Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 – Interstellar Medic (12)

Interstellar military doctor strategy (12)

Arlin tried very hard to explain to Aubrey, saying that what he said was just to make people angry, but not sincere. And repeatedly swore that he really only loved Aubrey and had no feelings for anyone but him.

In order to test whether what he said was true, Aubrey asked to register the marriage immediately.

Of course Yarlin was unwilling to marry Aubrey now, and he still had a glimmer of hope for being able to be with Reynolds, and he didn’t want to ruin this hope completely by marrying Aubrey. But at this moment, Aubrey must be appeased, so he became cruel and decided to take a gamble.

Yarlin told Aubrey that although he felt that now was not the best time to get married, because after they got married they would have to move out of the general, which would be very detrimental to Aubrey’s fight for the heir. But if he could believe him if they got married, he would marry him right away.

Of course, Aubrey didn’t want to get married now, because now is the critical period for competing for an heir. Even if he wanted to get married, his parents would definitely not agree. So both of them had already arrived at the marriage registration office. Before signing, Aubrey saw that Yarlin had no intention of repenting, so he decided to believe him, and then told him that they would get married after he became the heir.

Ya’erlin breathed a sigh of relief. What happened this time was too dangerous in his opinion, so he hated Lu Jingqian even more in his heart, and decided to speed up the completion of the human body test. The blow to Lu Jingqian once.

And Lu Jingqian is also waiting for him to be hit hard, but who will bear this blow, Yaerlin must have no choice but to decide, because he doesn’t know at all, and he has tried his best to make him There is a big problem with the information people stole from Hilley.

Hille wasn’t really stupid, he just didn’t use his mind in improper places like Yarlin. After Aubrey and Yarlin’s joint attack, Shi Lai had to leave Emperor Star, if he still couldn’t understand what happened to those things, then he was really stupid.

After such a serious blow, Xi Lai, who hadn’t been very defensive against others before, developed a very serious defense against anyone. So he fiddled with all the materials in his research. For example, he made up a formula himself, and then messed up important parts of the information, or replaced them with similar ingredients, or slightly exchanged similar quantities and weights. And the content of these changes can only be understood by himself, and only he himself knows where the alternation has been made.

So even if Yarlin got the information and seemed to have successfully completed the research, but what the result is, they will wait and see together.

Yaerlin’s human body test has entered the final stage, and now he is waiting for those who are selected for the test to have their limbs grow back, and then observe to make sure that their bodies have no adverse effects after taking the medicine, then he Even if it is successful.

When Yarlin was conducting the final stage of the test, every time he went to the ward to take medicine or check the situation, many military doctors would go with him, because they wanted to witness the process of new limbs growing back with their own eyes.

Yarlin enjoys the feeling of being surrounded and sought after by others, and he has begun to imagine that after he is completely successful, he will receive better treatment, more admiration and higher recognition. His name will be recorded in the history of medicine and remembered by all students of medicine.

While Yarlin was fantasizing in his office, emergency bells rang in several wards he was in charge of at the same time. He woke up with a start, and then looked at the ward monitoring screen on the wall, and found that the patients in several wards were in great pain, and a nurse had already rushed in to check on them.

Yarlin didn’t have time to think about it, and immediately opened the door and rushed out, rushing to the ward to check what was going on. Because these wards are full of soldiers undergoing human body testing, they must not make any serious mistakes, otherwise what he has enjoyed during this time may face collapse.

“What’s going on?!” Yarlin rushed into the ward and asked the nurses.

“Doctor Yarlin, these patients don’t know what’s wrong, their bodies suddenly started to be in severe pain, and their limbs appeared to be rotten!” The nurse hurriedly told Yarlin the results of the examination, “Their vital signs show a decline Soon, if you don’t stabilize quickly, your life may be in danger!”

“How did this happen?” Yaerlin hurried over to check the person on the hospital bed again, but he couldn’t find out the cause of the situation for a while, so he could only use the methods he could use in a panic Attempt to stabilize the patient’s condition.

Several patients were in a critical situation at the same time, alarming the entire Second Medical Department. Kraut rushed over immediately after getting the news, and prayed in his heart that nothing would happen to those people. As his merits gained greater support.

“How are those patients?” Kraut grabbed a nurse and asked, “What’s the situation now?!”

“Deputy Dean,” the nurse who was going to get the medicine, saw that the person who caught him was Kraut, and quickly said, “The patient’s life value dropped rapidly, and Dr. Yarlin couldn’t find out the reason. It has been tried, but it does not stabilize the patient’s condition.”

“Where’s Yarlin? Tell him to come over!” Kraut said loudly.

“Dr. Yaerlin went to another ward to administer medicine to the patient,” the nurse said.

Klaut shook off the nurse’s hand and walked quickly to the next ward. After seeing Yarlin who was busy, he walked over and asked eagerly, “Yarlin, what’s going on? Why are these people suddenly Such a situation?!”

“I don’t know why they suddenly appeared in such a situation.” Ya’erlin’s anxious face turned pale and he was sweating. He already had a very strong premonition, but he still tried to administer medicine to the patient, trying to stabilize the situation. The patient’s deteriorating physical condition.

“You don’t know?!” Klaut immediately yelled when he heard Yarlin’s words, “How could you not know? You have always been in charge of these people, and you have been testing them with drugs. You also researched all the medicines by yourself, and now you say you don’t know?!”

