, led by the Supreme Council, to have a perfect scapegoat to divert dissatisfaction onto.

Today as well, various newspapers were churning out special articles about Jeokhwa’s wrongdoings.

Worried Yeon Minha might see them, I disposed of all of them, but even I felt that the tone was quite ferocious, as if purposefully inciting public opinion.

Today’s hearing was the first step toward saving Yeon Minha from such fire, but, at least until public sentiment shifted, it would be better for her not to leave the mansion, according to Heukryeon.

Of course, I agreed with that.

In the end, with a slightly dissatisfied expression, Yeon Minha remained in the mansion.

“Be safe.”

Yeon Minha stood before me, having been pushed back by the host’s insistence.

She merely tossed it off with her characteristic cheeky tone, but now that seemed comforting. Anything was better than her being downcast with vacant eyes.

How strange it was. When I first saw her at the Cradle upon entering, I felt a wave of displeasure, but now I was rather accepting that arrogance naturally…

“I will be back.”


After our greetings, Yeon Minha still kept her hands neatly folded, gazing at me until the last moment.

I made my way toward the mansion’s front door with the Heukryeon couple.

There, a long luxury vehicle was parked, similar to the one we had boarded when departing from the Jeokhwa estate for the Cradle. However, seeing it for the second time had dulled the excitement.

In front of it stood a woman who appeared to be a staff member, waiting for us.

With her long hair neatly tied back and looking slightly older than me, she was dressed in a clean, elegant suit and sparkling shoes.

Somehow, her face looked very familiar, and I blinked in surprise.

Had she also recognized me? She bowed her head deeply.

“It’s been a while, little young master.”

“Team Leader Myo Sang-a?”


The scenery outside zipped by quickly. The murky urban gray gradually replaced the lush green as we headed toward the heart of the capital.

In the meantime, I kept feeling strange, uncomfortable glances from the front seat. No need to say it—the source was clearly Myo Sang-a.

Her occasional quick glances made it feel like she had something on her mind. I wondered what could be wrong, but there were likely quite a few reasons.

I had met her before heading South for external requests.

She was the VIP manager of S&C, the defense contractor owned by Heukryeon, and I had asked her to procure various items necessary for my mission.

The anti-magic suit and blade were fine, but when I asked her to get a hyper-concentrated awakening agent and accelerant, she had jumped up in shock and opposed it.

Still, she eventually ended up giving me the items I requested, despite my insisting.

In truth, I owed my life to her.

Had I not been equipped with high-grade gear and super doped with those potions, I might have narrowly escaped death in the precarious battles.

But that could be a different story for her.

Anyway, since she had secretly supplied the potions at my request.

Then there was really no need to confess that I had taken all those potions. Judging by her reaction, it looked like it would only add unnecessary burden…

“Team Leader Myo, you seem a bit out of sorts today. Is something bothering you?”


Still, that tendency to bite her tongue was unchanged. She was sweating profusely as she shook her head in a hurry.

“Ah, hahaha! No, it’s just that I’ve been a bit tired lately…”

“Tsk, how can someone so young be weary already? Just smoke a cigarette or two; it’ll make you feel better.”

The head casually rummaged through his pockets, looking for something resembling a long paper stick and put it in his mouth.

Then Myo Sang-a quickly brought her finger to it, and a blue flame flickered at its tip in an instant.

Before long, the colorful, fragrant smoke filled the vehicle’s interior, and sweet scents began to invade our nostrils.

“Team Leader, are you a wizard?”

“Ah, yes. Come to think of it, this might be the first time you’ve seen me use magic.”

She spoke as she turned, puffing on the paper stick.

“So…you were from the Cradle…?”

“Oh, I graduated from the Second Candidate. My situation didn’t warrant entering the Cradle, so I chose my second option.”

Myo Sang-a shook her head.

“If it weren’t for you and the madam, I would never have gotten into a big company like S&C. Others from different academies tend to be overshadowed by the Cradle graduates…”

Then the host seated next to me added.

“Sang-a is an incredibly talented individual. Didn’t you just recently reach the highest rank as a particle control engineer? It’s quite amazing at such a young age. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that you did not go elsewhere and stayed with our Heukryeon.”

“Oh my, madam, you praise too much (hehe)…”

“Not too much at all. That’s just the right evaluation. I’ve heard you provided various supports before Hyun left for the South? Please continue to take care of him.”

“Y-yes? Yes, haha…don’t worry about it…”

For a moment, an expression of unease flitted across her face as she confidently assured us.

That glance at me seemed to be desperately asking for help. It seemed wise to take the fact that she had acquired dangerous drugs as a secret to my grave.

Yet despite being the highest rank, she was a particle control engineer—the very finest rank. This person was more skilled than I had anticipated.

“Though you are more impressive than that little young master! You excel at both martial and academic prowess and have secured the top position at the Cradle…”


Hearing her flattery suddenly made me want to hide in a mouse hole. My face beneath the mask felt like it was heating up.

Martial and academic prowess, seriously? I had barely obtained the rank of C-grade Knight in the military; accomplishing even that was a feat through overwhelming practical scores against dismally low written ones.

After coming to the Cradle, I earnestly realized that physical skills and theoretical studies belong to different realms. The thought of upcoming midterms and finals made me dizzy.

Now I was lucky enough to maintain the top spot, but what if I flunked the written exam and my grade plummeted? It would be a complete hindrance to the head and the couple…

Hoohoo, it’s all right, kiddo.

As if reading my mind, the host suddenly placed her palm over mine.

The feeling was one of warmth rather than discomfort.

We just wish for you to be healthy. Nothing else matters. Right, dear?

Sure. A man need worry only about himself.

The head nodded in agreement, continuing to puff on the paper stick.

My mind remained full of questions.

Why were they treating someone like me, a stranger, with such attentiveness?

Even though they possessed powerful influence, why were they not exercising any authority in the political realm?

What exactly happened between the head and the madam?

But even as I wanted to delve into those questions, recalling the sad eyes of the hostess when I heard the head’s name made me hesitate again.

Should I ask Myo Sang-a later, perhaps…?

“…I wonder how the other children are doing. They must be going through quite a lot…”

The hostess suddenly sighed and glanced out the window.

If I were to interpret that sentiment broadly, the “other children” she mentioned were likely her sisters who were with the head.

A curiosity suddenly struck me upon her words.

Thinking that this inquiry wouldn’t be too out of bounds, I cautiously opened my mouth.

“Um…do you have any relation to Jin-i unni…?”

Then the woman replied casually.

“Jin-i is my niece. My sister’s daughter. Is she doing okay? She’s quite a unique character…”

“Really? The last time I saw her, she seemed fine. No particular ailments or anything…”

She nodded slightly, seemingly relieved.

But my head only grew more complicated.

Since they shared the same surname, I asked thinking there could be a chance.

If Jin is the daughter of the head’s sister…does that mean she and the head are cousins?

When I observed Jin looking at the head, she seemed clearly…

No, no.

I decided to stop my thoughts there.

I had already realized that there were kinds of love in this world that I wasn’t aware of.

Pondering over others’ matters was nothing but futile work.

I should tend to my responsibilities…

“Dear sir, madam, young master, we will be arriving shortly. Prepare yourself…”

At Myo Sang-a’s words, I looked outside, where a large bronze dome was emerging from the distance.

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