“I…” Yarlin couldn’t tell because he couldn’t tell. He didn’t know how to explain why he didn’t know the current situation. He couldn’t figure out which link caused the problem.

“You are talking!” Klaut grabbed Yarlin’s collar excitedly and said, “What is going on, you can’t solve it, you just talk!”

“I, I have tried all the methods I can do, but…” Yarlin couldn’t say that he had no choice.

“I don’t care what method you use, I must stabilize their situation! Now, immediately, immediately stabilize their situation!” Klaut pushed Yarlin to the wall, pointing at the bed. The patient yelled loudly.

Although Klaut is not young, he is still quite strong. Yarlin was pushed so hard by him, and he squatted down in pain after his back hit the wall. He also wanted to stabilize the situation of those people immediately, but he had already tried all available methods, but they didn’t improve the effect, and he didn’t know what to do now.

Those patients have stopped struggling because they are getting weaker and weaker. Such a situation cannot be concealed, and the nurses in charge must report it, otherwise they will have to bear a great deal of responsibility. So the dean was also alarmed, and hurriedly brought people over.

“Kraut, Yarlin!” The dean asked the two principals directly about the situation, “What happened to these people? Why didn’t you rescue them?!”

“Dean…” Klaut became even more flustered when he saw the dean coming. He lifted Yarlin from the ground and said, “Hurry up and rescue the patient!”

Yarlin couldn’t say what he had no choice but to do nothing, he could only continue to repeat what he had done just now.

The dean has been keeping a close eye on the life reality devices of those patients, and found that under Yarlin’s first aid, not only have their conditions not been stabilized, but their life values have continued to decline. The dean has already seen that Yarlin is helpless at all and is doing nothing.

“Go and call Shiley and Bernice over, no matter what they are doing now, tell them to come over immediately, hurry up!” the dean hurriedly ordered the assistant.

As soon as Kraut heard that the dean had brought Bernice and Lu Jingqian over, he immediately said to the dean, “Dean, we can do it ourselves, we don’t need them to come over.”

“Since when are you still arguing about these things here?!” The dean said angrily, “If you have a way, will the patient’s life value keep dropping? Do you have to wait until the patient dies before you admit that you have no Is there a way to save these people?!”

The dean exhaled in a hurry, he pointed to Kraut and said, “I tell you, you’d better pray that Bernice and the others have a way to save these people. They are all soldiers who have retired from the battlefield. It’s you Repeated assurances that the chances of success are high, and insisting on finding soldiers for drug testing, if they die, you can wait to be charged in a military court and go to jail!”

Kraut was so scolded by the dean that he couldn’t lift his head. He had watched Yarlin’s experiment process and felt that the probability of success must be very high if the drug was used on the human body. I also thought that the physical fitness of the soldiers is much better than that of ordinary people, which can increase the success rate even more, and they should be able to survive even if there are side effects, so I insisted on letting the soldiers take the drug test. But if these soldiers really died like this, he might really have to go to a military court and go to jail.

Yarlin, who was next to him, was even more frightened when he heard the dean’s words. Kraut was only going to go to jail for joint responsibility, so he, the person who bears the main responsibility, must not be able to escape. As the dean said, he silently prayed in his heart that Lu Jingqian could save these people. He felt that the information was written by Xi Lai himself, so he should be able to know where the problem lies.

Lu Jingqian and Bernice hurried over with their assistants and other military doctors from their team. After seeing the life values of those people, Lu Jingqian had no time to say anything. Transfer to the same emergency room as quickly as possible.

Yarlin, Kraut, and the military doctors in their team all stood aside watching Lu Jingqian and the others busy, completely out of their hands.

Before entering the emergency room, Lu Jingqian quickly wrote down the medicines he needed on the computer, and asked the nurse to quickly fetch the medicines he needed. Then he asked another assistant to go to his laboratory, told him the password, and asked him to bring the first-aid kit from the No. 2 safe.

The person standing at the door watched the door of the emergency room open and close. After the nurse who took the medicine and the assistant with the first aid kit came, the door of the emergency room opened and closed again.

Yarlin and Kraut are in very complicated moods at the moment. This is the first time they sincerely hope that they can rely on each other’s ability to successfully save the lives of those patients, otherwise they will bear the consequences. They were afraid and worried. They were afraid that Lu Jingqian and Bernice would not be able to save those people. They were worried that even if they could, they would deliberately not save those people so that they could take responsibility.

Yarlin didn’t know what he would do if those people really couldn’t be saved. He didn’t know if he wanted to reveal that he had stolen those research materials, and then let Lu Jingqian take half of the responsibility for him. He even didn’t know if the law would judge Lu Jingqian to take responsibility for him if he told about the theft of information. If not, then the problem he faces will be even more serious, because he must also bear responsibility for stealing other people’s research.

The dean put his hands behind his back and walked back and forth anxiously. The problem this time is very serious. If Lu Jingqian and the others succeed in the first aid, he must deal with Yarlin and Kraut seriously and let them bear their burden. should bear the responsibility. If it doesn’t work, then it’s not something he can handle. They should go directly to the military court to face everything. And if the first aid fails, even he, the dean, cannot escape the responsibility he should bear.

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